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Freedom still seems to be very much on my  mind, especially since yesterday was Independence Day.  Hopefully you have had a chance to read last weeks post: Freedom on My Mind if not please go check it out.

Here are some more thoughts on Freedom via my Vlog.  We had some technical and sound difficulties in recording this time around.. It seems people on the lake like to shoot fireworks off all the time in the days leading up to and after July 4th, so we just opted for a little different approach.  Enjoy!

Galatians 5:1 It is for Freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm then and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery

Old Glory Kitterman 2016

2 Corinthians 3:17 Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.

4th of July Kitterman Deck 2016

John 8:36 If the son sets you free you are free indeed

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My Post “What’s in a Name?” was featured here:

The Luke 2:52 Project

My Post: “Will You Sit with Me?” was featured here:

My Post: “The Journey through Change” was featured here:

featured-image2 I have been know to link to the following Inspirational Parties:


Social Butterfly Sunday

Give Me Grace


Sharing His Beauty

What Joy is Mine/Monday Musings

Me, Coffee, & Jesus

Reflect His Love & Glory

Soul Surival

Literacy Monday Musing


Titus 2 Tuesday

RaRa Link-UP

Testimony Tuesday

Tell it to me Tuesday


Way Wow

Tea and Word


Coffee for your Heart

Whole Hearted Wednesday

Women of Intention

A Little R&R


Imparting Grace

Thought Provoking Thursday

I Choose Joy


Blessing Counters Link Party

Dance with Jesus

5 Minute Friday’s

Faith Filled Friday

Grace & Truth

Spiritual Sunday’s

Fun & Free Friday

Coffee Shop Conversations

Fresh Friday Market

No Rules Weekend Blog Party


Let us Grow

TGI Saturday’s Blog Hop

Word of God Speak

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