Welcome to Freedom Week!
I got a little inspiration from my writing break and a promised, I was working on something special for this week, I am calling Freedom Week! I put my writing break to good use and used the time to produce 3 separate podcast episodes all having to do with our FREEDOM! Below is the kick off episode with my daughter and I as we talk about what freedom is and why it’s important that we walk in it. I also have included a few written encouraging prophetic words.
One which God gave me this past Sunday and one from my friend Jennifer Wedan (used with her permission). In fact she has been releasing some beautiful words these past few weeks that go well. I have included a link to her FaceBook page so you can go check them out for yourself. 🙂
Have a very blessed, safe, and happy 4th of July Weekend! May we remember the importance of our freedom this weekend, not just as a nation, but the ultimate FREEDOM and Liberty that comes through Jesus Christ!
Linkup is live at the bottom of today’s post. I look forward to seeing what fun post(s) y’all link up today.
Use your voice
During Worship on Sunday June 28, 2020 as the church was singing the song, “No Longer Slaves” I was worshiping, praying, and interceding when I received a short shocking vision with a prophetic word. I didn’t release it that day as I wanted to marinate on it a little more and seek the Father’s heart.
I saw the poster for the movie “The Silence of the Lambs” but the emphasis was on the title and the moth covering the woman’s mouth. But the words “Silence the Lambs” were highlighted and then it rearranged into “The Silenced Lambs” I gasped and whispered to the Lord; “this is not a good thing.” To which He responded: “No it is not. MY lambs must not remain silent!”
Then I began to scribe the following message.
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MY lambs must not remain silent!
The Lamb of God and His sheep must not be silenced.
Do not allow fear to silence you or hold you back from speaking God’s truth!
Do not allow fear to silence you or hold you back from speaking God’s truth! Share on X
Church, now more than ever we must release our Roar! God is calling His church to use her voice. We must not allow the enemy to silence us, or to hinder the church from speaking truth. God’s truth, not man’s truth, not our own personal truth, BUT God’s truth. Truth according to His Word. (Romans 12:2; Romans 8:26-27)
2 Chronicles 7:13-16
“When I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or command locusts to devour the land or send a plague among my people, if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land. Now my eyes will be open and my ears attentive to the prayers offered in this place. I have chosen and consecrated this temple so that my Name may be there forever. My eyes and my heart will always be there.”
Now more than ever, the Church must release her Roar! #God is calling His church to use her voice. Share on X
Church, it’s time to use your voice:
We must pray.
We must proclaim.
We must discern, declare, and decree.
We must Rise Up and Release the Roar of His Word over this land – our land – our nation.
Church, it’s time to unite your voices.
Oh Church, His beloved Bride, do not remain silent in this hour!
Again, God said: My Lambs must not remain silent at this time!
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God is telling us it’s time to use our voice. To speak out loud the Scriptural Spiritual Truths we find in the Word of God. It’s not just enough to pray them in our mind or under our breath. We must be BOLD; we must use the authority and power of our voice to speak aloud our prayers. But more than that, we must begin to proclaim the goodness of God into situations and circumstances. We must begin to declare and decree.
We must ask for an increase of Holy Spirit discernment in this hour. We cannot be swayed by what we see, feel, or think in the natural. We MUST purify our hearts. We MUST discern God’s Heart. We MUST hear His Voice. WE MUST be filled with His Spirit. We Must use our voice to release the sound of Heaven. (Ps 51:10; Prov 18:20-21; Prov 31:8-9; Matt 12:36-37)
There is power in our voice! There is authority in our voice. There is breakthrough in our voice. Oh, lambs of God – DO NOT REMAIN SILENT at this time! Use your voice – it is a weapon in the heavenly realm. Begin to declare and decree the destiny and plans of God over your families, your churches, your cities, and your nation. God has exceedingly great plans for His people.
Rise up and Release the Roar of the Lamb of God that is within you!
Rise up and Release the Roar of the Lamb of God that is within you! Share on X
It’s Time – Rise Up
I heard the Lord speak, “Get ready – It’s coming! Do you hear it?”
“There is a battle cry arising! A ROAR rising deep within the depths of My heart. There is going to be an explosion of My FIRE being poured out upon this earth. The Remnants are going to be rising – Rising up on FIRE; Burning with the Fire of the Holy Spirit. They are My Burning Ones.”
With that the Lord gave me a vision of His Remnants, rising up, burning with the Fire of the Holy Spirit, all over the earth.
“It’s time! It’s time! It’s time, My Church! It’s time, My Remnants! The winds of change are blowing.”
Jeremiah 20:9 – … “But His word was in my heart like a burning fire shut up in my bones; I was weary of holding it back, and I could not.”
Romans 11:4-5 – …. “I have reserved for Myself seven thousand men who have not bowed the knee to Baal.” Even so then, at this present time there is a remnant according to the election of grace.”
