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As you may know, I am in the middle of a book launch. It has been a wild roller coaster of a ride, and can I just say, roller coasters are not always my favorite, but I still ride them. LOL This past week, Stacey Pardoe wrote a post, that so inspired me and touched my heart. Her words encouraged me, ministered to my heart and also issued a challenge. It moved me to seek God and to take action in my own life.
- Do I still have the fire?
- Is it burning bright Or has it dwindled?
- Do I need to get it back?
I pray Stacey’s words will also challenge you in a good way. I pray we will all be spurred into action, to either get our fire back, or to spread the fire we have to others.
How to Get the Fire Back
Guest Post by: Stacey Pardoe
We’re driving through farm country when I hear him singing with the radio from the backseat, “I gotta get that fire, fire back in my bones.” He’s three, and he’s not easy to understand, but I hear him loud and clear. He’s smiling wide at the Holsteins and rocking with the melody.
I think of the moment for days. I think of it when I sit by the sliding glass door in the early morning light and seek to align my heart with the heart of my Maker before a new day draws me into its hurried pace. I think of it when the cashier with the sad glint in her eyes hands me my groceries later in the afternoon. I think of it when I meet to walk with a friend, and she’s so fired up for what God’s doing in her life, and I gotta get that fire back in my bones.
It’s in the cool glow of dusk, with the crickets chirping their August chorus from the goldenrod, that I open the book. It’s written by a woman who has been encouraging me through her online writings for close to a year now, and when I heard she’d written a print book, I was eager to read it. I really didn’t know what I was getting into. I really didn’t know that God was about to use her words to put the fire back in my bones.
As I devour her words, Debbie Kitterman reminds me that following God is not meant to be a comfortable stroll down the avenue of my life. She reminds me that God wants to show up in my life. He wants to speak to me about the sad cashier, the friend who is struggling to discern his will, and more. He wants to use me as his vessel, whispering words of encouragement into my spirit so that I might share those words with others.
Debbie’s words remind me that following Christ is often quite uncomfortable. She reminds me that He wants me to encounter Him for myself so that I bring his presence, His truth, His love, and His kindness to a broken world. He wants me to speak prophetic words of encouragement to others.
The word prophetic scares some of us. We think of white-cloaked prophets with names like Elijah, Elisha, and Jeremiah. We think of the way culture literally disrobed these men and threw them into muddy cisterns. We can’t possibly imagine that God wants to speak through us and into others using our voices.
In her new book The Gift of Prophetic Encouragement, Debbie is reminding me that God still speaks. She is reminding me that while the idea of prophecy might be out of my comfort space, it is simply speaking God’s words of encouragement, truth, and edification into others’ lives. It is building them up, based on God’s perspective.
As I near the conclusion of Debbie’s book, something is stirring inside me. It feels like fire back in my bones, and I have never been more eager to honor God by following him in sharing his truth with others.
If you’re itching to get the fire back in your bones, this book is for you. Pre-order your own copy here.
(To listen to the song referenced by sweet little Caleb, click here.)
Top Clicked Post:
Last weeks most clicked post was from Crystal Twaddell When You Long to Do Big Things.
I encourage you to click over and read it, if you haven’t already. Crystal says: “God may call some of us to do big things in big places. But he calls all of us to do brave things in the ordinary places.”
These words are so true and very powerful. We all need to grasp this truth. In my new soon to released book, I talk about how God wants to use ordinary you! You and me … ordinary us, to do extraordinary things for God!
Again Welcome and Thank you for joining me for #TuneInThursday it is an honor to have you here!
I have had a few people ask for a badge/button to display on your blogs. I would absolutely be honored if you would display it, or link back here in some way. Thank you!
Now let’s get this party started, feel free to link 1-3 posts:

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Do you wonder if God still speaks today? Do you wonder if He would ever speak to you personally? Do you long to hear the voice of God in your life?
Have your read other books on hearing from God, but long for hands on practical application? or are you looking for ways to move you forward hearing from God?
If you answered YES to any of those questions, then I have exactly what you need. I now have an online e-course designed to equip you in understanding that God still speaks today, and He longs to speak directly to you, through His word, and others. He longs to encourage you, strengthen you and comfort you. The training on this site, is fully based on Scripture, and taken from my training manual Releasing God’s heart through Hearing His Voice.
God is speaking, Can you Hear Him?
d2htrainging.com membership site is open, I invite you to check it out today, and develop a deeper relationship with the Lord, as you learn to hear Him speak to your heart.
