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Long before the minions were on the scene there were these guys –
The little green aliens from Toy Story. They are my absolute favorite characters. Don’t get me wrong, I love the minions; they are cute, funny and adorable. They make me laugh, and yes, I went to watch their new movie, even though I had no young children to take with me. I, especially, love all the meme’s and funny posts on Facebook with the minions. Yet, there is just something about the little green aliens that has always had a piece of my heart.
When we go to Disneyland, my favorite ride is Buzz Lightyear’s Astro Blaster. Not because I am good at it, but because I am surround with the little green aliens.
I just love them! I know, it seems strange.
My family accuses me that it’s because they are my favorite color of green. And while, that doesn’t hurt, that isn’t why I like them so much.
I’m greatly disappointed that the little green guys haven’t gotten their own movie. In fact, when I voice that to my grown children, they just roll their eyes and sigh.
My daughter said in response once, “We know mom, but in all honesty, they were only in the movie for a minute or maybe two. They weren’t the star of the show and well, they never really said anything.”
“That is so untrue,” I said in shock and disbelief. “They had lines!”
“Oh right – … ooooh, the claaaawww, and you have been chosen!” she said laughing.
Well, that isn’t all they say, but more on that in a minute.
So why the green aliens?
It has more to do with the spiritual message behind what the green aliens represent than anything else. At first I wasn’t really sure why I was so drawn to them. In fact, I assumed it might have been because they were my favorite color. That is until one time when I was speaking at a retreat.
As I was sharing my message with the conference attendees for the session, I found myself talking about my love for the little green alien men, and how I could relate to them.
You see, the little green men just want to belong. They want to be chosen, to be noticed and picked out of the crowd, taken to a better place by their “master” the claw.
On the inside they are saying “Pick me! Pick Me! Pick Me! – Notice Me – Choose ME!” They want to belong, they want to be loved, and chosen, and utilized for a better purpose than being locked up in a vending machine.
The same is true of you and me. We all want to be noticed, loved, chosen, and picked for a purpose. We want to be given an opportunity to be ourselves and use our gifts and talents for “The Master”.
Who is the Master? He is The One who created us. God in Heaven created us for His Glory and His purposes. He wants to be in relationship with us and He chose us, each and every one of us from before the foundations of the world were even laid.
So then you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God (Ephesians 2:19 ESV).
Some of us, myself included, discount ourselves from ever being chosen by God.
Have you ever wondered why God wants us?
Why would God choose to utilize you or me as a part of His plans and purposes when there are so many other qualified “spiritual” people in the world?[1]
I disqualified myself because I did not fully understand God’s nature. I was focusing on me. We often fail to step into what God is calling us to do because we don’t recognize His voice. God wanted to perfect me; He did not want me perfect.[2]
In Toy Story 2 the green aliens have this great line:
“You have saved our lives, we are eternally grateful.”
Jesus Christ did that for us! He saved our lives, He redeemed us, and He died to set us free from anything that would hold us back or entangle us. For that, we should be forever grateful.
Understand that YOU, being You is enough for God. Be who He created you to be!
He doesn’t need you perfect, He just needs you willing. He will do the rest as you submit yourself to Him.
God has heard your cry of “Pick me, chose me, love me!”
He is here today and He says to you:
My Child, I see you. I notice you. I choose you. I love you. I love you with an intense love. I love you with an everlasting, redeeming love, which nothing and no one can ever take that away. Come My Child and receive ALL that I have for you.
But you are the ones chosen by God, chosen for the high calling of priestly work, chosen to be a holy people, God’s instruments to do his work and speak out for him, to tell others of the night-and-day difference he made for you—from nothing to something, from rejected to accepted. Friends, this world is not your home, so don’t make yourselves cozy in it. Don’t indulge your ego at the expense of your soul. Live an exemplary life among the natives so that your actions will refute their prejudices. Then they’ll be won over to God’s side and be there to join in the celebration when he arrives (1 Peter 2:10-12).
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My Post from last week, “Will You Sit with Me?” was featured here:
I have been know to link to the following Inspirational Parties:
What Joy is Mine/Monday Musings
Wednesday’s Prayer Girls & Linkup Party
Serving Joyfully/Thriving Thursday
[1] Milk, Eggs, Prophecy by Debbie Kitterman coming fall of 2015
[2] Milk, Eggs, Prophecy by Debbie Kitterman coming fall of 2015
I’ll never look at the little green guys in the same way ever again. 🙂 Debbie, you have a fun way of connecting the spiritual dots. Truly enjoyable. The message? Full of truth…God does hear our cries. Isn’t it funny, though, how little teeny parts of us seem to gloss right over that, forgetting it or never truly realizing it in the first place? I’ve fought the battle. Some parts are still in progress, but God is winning. Visiting via #blessingcounters
Thanks for stopping by Kristi, and Thank You!! I am so glad the little green guys might get another fan ;). Some parts of me are still in process too, but thank you God for always hearing our cries and even when it takes us a whole to realize it, He is right there. Many blessings on your day today.
Thank You Debbie for Your insight and incredible ways of communicating that hit the center of my being and give me very usable knowledge in communicating with all my Grankids.
Love You Always and Forever.
Forever Grateful to You and for You.
Christie – you are so welcome and thank you for wonderfully encouraging words. I am so glad this post not only touches you, but will give you something to share with the grand-kids and bring a spiritual message to them 🙂 Much love to you as well. 🙂
Awe, I love how you think, Debbie. 🙂
That’s not a correlation I’ve ever made, but how fitting it is. 🙂
Thank you for sharing. 🙂
~ Best to you ~
Thank you Brenda,and thank you for taking the time to stop by. Blessings 🙂
This is a very cool message 🙂 I also really like how you explained that God didn’t choose us because of who we are but because of who we are going to become, because He wants to perfect us and mold us.
thank you so much and thank you for stopping by 🙂
Love that god is perfecting me and that I do NOT have to be perfect to be in relationship with him. Stopping by from Reflect.
Jann – thank you for stopping by and I too am so glad that I do not have to be perfect.
Sweet little green men will be in my dreams tonight! What a good way to draw us in. It’s a relief when we realize God does the perfecting. So much of my life I thought I had to “do” to please God. We often make it so hard, don’t we?
Hi Pamela! Thank you for stopping by and I can totally relate to having to “do” to please God and others – we do often complicate things, but thank goodness God is always there to pick us up and embrace us in His loving arms of grace. 🙂 Blessings to you
I love this Debbie! It is so much easier to relate to the little guy than the “star”. I’m thankful that God wants us all to star in the plan He has for each of lives individually and that He picked us for His own purpose!
Blessings dear friend,
Thank you Patti!!! Yes, He Picked us and He Choose us for His purpose! Amen. Blessings to you too. 🙂
I never thought of the little green aliens that way, but you’re right! There are some spiritual truths to recognize there. I love how you pointed out how God picks us and chooses us for HIs purpose. Visiting from RaRalink up.
Dawn, thank you and thanks for stopping by. 🙂
Love the humor you relate, and then the powerful message comes pouring over me, I too, love the little green aliens but must admit I had not thought about the message. I long to be chosen by my Master but I need to be front and center shouting pick me with enthusiasm and passion ready for the next great adventure! Thank you Debbie!
Thanks you Jodi – for your encouragement and for your shared love for the little green aliens!!! I just love how God has messages for us in our everyday lives. Blessings and go get that next adventure!!!