Joel 2:32 – “And it shall come to pass that whoever calls on the name of the LORD shall be saved. For in Mount Zion and in Jerusalem there shall be deliverance, as the LORD has said, among the remnant who the LORD calls.”
Jeremiah 23:3 – “But I will gather the remnant of My flock out of all countries where I have driven them, and bring them back to their folds; and they shall be fruitful and increase.”
You can find these other Great Words of Prophetic Encouragement on my friend Jennifer Wedan’s Facebook Page by clicking on her name.
- A Great Division By Jennifer Wedan
- Return to Me By Jennifer Wedan
- An Invitation: Bride of Christ By Jennifer Wedan
Freedom Week has 3 Podcast Episodes #63 ~ #64 ~ #65
click on the image below to be taken to the podcast blog for each episode
6/29/20 #63 Debbie & Brandi Kitterman – Freedom!
Welcome to Freedom Week! This week we have a special bonus for you which we are calling: “Freedom Week!” Join Brandi and Debbie as they discuss what freedom is and what it looks like in our life and how Jesus came to heal us completely. Body, Soul, and Spirit. Then catch two more bonus podcast episodes this week on Wednesday and Friday as Debbie interviews two different authors regarding walking in healing. For a deeper dive into more teaching on body, soul, spirit, emotions, and mind renewal you can check out Debbie’s workbook “Releasing God’s Heart through Hearing His Voice here: https://amzn.to/2NGqohC or her online training at: www.d2htraining.com
7/1/20 #64 Kathy DeGraw Unshackled
Every wonder why we live shackled by fear, anger, and intimidation when Christ died to win our freedom? In her book, Unshackled ~ Breaking the Strongholds of Your Past to Receive Complete Deliverance, prophetic healing expert Kathy DeGraw uncovers the lies holding us back from receiving the fullness of Christ’s sacrifice in our lives.
In this powerful episode we discuss the importance of speaking out loud to aid in walking out our freedom. Otherwise as Kathy says, we will “sit and think and rot and stink.” What I appreciate most about Kathy’s book is she not only tells us the why behind 10-stronghold areas, but she provides us with all the tools and guidance we need from: self-evaluations, prayers to release and walk in freedom, scriptures to read, faith declarations, and warfare declarations.
Unshackled equips readers with the necessary weapons to rise against the enemy and cast off strongholds. You can get a copy of the book here: https://amzn.to/3hLbl4d
Connect with Kathy:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kathydegraw/
website: https://kathydegrawministries.org/
Podcast: https://www.charismapodcastnetwork.com/show/propheticspiritualwarfarepodcast
7/3/20 #65 Glen Berteau Why am I not Healed? Part 1
Faith is an action and a currency in God’s Kingdom. How does faith play a role in healing? In this episode Glen and I talk about his newly released book which answers the questions: Does God really want to heal me? Is God willing to heal? And what are the hindrances to receiving our healing. Pastor Glen Berteau says: “If I want to know the will of God and do the will of God, then I need to KNOW the word of God.”
You can connect with Glen here and get a signed copy of his book: www.glenberteau.com
Or You can get a copy of Glen’s book on Amazon here: https://amzn.to/2RU2npO
Listen at your favorite podcast provider, click here for options. OR watch it On Youtube by clicking here:
Check out the newest #Dare2Hear #Podcast Episodes from @Dare2Hear for Freedom Week! Share on X
Welcome and Thank you for joining me for #TuneInThursday it is an honor to have you here!
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Now let’s get this party started, feel free to link 1-3 posts:

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Check out the 3 newest #Podcast from @Dare2Hear for Freedom Week Episodes here: https://www.destinyimagepodcastnetwork.com/#/dare-2-hear-the-podcast/ Share on X
Did You hear the exciting news that has been a few months in the works? I have been personally invited to have my “Dare2Hear The Podcast” be a part of the Destiny Image Podcast Network. YAY! This is such an incredible honor and I am extremely blessed. Thank you to everyone of you who subscribes, listens or watches on YouTube. If you subscribe to our podcast or follow me on social media, you will notice that I have a new Podcast Badge. In order to be on the Destiny Image Podcast Network Platform, they wanted to brand my show to match their look.
If you see this new graphic, it’s me! YAY!!!! Same great teaching, content, and interviews, just an expanded platform and larger audience. If you aren’t yet a subscriber, click on the image above to be taken to the DIPN Home page or scroll down to the podcast section under the linkup and click on any one of the links there or the YouTube Channel one as well.
Can I ask a HUGE Favor?
