by Debbie | Nov 22, 2018 | #BeTheGift, General
[Widget_Twitter id=”1″] I am taking a break next week from writing to be with my family, but I want to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving! Also, being that next Thursday is Thanksgiving, there will not be a regular linkup, but I will see you all...
by Debbie | Sep 1, 2016 | General
[Widget_Twitter id=”1″] It is good to be back from a mini vacation and blogging break. It’s always good to take a break from the routine schedule – it gets the creativity flowing. I have some exciting new posts coming in September, but for...
by Debbie | Jul 19, 2016 | General, God's plan, Lessons from the Lake
[Widget_Twitter id=”1″] A lot of new people visiting my Blog and Vlog have been curious about what Dare 2 Hear is? and what it’s it all about? – so I thought I would take a minute or two and share with you on the Vlog this week. Dare 2 Hear...
by Debbie | May 12, 2016 | Change, Encouragment, General, God's plan
[Widget_Twitter id=”1″] When it rains, it pours… Everything than can go wrong will go wrong…. When life gives you lemons…… When life throws you a curve ball…… For the past three weeks, these and phrases just like them have been bombarding...
by Debbie | Apr 7, 2016 | Bible, Encouragment, General, Hearing from God, Teaching
[Widget_Twitter id=”1″] Do you ever find yourself laughing at something God said or that He has asked you to do? Not laughing with God – but actually laughing at the very words He said, or impressed on your heart? No, you wouldn’t do that, would you? I...
by Debbie | Apr 1, 2016 | 5 Minute Friday, General
[Widget_Twitter id=”1″] This post is part of a community post. Every Friday, a one-word prompt is announced. This is meant to be a free write, which means: no editing, no over-thinking, and no worrying about perfect grammar or punctuation. Just writing the...