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This week, I want to follow up and share about a book written by Pam Ecrement. You may recall, I shared about Pam’s book a few weeks ago, while I was in the middle of my own book launch. If you have ever visited Pam’s blog, you know she is a skilled wordsmith.  She knows how to draw you in and tell a story or write powerful spiritual truths.  Pam graciously remembered my interest in her book project and sent me a copy of her book as soon as it became available. 


Bring Me a Vision

A Story of Redeeming Hope

By Pam Ecrement with Becky Moreland

About the Book:

Bring Me A Vision is the true story of a woman whose life was broken in childhood, shattered by repeated abuse and emotional neglect, marked by loneliness and disappointment, and scarred by shame and darkness. It tells what happens when one woman becomes a vessel of grace and mercy that opens the door of salvation to this crumpled woman, and ultimately extends light and love to her children. But the Lord also has a vision for this redeemed woman that leads her to found a ministry that reaches out to help hundreds women and teens who are victims of sexual trafficking. It is a story of redeeming hope shining light on the love of an extraordinary God.

My Review:

How many of you love to read stories of redemption and hope?

I know I do, but often do not want to read about the broken tough places that came before.   I like the fairytale endings, with the glass slipper fitting the right foot, but I don’t always like taking a fuller look at what happened before the palace or the slipper.  It makes me sad and helpless. How about you?  However, the truth is, both the good and the not so good are a reality of life.  If I want to just look at the “Cinderella” moments, I can often miss the amazing miracles that God has done, is doing and continues to do.

Bring me a Vision is a story written from the perspective of Becky with the help of her counselor turned friend Pam.  Becky not only shares the tragedies of  her life, that left her feeling worthless and with low self esteem.  But she shares how she walked through the difficulties of life, to become a women full of God’s love with a heart to help others.

God brought Becky to a Christian counselor (Pam Ecrement), who walked with her through her healing journey.   Pam Ecrement does a beautiful job of drawing you into Becky’s story and sharing the details of her life that brought her from broken to beautiful.  From shame-filled to hope-filled. From lacking purpose to walking in her Kingdom calling.

While reading Bring Me a Vision, I enjoyed reading how Pam, as a counselor used not just her counseling skills, but she was able to be a releaser of God’s heart.  Pam walks, talks and lives a lifestyle of prophetic encouragement.

“Without hesitation, Pam told Becky she felt certain the Lord had something in mind for her that would use all her lived experiences (good and bad) to be of use in His Kingdom.  She offered to pray with her.  Before Becky stood to leave, Pam looked directly into Becky’s eyes and said, “Bring Me A Vision.”

Ask Becky left Pam’s office, she pondered those words. A vision? Her? She knew that Pam believed in her, but those words seemed to convey something  more. Becky knew from the tone of Pam’s voice that the Lord appeared to be speaking through her.  The charge also made clear that Becky needed to seek the Lord and He would point the way.[1]

In that one moment, one God breathed rightly placed prophetic word of encouragement, lit something inside of Becky that God had in mind all along.



I think we all have things in our past or even present that we are unsure of how God is going to work them for good.  Becky had broken and shattered pieces from her childhood, that carried over into her choices and decisions as an adult, yet God had a plan of redemption for her and He has one for us. God does not waste a thing in our life. Scripture says”:

So we are convinced that every detail of our lives is continually woven together to fit into God’s perfect plan of bringing good into our lives, for we are his lovers who have been called to fulfill his designed purpose. (Romans 8:28 The Passion Translation) 

Bring Me A Vision, is a story that shows, “all things are possible with God!”  It is a story that exemplifies the power of God to take anthing from our life story and make it into something beautiful. It is story of walking out our God purpose and destiny.  It is a story of relationships broken and relationships healed.  As Pam writes:

“Our greatest wounds happen in the context of relationship. An all-knowing and all-loving God heals in the context of relationships too. “[2]


I love that God brought this book to me at this time.  Even though I have been in the midst of my own book launch and release, this book has given me greater expectations of a miracle working God.  It has given me a glimpse of what God can and will do through anyone who has a willing heart to love and be obedient to Him, and reading it has also shown me what God is doing and how He moves in and through the lives of believers.



The profits from the sale of the book will go to Rahab Ministries in Akron, Ohio, and can only be purchased via the Resources tab on Pam’s website: www.pamecrement.com 

Preorders Began Aug. 15, but now it is released.  – Click on the image below to read Pam’s blog post about the book.

The books can now be purchased by clicking here!



[1] Bring Me A Vision Page 166

[2] Bring Me A Vision page 236


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Then go here and check out the amazing gifts I am giving away during a 10 day blogging tour with Celebration Lit. 

Contest Ends September 14.

