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Staring out my office window, if it’s a clear day, I can see Mount Rainer in the distance. I can only see a glimpse of it and yet its beauty always captivates me.
Today, however, as I sit staring out the window, it is cloudy and there is no hint of the beauty hidden behind the clouds, but I know it’s there.
As I take in the view, I am reminded of a movie I watched recently called ‘Everest’ and I heard a phrase being whispered in my mind … “the mountain makes its own weather.”
Why in the world would this phrase come to mind now?
Was God trying to tell me something? Teach me something? Show me something?
The Bible is full of examples where God speaks to His people through a variety of ways. Pictures, Visions, dreams, people, animals, and the list goes on….
One of the ways God will sometimes speak to me is through movies, I will explain more in the coming weeks on my Vlog about the ways God speaks. However, sometimes God will take a simple movie and connect it to a spiritual principle or message for me.

This is not the view of Mt Rainer from my office window, but it is the unhindered view I get to see when I go out in the boat.
To be honest, I am not really certain why I watched Everest, I knew it wasn’t going to end well and that I would probably cry, but nevertheless I watch it anyway.
I mean, why did any of us watch The Titanic? We knew history, we knew what was going to happen, and yet we/I watched it again and again and again.
Was it the story? The romance? The history?
No worries if you haven’t seen the movie Everest already, and may want to, I will do my best not to spoil it for you.
As I continued to mull over the phrase, “the mountain makes its own weather,” my mind immediately flashes to a particular scene of the main character Rob. Rob is the owner of the expedition company that gets paid to guide people to the mountain summit. Rob is making his way down off the summit of that mountain when he comes across Doug. Doug has grit and is determined to get to the top of the mountain one last time despite his failing health. Rob makes a decision to help Doug get to the top, because without him as his guide he wouldn’t make it.
I am struck by the parallel of Rob’s actions and two things I know to be true about my Father in Heaven.
First in Joshua 1:5 God tells Joshua (and us) that ‘He will never leave us or forsake us’. Even when we make mistakes or do things on our own. He never leaves us. Even when we forge ahead out of sheer stubbornness and determination, He is there.
Second, there is the parable Jesus told in Luke 15:1-7 about the lost sheep. Jesus tells us that a good shepherd will leave the 99 sheep to find the one lost and stranded sheep. A good shepherd will put his or her own needs above the needs of the others in order to save the one who is in trouble.
That’s where the parallel ends. There is obviously a HUGE difference between God and a mere man’s actions in a movie, especially with the way the movie ends due to man’s choices, and yet, it is enough to get me thinking.
You and I are/were the lost sheep at one time, and yes, sometimes we are Doug.
At some point in our life we have been or will be determined against better judgment to make it on our own. We push ahead despite warnings or council from others, and forge ahead full steam. I don’t know about you, but sometimes I can be so determined to get to the top of the mountain no matter the consequences, or think I have all the answers. Yet, Jesus is always there with me (us), guiding, directing, protecting, and helping every step of the way.
I have come to realize that I need to trust my guide, Jesus. Especially, when He says, “it’s time to turn back… it’s time to return to the safety, it’s time to go home… you did well, but now is not the time for this.”
Oh believe me, there have been plenty of times that I was so determined to get to the top of the mountain that was in front of me as quick as possible that I forged ahead when I knew I should stop and wait for the ‘weather to clear’.
I have learned, I need to trust that God’s timing is always right on time. He is never early or late, it just may feel like that to me.
There are times when God will show me the things He has for me to do. I get an idea in my head that I can accomplish it on my own, now that I know what the end looks like. It’s times like this that the beauty in front of me draws me in. The challenge to overcome, to conquer this great ‘mountain’ is something that drives me, and I rush ahead to accomplish the task. It doesn’t necessarily mean I am not supposed to be on the mountain, it just means that I need wait for further instructions.
Wait for the Lord to give me the steps I need to take. I need to prepare, pray, and allow Him to direct my path. I need to wait for Him to open doors, and understand that I may need to prepare and train before charging up the mountain.
I have learned that the storms of life and ministry are like the weather on the mountain. It can be clear one minute and then a storm can blow in without warning the next.
The mountain may be beautiful, but it can also be dangerous, if you do not know what you are doing or if you are not with someone who does.
It is at these times, when we need to stop and assess the situation and lean into the ONE who calms the storm.
Are you in the midst of a storm right now? Or are you enjoying the beauty of the mountain?
