Episode #222
Living Unoffendable in an Offensive World Part 2
~ Amie Rogers ~
Offense robs us of our peace, destroys relationships and can even distort our personalities. But not only that, Jesus gave believers signs for the ‘End Times’ and Offense was one of them.
Matt 24:10-14 NKJV “Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and kill you, and you will be hated by all nations for My name’s sake. 10 And then many will be offended, will betray one another, and will hate one another. 11 Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many. 12 And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold. 13 But he who endures to the end shall be saved. 14 And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.
This week in part 2 of Living Unoffendable in an Offensive World, Amie Rogers and I take a deeper dive into how satan uses offense as a scheme to bait and trap us.
Amie has been on the podcast several times before for a number of episodes. They are Episodes: #29, #33, #98, #106, #144, #168, #179, #180, #184(bonus conversation), 194, 211, 215, 216, 217, 218 AND 221 You can listen/view her episodes on my Youtube channel or by downloading The Dare2Hear Podcast on your favorite podcast listening channel.
You can connect with Amie on her website: https://rawandrealministries.com/
Special Announcements:
Dream Big with God Seminar is Saturday, November 4, 20023
10 AM – 5 PM Eastern Time ~ LIVE ON ZOOM
It’s time to access and amplify the God-given dreams placed with you!
David Jeremiah says, “God plants dreams in our hearts to fulfill His purpose on earth.”
God has specific blueprints and plans for each one of us. But how do we access them?
Psalm 37:4 says, “Delight yourself in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart.” ESV
It’s time to awaken to the dreams He has for your life and take a BIG step of faith to dream with God.
Join me, my husband John, and 3 of my powerfully gifted friends, Robin Fields, Amie Rogers, and Shelly Vargo, as we help you embark on a journey of Dreaming BIG with God.
Not only will we have teaching and activation exercises designed to help you dream BIG with God, but Shelly will lead us in a creative Exercise called: Vision Board Paint Session
This is Not your traditional vision board. Using the modality of Art Therapy, this is an expressive painting journey to (re)ignite vision.
You don’t want to miss this power-packed One Day Virtual Seminar. Early Bird Registration is open now. Price increases October 20, 2023
If you can’t attend live, you will be emailed a link to watch the replay.
For full details, schedule, pricing, speakers, and more, click here: https://debbiekitterman.com/event/dream-big/
To Register Click Here: www.debbiekitterman.com/shop
Let’s Celebrate My Birthday Month ~ 20 % off Select Store Items check it out here: https://debbiekitterman.com/lets-celebrate-my-birthday-month-20-off-select-store-items/
JUST A REMINDER; Full Details Coming in TWO WEEKS: Dreaming BIG God Seminar ~ NOVEMBER 4, 2023 10 AM – 5PM EASTERN TIME
Discover Your Sphere Workshop: Now available on www.debbiekitterman.com/shop for you to purchase and work through at your own pace. It’s a full 3 hours of teaching, plus you have the option to purchase an ALL-In Access Pass, where you will also receive a 30-minute metron session with Amie and Debbie. – THIS IS 20% OFF RIGHT NOW
Legacy: The Lost Art of Blessing Book:
Both the paperback and the e-book version of my newest book Legacy is NOW available! on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/dp/0984012362/ref=nosim?tag=da2he-20
OR You can purchase a physical copy of my newest book: Legacy: The Lost Art of Blessing on my website: www.debbiekitterman.com/shop
Listen at your favorite podcast provider, click here for options. OR watch it On Youtube here:
Episode 222: Living Unoffendable in an Offensive World Part 2 Share on X
Meet This Week’s Guest: Amie Rogers
Amie Rogers is a wife, mother, published author, speaker, and founder/director of Raw and Real Ministries. Amie is passionate about imparting the powerful, redemptive, and restorative life lessons she has learned from being in relationship with Jesus Christ. Amie walks in humility and transparency that is balanced with much wisdom. She is down-to-earth and approachable. Raw and Real Ministries came from a desire to be raw and real in the midst of all life’s challenges.
Meet Your Podcast Hosts:
Debbie Kitterman ~Podcast Host
Debbie is an author, speaker, pastor and the founder of “Dare 2 Hear,” a ministry training individuals in hearing the voice of God. Debbie is a natural encourager who is passionate about equipping individuals so they can go deeper in their relationship with God, reach their God potential and claim their Kingdom inheritance.
Debbie’s writing and teachings inspire faith and build bridges for people to believe and expect the impossible. Debbie has been equipping people to hear the voice of God in their own life and how to release the prophetic into the lives of others for over 20 years. She travels and speaks internationally.
Did You hear the exciting news that has been a few months in the works? I have been personally invited to have my “Dare2Hear The Podcast” be a part of the Destiny Image Podcast Network. YAY! This is such an incredible honor and I am extremely blessed. Thank you to everyone of you who subscribes, listens or watches on YouTube. If you subscribe to our podcast or follow me on social media, you will notice that I have a new Podcast Badge. In order to be on the Destiny Image Podcast Network Platform, they wanted to brand my show to match their look.
If you see this new graphic, it’s me! YAY!!!! Same great teaching, content, and interviews, just an expanded platform and larger audience. If you aren’t yet a subscriber, click on the image above to be taken to the DIPN Home page or scroll down to the podcast section under the linkup and click on any one of the links there or the YouTube Channel one as well.