Would you Please Listen & LEAVE A REVIEW ON iTunes…
It know it may seem like a lot to ask, because it takes time. However, if you can leave an honest review after listening, it would really be a HUGE blessing. Each review helps the podcast rank higher and get more eyes. If you’re interested, here’s how you do it:
- Go to the iTunes podcast page for my show – CLICK HERE
- Click on the blue button that says “View in iTunes.” (If you are prompted to launch iTunes, you’ll need to do so)
- Listen to Episode 1 How to Hear the Voice of God
- Click on the “Subscribe” button
- Click on “Ratings & Reviews” tab (if on your computer) or “Reviews” (on your phone)
- Under the title “Customer Reviews” click “Write a Review”
- Leave a simple and honest review then click “Submit” and you’re done!
Thanks again for helping spread the news about the podcast!
With Much love and Appreciation,
Debbie Kitterman is a natural born encourager who is on fire for God. She is passionate about equipping individuals, so they can go deeper in the relationship with God, reach their God-potential and claim their Kingdom inheritance. Debbie is a wife, mother, author, pastor, speaker and the founder of “Dare 2 Hear,” a ministry that trains individuals to hear the voice of God. She travels to churches internationally and is the founder and teacher of d2htraining.com, an online course designed to equip the believer in releasing God’s heart. Her writing and teachings inspire faith and build bridges for people to believe and expect the impossible. She is also an ordained Foursquare pastor, currently serving with her husband, John, as senior pastor of Restoration Church in Lacey, Washington. Learn more at: www.debbiekitterman.com
Follow Debbie Kitterman
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YouVersion 7-Day Devotional

This is a 7-day Devotional you can get on the YouVersion Bible App
I am blessed and honored to have a 7-day devotional on the YouVersion Bible App. YAY!!! It is a great way to kick start the 7- days before my on-line Bible Study starts next week. I would be so blessed if you would check it out and share it with your friends. You can find it here: Be The Gift Someone Needs Today!
Have you had the opportunity to read my new book “The Gift of Prophetic Encouragement: Hearing the Words of God for others.” ? This book is about learning to hear the voice of God in our own life so we can respond to those God bumps and little nudges He gives us on a daily basis. God is calling us to be agents of encouragement and to be the gift the worlds needs today.
We live in a time, where those around us are in desperate need of a real encounter with Jesus and in need of encouragement. We are called to encourage one another daily (Hebrews 3:13), and to build each other up (1 Thessalonians 5:11). My book will teach you how to step out and do just that.
To order your copy today: You can find it at Barnes & Noble, Amazon, OR your favorite online retailer, Plus, newly added, you can now get a signed copy from me. Click Here to order yours today!
We all have the opportunity to #BeTheGift of encouragement others need today.
Do you wonder if God still speaks today? Do you wonder if He would ever speak to you personally? Do you long to hear the voice of God in your life?
Have your read other books on hearing from God, but long for hands on practical application? or are you looking for ways to move you forward hearing from God?
If you answered YES to any of those questions, then I have exactly what you need. I now have an online e-course designed to equip you in understanding that God still speaks today, and He longs to speak directly to you, through His word, and others. He longs to encourage you, strengthen you and comfort you. The training on this site, is fully based on Scripture, and taken from my training manual Releasing God’s heart through Hearing His Voice.
God is speaking, Can you Hear Him?
d2htrainging.com membership site is open, I invite you to check it out today, and develop a deeper relationship with the Lord, as you learn to hear Him speak to your heart.
Looking for other Great Inspirational Parties. Click Here to see where I Link-Up weekly.
Several Submissions have been featured at Blessed Transgressions, an Online Magazine:
Balancing the Warrior & the Princess We’re Called to Be
Trusting God When it Seems Illogical
Will You Sit with Me? (Jesus is Calling.)
My Post: Adjust the Flow was featured here:
My Post: The Reluctant Encourager was featured here:
My Posts: The Most Wonderful Time of the Year & And So Do We! & Know Your Why & Jesus in Us! were featured here:
My Post #BeTheGift was featured here:
My Post “Climb Every Mountain” was featured in the August monthly link-up at : Life on Intention Link-up Party
My Posts: “Will You Sit with Me?” & New Mercies Everyday & Wait for it were featured here:
My Post: The Power of your Story, The Reluctant Encourager and #TeamJesus were featured here:
My Post “What’s in a Name?” was featured here:
My Post: “The Journey through Change” was featured here:
Again, I have been know to link to the following Inspirational Parties:
So much great info. Happy Independence Day!
Thank you Lauren! I had a wonderful Independence Day with my family – I pray you did too!
“No silenced lambs” – what a great piece of imagery you were given! May we all use our voices for goodness and for God.
Thank you Lisa! It was a powerful image when I saw it, one I won’t soon forget. Yes, I agree, may we all use our voices for God and His good!
Always great information. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful and safe Fourth of July.
Thank you Patrick! I did indeed have a safe and wonderful fourth of July. I pray you did as well.