No matter which place you find yourself in, Know this: God sees you right where you are. He is faithful and you are not walking the path alone. In the good times and the not so good times, He is always there. Look to Him, lean into Him, trust Him, draw strength from Him, and allow Him to guide you. Keep your heart and eyes focused on Him and be at peace. As we do these things we can climb every mountain that is in front of us.
We are to enjoy the beauty of the mountain. We are to enjoy the mountain top experiences, and the journey along the way, even if storms come. We are to Ever-Rest in the safety of God our Rock and our Savior.
We were called to be mountain climbers and mountain conquerers.
PS….There is more brewing in my spirit about the phrase ‘the mountain makes its own weather’ that I will share next week. I love how God speaks something and then continues to build upon it as we wait and listen.
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My Post: “The Journey through Change” was featured here:
I have been know to link to the following Inspirational Parties:
What Joy is Mine/Monday Musings
Debbie we just recently watched Everest, and the past couple of days the song “climb every mountain” has been playing in my head. So, of course your blog caught my eye. Yes, I am in a storm and everyday I spend time alone with God. Everything you say makes sense, but what I’m confused about is I’m not hearing God like I have in the past. I became very familiar with his voice and expected to hear Him everyday. Now, I hear silence. I feel so alone, like my best friend left me. I know He has not left me and has a lesson for me, but I’m frustrated and feel lost in my storm!
Thank for for sharing these words and I look forward to next week! God bless
Cindy – I am so glad that God knew just what you needed. He was letting you know, He is right there with you even though you don’t hear, see or feel Him. From my experience, there are a few reasons why you may not be hearing God like in the past. 1. There is something that is causing a blockage or a hindrance on my end…. or 2. God is teaching you press in and go deeper – He wants to show you a new thing – a new way to hear – not the same old way -He’s doing something new… press in, don’t get discouraged but know something good is going to come forward. All good relationships develop and go deeper over time. I look forward to seeing you back here for next week. Blessings.
Yes, we watched Everest also and movies quite often leave me with spiritual parallels. Here’s some lighter fare: THE CROODS. Have you seen it? It is Pixar and it’s silly – but oh the message it contains. So much so I did a whole blog post on it once!!! xoxo
Hahaha – Susan – yes, I have seen the Croods and I am going to have to research your archives to find it – I so love when God draws out spiritual parallels in regular activities. Also, thanks for letting me know I am not alone in God speaking through movies. 🙂 Blessings
Hi Debbie,
I found your post through Counting my Blessings, and so glad I did.
Thank you for sharing this encouragement today. God speaks to me through films too. When we search for Him, He will speak to us in so many ways… 🙂
God bless
Anita – you are so right – I love Jeremiah 29:13 that basically says, when you search for Him with your whole heart you will find Him. So true and I am so glad I am not the only one who gets encouragement from God through watching movies! Have a great weekend and I am so glad you found me today
your writing is captivating. I love how when I read it I can see what you are writing! God is good!
thank you so much Carmen! Your words brings a smile to my face and joy to my heart
Thank you for sharing this Debbie. I love this we are meant to be mountain climbers!
Yup it is hard but true. I have been through a lot these recent times….but God is faithful.
Thank you so much for the encouragement.
Blessings to you
Ifeoma – LOL, I could totally hear your shouting your excited Whooppie! I am sorry to hear you have been through a lot recently, but you are so right – God is always faithful – praying for you as you climb ahead! You are most welcome for the encouragement.
God’s timing: always a tricky thing unless I’m living fully confidant in Him – thank, deb and yes, we loved Everest!
Sue – yes, Gods timing always seems to be the trickier thing, or at least for us it is… I am sure it’s not for God .. In fact, I can hear Him say – I’ve got this – trust me. 🙂 have an awesome day!
My husband and I will be traveling to Seattle in the near future and have been told we need to go up Mount Rainer so I’m glad to see it mentioned in your post. 🙂 I haven’t seen Everest yet, but it might make me NOT want to go up a mountain so I’ll have to think about it. ha.
Oh Lisa – you will love Seattle and Mt Rainer too – there are plenty of safe places to hike and even drive to on Rainer – but maybe you should wait to watch Everest after you return from your trip out here!
“Wait for the weather to clear” – I am going to be meditating on that this week, in hopes of preventing myself from running up or down mountains in my life before it is the best time. I think that is a ver profound statement as I know I am often guilty of “trying to make things happen” before God’s timing.
Sarah – You are not alone in getting ahead of yourself… I have done it a lot of times, but I too am working hard to wait on God’s timing. I am so glad you stopped by today and left a comment – I sure hope to see you again.
Yep, I can see myself as one who forged ahead, separating myself from God and ignoring the warnings as I attempted to climb alone. Thankfully He never left me despite my sinful choices! Thank you for sharing!
