This week in class, I taught on speaking and pronouncing blessings over the people we meet. Scripture tells how powerful our words are; and yet, do we intentionally use or place our words to open spiritual doors in the lives of others?
There is power in our words alone.
Death and Life are in the tongue… (Proverbs 18:21).
In 2005, when God first gave me the basis for my blessings teaching, it gave me a whole new perspective on how we can intentionally open doors of blessings for others and “target” them for good. Let me explain. It was a rainy spring afternoon in the Pacific Northwest when I found myself, yet again, standing in line at my local Post Office. I am a people watcher, and with the post office being packed this particular day, I had a lot to keep my mind off the long wait time. A lady began to sneeze quickly drawing my attention. “Poor woman,” I thought, “she must be getting sick.” Then to my surprise, the postal worker waiting on her said “God Bless You!” He proceeded to say it to her each and every time she sneezed.
“Can he do that?!?” I thought to myself. “Won’t he get into trouble?” especially since we live in a day and time that doesn’t allow a mix of God and government.
As I began to ponder this interaction, God began to speak to me and show me that when we speak well-meaning, well-intended words over others, it opens spiritual doors in their life allowing the Holy Spirit to “target” them for good. Even if they don’t yet know the Lord, our words can be the very thing that opens them up to receive Holy Spirit arrows of blessings.
Our words can change the atmosphere around us for positive or negative. It’s said it takes 37 positives to offset 1 negative in the heart of a child; yet, when we get to be adults, we are not as resilient as we used to be, and I firmly believe that number is much higher.
Bill Gothard in his book: The power of Spoken Blessing says:
“Our words have lasting impact not only for harm, but also for great good. By speaking blessings, we can help bring healing to aching souls and restoration to bruised relationships.”
Why not be a positive in someone’s life today! It’s easy really. Have fun with it; don’t take yourself so seriously. Be a blessing to someone today by speaking a well-meaning, well-intended word over them and their future.
But encourage one another day after day, as long as it is still called “Today,” so that none of you will be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin (Hebrews 3:13).
Remember, the spiritual gift of prophecy is designed to edify, exhort, and build up the body of Christ, but it is also a safe way to open the door for God to show His kindness to those in need of Him. By speaking or pronouncing a blessing, you release the Holy Spirit to impact the lives of those around you for good. Our blessing not only releases God’s intended blessing on others, but it also releases blessing to us.
Samples of Blessings
If you work in a place where you must be careful about saying the name of God, then you can still speak and pronounce blessings. God knows your heart as you speak and pronounce blessings over others, and He will still “target” them for good. I have included a few samples of what a blessing may look like, and I also wrote it in a way that takes the Christian speak out of it.
May you be surprised by the goodness of God today.
May you be surprised by all the good coming your way today.
May you be refreshed in the Lord like a flower after a spring rain.
May you be refreshed today like a flower after the spring rain.
I also encourage people to take common items or things they like and craft a blessing around those items.
For Example:
Close-Up Toothpaste: May you experience God Close Up!
Skittles – rainbow of colors – May you receive all the promises that God has for you.
Football – May you receive all God is passing your way today!
Please feel free to share some of your Blessing Examples in the comments below.
I just found your blog, friend! What an encouragement already! This post has me journaling ideas of how I can bless my sons through everyday things I already see in them. Thank you! I value your ministry in my life and so want to hear more of the voice of The Holy Spirit in my life! Bless you.
Yay! I am so glad you found my blog! I’ve only been writing and posting for a little while, but having so much fun. 🙂 Thank you so much encouraging me too. Blessings to you as well.