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Have you ever made a Vision Board?
True Confession: I have not.
I know, I can just hear the collective gasps as you read that No. No, I have never made a vision board.
I have even been in workshops, business trainings, and coaching sessions, where I have been told to make a vision board. I just never did.
What is a Vision Board and why in the world am I talking about it?
Well, you may remember, or you may not and that is ok, but my #OneWord for 2018 is: Vision. When God gave me this word, He also breathed three Scriptures on my heart. You can read about it here:
Vision boarding, (not to be confused with water boarding, although as you read more, you might understand why it kinda feels like it …LOL) is a popular topic, just try googling it. There are so many articles written about vision boards and it has been a buzz word for several years now. In fact, the beginning of the year is a popular time for vision board workshops, where people help you create your own.
In a nutshell, a vision board is a tool, or a visual aid, that is used to help you stay focused and gain clarity. It’s a place where you can display images that represent the things in your life, business, family, relationships, ministry etc. that you want to accomplish, be, or do.
As I have already confessed, I have never made a vision board. Oh, I started one, once. But that was about it. My thoughts, were pretty simplistic as to why I didn’t ever make one. I mean, I know what my goals and dreams are. I know the desires that are in my heart and the things I would like to accomplish, so why in the world, do I need to cut out images and words from a magazine, or print pictures off the internet? I mean, where would I even put such a board?
Yeah, well, those excuses and thoughts were all fine and good, until God! Yep, this week as I have been meditating on Habakkuk 2: 2-3 God has been talking to me about my vision and having it in front of my face so I can SEE it. Not see it in my head, or my heart, but literally, really SEE it.
The first part of Habakkuk 2 says to write the vision and make it clear so anyone can read it. I love how The Message Translation reads for these verses in Habakkuk.
There is something to be said for reminding ourselves of what God has spoken about us, over us, and to us. His Scripture is full of His promises for what our future holds, and who we are in Him. But also, the Holy Spirit can speak to our hearts about our dreams and hopes for the future. He will speak of things that are to come, and some of those things may not come to pass immediately. Instead, we may have to contend and pray for them, continually seeking God as to His timing.
Early in the week when God started speaking to me about creating a vision board, I groaned, and complained and moaned that I just don’t have the time nor the space to create or display a vision board. Then He, oh so gently, reminded me of the Scriptures He gave me and my word for 2018. I’m pretty sure I heard God laughing at me. Not in a mean way, but in the, “oh my daughter, your so cute and you think you know it all” kinda way. LOL
As I was mulling over this vision board thing, I looked around my desk and bedroom area, and noticed that I do have things placed here and there as a reminder of a promise, or a goal I am working towards.
With every #OneWord I have had, I always get some visual reminder and something I can wear to remind me of my yearly word. Last year it was a bracelet that I had made that said “Dwell” and keys were my chosen visual image. I have a set of three cast iron skeleton keys on my desk, a large decorative skeleton key hanging on my wall, and a pair of leggings with keys on them too. These items would remind me that as I would seek God and dwell with Him in the secret place, that He would reveal keys to His Kingdom.
I argued with God, that those items were like a vision board of sorts, and while it’s true they are and were. God wanted me to see the more He wanted to accomplish with me for this year, not just in regards to my word: Vision, but in regards to my soon to be released book, things I am praying for and believing for my kids, my marriage, and my ministry.
For the record, I did not win the argument with God. I have relented, not that I have had the time to actually create my board, since we are in the midst of moving our church to a new location and every waking hour I am not writing, editing, working or in meetings has been spent preparing the new building and packing the contents of the old one. But I have begun to gather the things for it. I have begun to seek God as to what He wants on Our Vision board, (His and mine) for me to accomplish this year. Feel free to follow me on Instagram or Facebook, I will post pictures of my board as I work on it and finish it, in the weeks to come.
Creating a Vision Board, is not just for you, it’s for other people as well. It’s so you can see it, it’s so they can see it, and so they can watch how God moves in your life, giving you a testimony of His Faithfulness.
As The Message versions says:
This vision-message is a witness
pointing to what’s coming! (Habakkuk 2:3)
Have you ever created a vision board?
If so, I would love to hear your testimonies of how it has helped you to stay focused and the process you use to create it.
If you haven’t done a vision board, I challenge you consider joining me in creating one and to ask God what He would want on your board for you to accomplish in 2018.