Carrie – you are so welcome and I am so very grateful to God for not leaving me alone either. I appreciate your stopping by.
Hi! I found you through Meg’s site #TeaAndTuesday! What an encouragement to read some of the same thoughts that the Lord has been speaking to me! He wants to help me face the battles and the mountains in His strength and timing, not my own! Thank you for these good words!! –Blessings to you!
Hi Bettie ! I am so glad you linked up at Meg’s too. I am so glad my words confirmed tings the Lord has already been speaking to you about. You are so welcome and yes, you are so right – he does want to help and be with you as you face anything and everything that comes your way.
Wow Debbie love this. I watched parts of Everest because my husband was but I most likely was on this laptop.
I love that EVER rest.
It must be wonderful looking out at a mountain from your office.
Great blog.
Thank you Debbie! It is wonderful looking out at the mountain and scenery from my office – it gives me inspiration. Thanks, the Ever-Rest was totally a God thing, but I like it as well. I am so glad you came by – sorry for the delay in responding my week has been busy.
I think I will need to watch Everest! I know the feeling of doing things my way, but learn every day how much sweeter the walk is with the Lord. I love to be near and hear His words to me. Oh, that I would have the ears to hear! Sometimes, I just take those reins. Physically, I did climb Mt. Whitney in CA. What a fantastic experience it was. I did not know Christ at that time of my life and surely would have seen far more than I did.
I once lived in the Pacific NW as well and loved the many mountains all around. Mt. Hood was the one I could view the most often.
I began singing “Climb Every Mountain” as soon as I saw the title and see that others did too in the comments!!
I am so glad I came by for I have much to ponder, spiritually and the emotional high that I know from being amongst the mountains.
Caring through Christ, ~ linda
Linda – You will have to let me know what you think of Everest if you decide to watch it. Yes, I think we all have those times wen we want to take the reins. That is so great that you lived in the PNW for a while – I think it is so beautiful up here, but then I think it’s beautiful most places if you look for the beauty. Hahaha I am so glad I got you singing – I was kinda hoping that would happen with people. I am so glad you came by to visit too — sorry for my delay in responding, it has been a crazy week. Blessings
I recently watched that movie, too. It was sad, but I do like the analogies you came up with. I’m so glad that God is with us always. Sometimes we want to do it ourselves, but with Him it is so much better. Thanks for sharing at #LMMLinkup!
Gayl, yes, it was very sad – after it was over I said, I like the movie, but I didn’t like it.. I felt a heaviness and sadness afterwards, but then God began to speak to me about the spiritual side of things and it made it all better. Thank you for stopping by today.
Debbie, I saw this movie too. It was a good one, but sad. It’s amazing what we will do to “get to the top” or “reach the summit”, but doing it alone, or when we should stop and wait we push ahead, it is such a great analogy for life and faith.
We’ve chatted about this before. I am a doer and sometimes the hardest thing for me to do is wait. But by waiting I’m able to see the plot play out. And God’s story is always so much better than mine!
Oh yes, Nikki it was very sad, but also good.. but in a sad way. Yes, we have talked before about being doers – and also it is hard for me to wait too…but I think the thing I tend to do, is get the end result in mind and push ahead and get to the top no matter what. Thanks for always stopping by to comment 🙂
I love how God connected these together. Such a great message. Ws just telling my mom and sister down at the altar on Sunday, that God is the perfect parent. Even when we get away from His ways or ahead of Him, He follows us. He IS our rear guard too! I am so thankful for His mercies. I haven’t watched this movie yet but may for sure now. I love the parallel. Thanks for linking this up, Debbie! God bless you!
Meghan – yes, God most defeintely is the perfect parent, even when we mess up, or try to help Him out. The movie is good, yet sad,so be prepared for when you watch it.
What lovely reflections! I’m so glad you shared them at my monthly Life of Intention link-up. 🙂 Especially meditating on this last bit… “God sees you right where you are. He is faithful and you are not walking the path alone. In the good times and the not so good times, He is always there. Look to Him, lean into Him, trust Him, draw strength from Him, and allow Him to guide you. Keep your heart and eyes focused on Him and be at peace. As we do these things we can climb every mountain that is in front of us.” Perfect timing for me to read that!
Featuring you this month! 🙂
Yay!!! Awesome thanks so much I am very honored! Again thank you!!!
I am so very glad that you were blessed and encouraged by this post and the words. God’s timing always seems to be perfect doesn’t it – He knows just what we need, when we need it. Thank you for stopping by and being an encouragement to me.