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This week on Lessons from the Lake, I am sharing about a powerful book by my friend Dr. Michelle Bengtson called Hope Prevails. Not only is Dr. Michelle is a Neuropsychologist, but she is someone who has walked the personal road of depression. What a powerful Combination.
I met Dr. Michelle at a conference about a year ago where we had the opportunity to sit and talk. She shared with me about Hope Prevails and her own journey through depression. When she asked me to be on her launch team, I was not only honored, but I was excited to be a part of helping her share her story.
I again got to sit, share, listen, and pray with her a few weeks ago, after reading her book. I can personally attest, not only is Dr. Michelle brilliant, but she is authentic and personal.
Her book is powerful and is a much needed tool for everyone to combat the enemy who seeks to rob us of hope.
Her book releases in ONE week on August 16th, 2016, but you can per-order yours today (See links below).
Here are just a few of my favorite quotes an take-aways from her book:
“Anxiety is the absence of peace. … Anxiety always stems from a feeling of being out of control. … Many who experience the suffering caused by depression also experience anxiety. In fact, for some, anxiety is what they identify with before recognizing depression for what it is. ”
“Depression destroys our opinion of ourselves. The enemy’s attack on our character, our self-esteem, our behavior, and our condition devastate our self-esteem and often make us feel worthless.”
“When we focus instead on others and their needs, our ow pain is lessened.”
Dear Friends,
There’s this thing we do. We put aside how fragile life is. We live our day-to-day lives… but the truth is life IS fragile. Have you experienced one of those dark days when you wished you knew how to “turn on the lights” in your life? Or know someone who has? My good friend, Dr. Michelle Bengtson, has written a beautiful book about moving out of the darkness of depression and finding hope.
Yes, hope prevails!
You can pre-order your book at amazon, or here: http://drmichellebengtson.com/pre-order/ (If you order off Amazon please make sure to go to Dr. Michelle’s link and get her free Thank You gifts as well!)
Depression comes from many paths in our lives and happens in so many different ways, yet depression does not have to become a permanent way of life. There is HOPE! I simply invite you to get Dr. Michelle Bengtson’s book, “Hope Prevails.” If not for you, for someone you love.
This is Dr. Bengtson’s life’s work. It is about how God shines the brightest light in our darkest moments and that we are not alone. The book talks about depression, in the many forms that we all experience it… illness, cancer, suicide, old age, addiction, etc. As Dr. B. says, “My book, Hope Prevails, shows us that nothing we face is too big for God.” #HopePrevails.
This book is powerful. It is your invitation, and I hope you take it. I wholeheartedly recommend “Hope Prevails.”
Expect blessings!
PS: As Marilyn Meberg says, “There are many insightful books written about depression…Dr. Bengtson’s trumps them all.” ~ Marilyn Meberg (Women of Faith Speaker).
Again If you have previously per-ordered your book on Amazon or another retailer, Please visit Dr. Bengtson’s website to get her thank you gifts (or to ore-order your copy today). http://drmichellebengtson.com/pre-order/
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My Post “Climb Every Mountain” was featured in the August monthly link-up at : Life on Intention Link-up Party
My Post: “The Journey through Change” was featured here:
I have been know to link to the following Inspirational Parties:
What Joy is Mine/Monday Musings
I agree, this is an amazing book written by an amazing person. 🙂 As a person who deals with anxiety and depression, this book has changed my life and will change the lives of other people, too.
Melissa – I completely agree with you, this is a powerful book and lives will be changed, and people will be set free – I so wish the book was out today – there are so many people I know just waiting to get a copy. I too have seen how it can change peoples lives and their understanding of what anxiety and depression are really about.
Thanks for sharing this book with us today, Debbie. Popping over from #testimonytuesday.
Tiffany – I am so glad you could stop by today and I hope that you will check out Dr. Michelle’s book – it is amazingly powerful
What a great, powerful review – and I love the vlog! It makes it more personal! I love Michelle and I know this book is going to change lives!
Karrilee – Thank you so much ! I am enjoying doing the video blogs (Vlogs). I completely agree with you — this book will change so many lives – I already know it has changed mine and others that have had the privilege of reading it in advance. Blessings to you
Thank you for sharing this. Visiting from Coffee For your Heart.
thank you for stopping by Kathleen 🙂
Love Michelle. Such an important topic!
Lyli – yes, it is such an important topic and it affects so many people.
What a great preview and sounds like a great book. I’m aware that depression and anxiety affects a lot of people and I’m glad that there’s hope out there. Thanks for linking up with #FridayFrivolity
Rebecca – It is a fabulous book – I highly encourage you to check it out – Having hope is so important in helping people deal with the depression and anxiety, I learned so much through the reading of this book. Thank you for stopping by.
Great job with sharing this topic and glad you got to be part of the launch of such a needed tool for healing.
Thanks Crystal – it has been fun to be a part of this launch, but mostly becasue I feel like it has changed my life and perspective on depression and given me an understand of where people are coming from and how to better help them. It is most definitely a much needed tool. Blessings
Once again, I feel as if this was written just for me and my family. Thank you for choosing the topic of depression and hope. Hope will help, it gives us something to work towards and shines a light in all the dark places!
Nikki – you are so welcome and yet again, I am blessed that the message spoke and ministered to you — without Hope we are lost 🙂