Welcome to the ALL NEW: I’ve been Featured portion of #TuneInThursday
I have to say, I loved all your posts, and it was difficult to narrow it down and to pick just a few to highlight this week. I hope you enjoy this new addition.
Please make sure to visit the post before yours and share some comment love as well as one other of your choice.
Here are the posts that caught my eye this week:
Top Clicked Post:
Y’all must have enjoyed seeing the beautiful pictures and reading about Dara’s adventures. I know I sure did.
With Valentines right around the corner, these next few posts grabbed my attention.
I love this recipe from All that’s Jas … I mean, who doesn’t love cheesecake?!? and what a great treat for you and your Valentine.
I also loved this creative post from Jen over at A Fireman’s Wife. Whether you have young kids, or older kids, or even a spouse or roommate, what a great idea to leave notes and treats for each other. And, it doesn’t even have to be just reserved for Valentine’s Day… does it? My kids are grown and gone, well almost, we have one more in college living at home, but my husband is a words of affirmation guy, so I am sure he would love the idea of getting “mail”.
Finally, here’s my pick of last weeks post for your dose of weekly encouragement. Enjoy
Please remember to grab the “I’ve been featured” button if you have been featured. I would be honored if you would display it on your blog.
I am so very glad to have you sharing your posts here with me each week. A huge thank you to everyone who linkups and for those of you who share this linkup with others.
Again Welcome and thanks for joining me for #TuneInThursday it is an honor to have you here!
I have had a few people ask for a badge/button to display on your blogs. I would absolutely be honored if you would display it, or link back here in some way. Thank you!
Now let’s get this party started, feel free to link 1-3 posts:

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Have you Heard? Elite Blog Academy is about to open their doors for registration. It only happens once per year. The doors open for EBA 3.0 on Monday, March 5th and close Friday, March 9th. Click on the picture below for more information, to get on the waiting list and to be notified when doors open! You will be glad you did.
Do you wonder if God still speaks today? Do you wonder if He would ever speak to you personally? Do you long to hear the voice of God in your life?
Have your read other books on hearing from God, but long for hands on practical application? or are you looking for ways to move you forward hearing from God?
If you answered YES to any of those questions, then I have exactly what you need. I now have an online e-course designed to equip you in understanding that God still speaks today, and He longs to speak directly to you, through His word, and others. He longs to encourage you, strengthen you and comfort you. The training on this site, is fully based on Scripture, and taken from my training manual Releasing God’s heart through Hearing His Voice.
God is speaking, Can you Hear Him?
d2htrainging.com membership site is open, I invite you to check it out today, and develop a deeper relationship with the Lord, as you learn to hear Him speak to your heart.
Looking for other Great Inspirational Parties. Click Here to see where I Link-Up weekly.
Several Submissions have been featured at Blessed Transgressions, an Online Magazine:
Balancing the Warrior & the Princess We’re Called to Be
Trusting God When it Seems Illogical
Will You Sit with Me? (Jesus is Calling.)
My Post “Climb Every Mountain” was featured in the August monthly link-up at : Life on Intention Link-up Party
My Posts: The Most Wonderful Time of the Year & And So Do We! & Know Your Why were featured here:
My Post: The Power of your Story was featured here:
My Post “What’s in a Name?” was featured here:
My Posts: “Will You Sit with Me?” and New Mercies Everyday were featured here:
My Post: “The Journey through Change” was featured here:
Again, I have been know to link to the following Inspirational Parties:
Vision boards are great! Because I’m such a visual person, they serve as a reminder of where I’m headed and encouragement for those times I don’t see it happening. I haven’t created one in a while so your challenge might be what I need! I love that keys are a visual for you … they are the keys to unlocking His Kingdom!
I am a visual person too Esther, so I think it would be beneficial to me as well for the same reasons you mentioned. Thanks for sharing how visions boards have helped you. I am looking forward to making one soon. 🙂
I have. Need a new one, though. Thanks for hosting another week.
Apparently, I can’t see, LOL. I totally missed the features, I was focused on the vision boards. Thank you so much for including my rare cheesecake, Debbie! Much appreciated. Blessings!
You are most welcome Jas! It was my pleasure to feature both you and your rare cheesecake this week. Blessings!
Thanks Jas, and maybe now is a good time for making a new one. Have a great week
I’ve never heard of vision boards, but it sounds like a good exercise — unless it becomes a stalling tactic for actually getting down to business on what God has already made clear . . .
I love the MSG rendering of that verse in Habakkuk. Thanks for sharing that today!
