Episode #167
Dennis Allen ~ The Disciple Dilemma
As a Pastor, I can attest to the first hand issues within the church on raising disciples. Today’s conversation on the podcast with Dennis Allen is a good one. We talk about how the church has lost sight of the great commission and Dennis jumps into the numbers and statistics, which are quite shocking and staggering if the church’s great commission is to expand the Kingdom of God and reach the nations with the good news. Dennis, also looks back at church history and describes how the decline began in the Western Church. But he doesn’t leave us there, there is Hope moving forward and to help get us back on track with what Jesus Christ commissioned us to do.
The book is organized into three sections: defining the dilemma from a leadership perspective, unearthing causes and effects, and a leadership path forward. The book is not just for Pastors, but lay leaders of all stripes, from small group leaders to Sunday School teachers to Elders, Deacons, Trustees, Committee leaders. And especially mature believers in Christ, who are to be out there inviting, living alongside, coaching discipleship.
You can purchase the book or connect with Dennis here: https://thediscipledilemma.com/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCC2aXZKRvzW-8gpJ7l3SoeA
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Thediscipledilemma/
Or check the book out on Amazon here: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B09TVF27PV/ref=nosim?tag=da2he-20
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Meet This Week’s Podcast Guest:
Dennis Allen has served as a Chief Executive Officer in national and international enterprises across the electronics, software, building materials, environmental services and oil & gas
industries. He has been a member of, and served in leadership roles in mega, mid-sized and startup churches as an elder, deacon, teacher, board member and speaker, with an emphasis on strategy and planning. A combat-rated US Air Force F-15 fighter pilot, mission commander and instructor pilot prior to his business career, he has a B.S. in Industrial Management from the University of Alabama, an MBA from Xavier University in Cincinnati, OH, and is an alumnus of the Oxford Centre for
Christian Apologetics in Oxford, United Kingdom.
Did You hear the exciting news that has been a few months in the works? I have been personally invited to have my “Dare2Hear The Podcast” be a part of the Destiny Image Podcast Network. YAY! This is such an incredible honor and I am extremely blessed. Thank you to everyone of you who subscribes, listens or watches on YouTube. If you subscribe to our podcast or follow me on social media, you will notice that I have a new Podcast Badge. In order to be on the Destiny Image Podcast Network Platform, they wanted to brand my show to match their look.
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