Dare 2 Hear is a group of ordinary people who believe in the power of hearing God’s voice and responding obediently.
Dare 2 Hear is a group of ordinary people who believe in the power of hearing God’s voice and responding obediently. Dare 2 Hear was founded by Debbie Kitterman in 2007. Dare 2 Hear exists to be a vehicle for equipping the people of God.
Dare 2 Hear is called to partner with the local church to raise up a healthy and life-producing model of hearing God as well as provide international conferences for people who are hungry for more training and insight. Conference founder Debbie Kitterman’s vision is to create Dare 2 Hear conferences all over the world to spread the word of God through the prophetic in a powerful and anointed way. We are extremely blessed to have such godly oversight and wise counsel as we press forward toward the call God has placed on Dare 2 Hear.
Our Plan
Vision & Purpose

Exampling and Instructing
We believe it is essential to partner with local churches and pastors to equip them in establishing a healthy model for the prophetic.
We believe in building relationships with one or two local churches to teach and train their people to recognize God’s voice.
By building relationships with local churches Dare 2 Hear is able to train teams and partner with them to sponsor regional conferences, establishing a resource structure before and after the conference.
As we build relationships with the local churches we will identify key people to help us be effective in the local area in preparing for the upcoming conference.
Dare 2 Hear will bring teams and partner with a local church to host a conference.
Dare 2 Hear will bring ministry teams to partner with those we have trained in the local area so we can mentor and help them as they begin to implement a prophetic ministry in their churches.
Product and Resources
Dare 2 Hear teams will maintain an ongoing relationship with churches in the area. Allowing new churches and individuals attending the conference to network with the sponsor churches as a local resource.
Dare 2 Hear will provide teaching and/or materials for the ongoing training of churches and individuals.
For more specific information on these options or to host a conference in your area, please contact us using the form below.