Michele – I think it is a good exercise and it is very helpful to many people. I do understand what you mean about becoming a stalling tactic too, I’m good at finding those as well. lol Thanks for being here.
Thank you so much for featuring my post!
You are most welcome Dara!
I have loved the process of “glue-booking” art collages that are a trend right now. While I also couldn’t see the value in it (other than just being fun) once I started, I saw how God used it make His vision clearer to me. But I haven’t used it to start from the place of His Vision first of all. Sounds like something I need to pray about! Thank you for sharing this!
Bettie – this is very helpful and encouraging too. Thanks for sharing how making a vision board has helped you. I am sure that the rest will come as you pray about it, and God will speak to you I am sure of it. 🙂
I’ve never made a vision board either. I’m reminded of my husband’s internal vision board of all the things he wants to get done around the house when I am gone on a short trip. 🙂 I think it might be helpful to write down a few of his ideas so he can actually see them on paper instead of just in his mind. lol.
Lisa, it’s good to hear I am not the only one who hasn’t made a vision board yet. and lol I think you may be right about take the internal vision board of things to do around the house and writing them down… I have finally convinced my husband he needs to do the same, but its just been in the last few years. LOL
Never made a vision board. It looks really interesting and I might have to try it.
Thanks for hosting and I hope you have a wonderful day.
Let me know if you try it, I am sure with all the pictures from the Adventures you take, that you would have fun with the visual process of it. Thanks for linking up 🙂
I think it is important to do this as a family too. Thanks so much for sharing our heart about vision board and for a place to come linkup and fellowship.
Mary, I have never thought about doing it as a family, that is a fantastic idea! Thanks for sharing it and for linking up each week.
I’ve never created a vision board but I have a girlfriend who swears by them. She turned the backside of her kitchen cabinets into one huge vision board for her family.
Oh Wow, I like that idea, something everyone would see almost everyday – I have the inside of a cabinet painted with chalkboard paint to write my grocery list so I won’t forget, so I can see how putting a vision board inside one might help.
Visiting from Live Life Well link up. I encourage you to go for it! Make a vision board.This is the first year I made one and it has been so encouraging to me. I hung a large one on my fridge and made a mini version for my planner. It helps me stay focused on what is important,the goals I am working towards are there in a visual. I love the pictures and wordsI used,just looking at my board makes me smile. It helps point me in the way of purpose. I also chose key Bible verses to go with the areas I am focusing on and keep those in my planner. It is very well worth the small amount of time it takes! You won’t regret it. Sweet blessings to you as you move forward with this!
Cheryl – welcome and thanks for stopping by from Live Life Well. I hope you will come by this week and link your posts up and join us here at #TuneInThursday I really like the idea of one for my planner and one for my office space, so I can see the visual all the time. I appreciate you sharing how vision boards have helped you and how you go about creating one. Thank you for taking the time to share. Blessings to you as well.
I have never made a vision board, but I know when I leave myself little notes it helps. I have to admit at first as I was reading I kept thinking oh great here is another thing to add to my list of things to do. Then I realized, I should just get a board and start pinning things to it as I go. Thank you for the idea and your post. Love the new featured part of linking up.
Oh Maree – I love the idea, having a board where you pin all the notes you already write yourself is a great idea and won’t add extra stress or added things to your to do list. It’s the perfect solution, and uniquely made just for you! I am so glad you are enjoying the new feature as well. I love having you as a part of the community here.
I’ve not made a vision board before, though I do always write or print my word for the year or a verse pertaining to place where I see it daily.
Elizabeth – I think having the word and verses where you can see it daily helps greatly with staying focused. I am glad I am not the only one, that hasn’t ever made a vision board either. Several others also commented on the post that they haven’t either. I think there might be something therapeutic and fun in the creating process I will learn when I get a chance to create one. 🙂 Thanks for sharing your way of keeping things in front you as a reminder.
I’ve never created a vision board, but I can see how it could be powerful. As I’m still fine tuning my goals and focus for 2018, I’m inspired to do my first one. I have a blank wall right in front of my desk that I can already picture it hanging. 🙂 I’d love to see your board when you get it finished.
Jessica, that is awesome and I will definitely show you mine when it gets finished. We have been busy moving our church and all its contents to our new location and preparing for our first service this Sunday – still lots of work to be done, but after this Sunday, I will have a little more breathing room to work on my vision board! I would love to see yours when you get it finished too! Yay, I am so excited you are inspired to create one. 🙂 Blessings to you.