Grand Prize: $50 Amazon card plus a book and an INTENT bracelet inscribed with the words, “Be the Gift”, access to online training

1st place: An INTENT bracelet with the words “Be the Gift” plus book plus access to on line training

2nd place: Book plus access to on line training

Debbie’s New Book: The Gift of Prophetic Encouragement is Full of powerful testimonies and practical application, this book will help you break out of your comfort zone and embrace a lifestyle of encouraging others–just as Jesus did. You will learn how to deepen your relationship with God, open a direct line of communication with him, and share his words with others.

Buy “The Gift of Prophetic Encouragement” here: https://amzn.to/2N3wcPO  

To get some extra order bonuses go here: http://debbiekitterman.com/gift-of-prophetic-encouragement/

Debbie Kitterman is a natural born encourager who is on fire for God. She is passionate about equipping individuals, so they can go deeper in the relationship with God, reach their God-potential and claim their Kingdom inheritance. Debbie is a wife, mother, author, pastor, speaker and the founder of “Dare 2 Hear,” a ministry that trains individuals to hear the voice of God. She travels to churches internationally and is the founder and teacher of d2htraining.com, an online course designed to equip the believer in releasing God’s heart. Her writing and teachings inspire faith and build bridges for people to believe and expect the impossible. She is also an ordained Foursquare pastor, currently serving with her husband, John, as senior pastor of Restoration Church in Lacey, Washington. Learn more at: www.debbiekitterman.com

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Again Welcome and Thank you for joining me for #TuneInThursday it is an honor to have you here!

I have had a few people ask for a badge/button to display on your blogs.  I would absolutely be honored if you would display it, or link back here in some way.  Thank you!


Tune In Thursday


Now let’s get this party started, feel free to link 1-3 posts:


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I have the privilege and honor of joining Kelly Balarie and other amazing authors and ministry leaders in an online summit. 
We are delighted to invite you to a FREE online event – The Journey Together Summit!  Join 34+ highly-loved author experts (including a few NY Times bestellers) as they share stories, biblical truths and insights on being Battle Ready. The event goes live Tuesday, Sept 11-Friday, Sept. 14, but is viewable even beyond these dates.

Click Here to Sign up today! 

You’ll learn, from these experts, how to stand firm and faithful when the worst of trials hit. Whether your struggling with finances, your marriage, grief, uncertainty, doubt, discouragement or despair -the topics go on and on…

At this event, you will:

  • Gain practical and biblical tips to break the power of uncertainty, doubt and worry in your life.
  • See past the mountains before you to the heights of your victorious God.
  • Come to see God really can do exceedingly, abundantly more than you can ever ask or imagine as you trust Him.
Becasue this event is FREE and VIRTUAL, we are bringing all the interviews directly to you!
 See the agenda by clicking here.
What are you waiting for? Grab your FREE ticket today. And, if you can’t attend Sept. 11-14, we have you covered. Get the All Access Pass and you’ll be able to watch the videos post-event.
I can’t wait to see you there!

Do you wonder if God still speaks today?  Do you wonder if He would ever speak to you personally?  Do you long to hear the voice of God in your life?

Have your read other books on hearing from God, but long for hands on practical application? or are you looking for ways to  move you forward  hearing from God?

If you answered YES to any of those questions, then I have exactly what you need.  I now have an online e-course designed to equip you in understanding that God still speaks today, and He longs to speak directly to you, through His word, and others.  He longs to encourage you, strengthen you and comfort you.  The training on this site, is fully based on Scripture, and taken from my training manual Releasing God’s heart through Hearing His Voice. 

God is speaking, Can you Hear Him?

d2htrainging.com membership site is open, I invite you to check it out today, and develop a deeper relationship with the Lord, as you learn to hear Him speak to your heart.

Looking for other Great Inspirational Parties. Click Here to see where I Link-Up weekly.

Several Submissions have been featured at Blessed Transgressions, an Online Magazine:

Balancing the Warrior & the Princess We’re Called to Be

Who we Are and Whose We Are

Trusting God When it Seems Illogical

Will You Sit with Me? (Jesus is Calling.)

My Post: The Reluctant Encourager was featured here:

My Post: #BeTheGift was featured here:

My Post “Climb Every Mountain” was featured in the August monthly link-up at : Life on Intention Link-up Party

My Posts: “Will You Sit with Me?”  & New Mercies Everyday & Wait for it were featured here:

My Posts:  The Most Wonderful Time of the Year & And So Do We!  & Know Your Why & Jesus in Us! were featured here:


Overwhelmed to Fulfilled

My Post: The Power of your Story was featured here:

My Post “What’s in a Name?” was featured here:

The Luke 2:52 Project


My Post: “The Journey through Change” was featured here:


Again,  I have been know to link to the following Inspirational Parties:


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