Looking for other Great Inspirational Parties. Click Here to see where I Link-Up weekly.
Several Submissions have been featured at Blessed Transgressions, an Online Magazine:
Balancing the Warrior & the Princess We’re Called to Be
Trusting God When it Seems Illogical
Will You Sit with Me? (Jesus is Calling.)
My Post: The Reluctant Encourager was featured here:
My Posts: The Most Wonderful Time of the Year, And So Do We & Jesus in Us! were featured here:
My Post: #BeTheGift was featured here:
My Post “Climb Every Mountain” was featured in the August monthly link-up at : Life on Intention Link-up Party
My Posts: “Will You Sit with Me?” & New Mercies Everyday & Wait for it were featured here:
My Posts: The Most Wonderful Time of the Year & And So Do We! & Know Your Why were featured here:
My Post: The Power of your Story was featured here:
My Post “What’s in a Name?” was featured here:
My Post: “The Journey through Change” was featured here:
Again, I have been know to link to the following Inspirational Parties:
Stacey’s words always inspire! It’s going to be so much fun to read the thoughts of others as we all dive into the truth you’re sharing in your new book!
Yes, Michele, I agree – Stacey’s words do inspire. I heard that your book was being shipped this week 🙂 I don’t have an exact date but expect it to arrive in your mailbox soon. 🙂
Wonderful post, Stacey! It is going to be both encouraging and inspiring to read the words of others on how this book is impacting us. Thank you, Debbie, for writing the book we all need to read!
Thank you Joanne! I am loving to hear how the book has impacted others, it’s in ways that I never imagined. It is such a blessing to me too.
I love reading this review by Stacey. I know your book is blessing many people already, Debbie; both those who read it and those they in turn go out and touch. “Debbie is reminding me that God still speaks.” We all need that reminder!
Thanks Lisa, I was very touched by Stacey’s review too. I am excited for all the lives that will be blessed by the ripple effect of this books and people’s response. It is way beyond anything I could have ever imagined. Blessings 🙂
I can just imagine the 3-year-old singing in the back seat of the car. I love when my grandsons do that – they are so joyful and uninhibited. Good role models! Good to hear about the need for “fire back in your bones”!
I could image the little 3-year old too, Laurie. My kids aren’t little anymore and no grandchildren yet, but I loved Stacey’s story about her son.
This is a great post and so full of encouragement! (Can’t wait till my book arrives to begin reading it. 😊) I think this exhortation to encourage others in these ways is very much God’s heart to the body at present. I was working on a post I plan to do on my website next week and the theme I felt led to write about was similar.
Thanks for being obedient to the Lord in the book, Debbie, and thanks, Stacey for a great review.
I loved Stacey’s Post too Pam! I love that you are writing on something similar too and how God gives themes that are along the same topic to people at just the same time too. Thank you Pam for your kind and generous words, they mean a lot to me. I have been reading Bring Me a Vision as time allows – I am about 1/2 way through 🙂 I heard your wait won’t be much longer for my book to arrive either. 🙂 Blessings
“Fire in the soul, there’s fire in the soul!” May we all here this cry!
Great post Stacy! God ordained moments Debbie through reviews…Love that!
I agree Jennifer – Stacey’s Post is awesome! and thank you so much, definitely God ordained moments are the best.
Dear Debbie,
Thank you for coming over to my blog, for the kind words and for the invitation. You know yesterday night I was watching Doctor Strange and strange as it may seems,I cried at some point while watching. For some reasons,its like there’s a piece of me that I am longing and I couldn’t put it back into the same perspective for some years now.
Today, I am here..and I realized I still have the fire and its burning and its dwindling at the same time. Yes, I need to get it back but it is so hard yet I need to do it.Again, my tears flow for the second time. Thank you Debbie and Stacey’s post stirs emotion.
Anyway, I appreciate that there’s someone like you who recognizes Filipino Food.Our cuisine is barely existing in other parts of the world.Our country was colonized by the Spaniards, Japanese and American Regime, therefore our food and culture is affected as well. I could say that Filipinos has done a lot of fusion meals which we now consider Filipino Food. Our food has two intricate characteristics. First, the European style and taste is visible because of Spanish influence. Second, we carry on the Malay influence because Philippines is a Muslim country at first, Spaniards came and most of us embraced Catholic faith. The Americans came and Protestantism became Popular and together with it we welcome American food which we call in the Philippines Western Food.
Sorry I didnt bring anything today.Guess I am not prepared.. ha ha ha.
I had an encounter this week, a chance to share a God given encouraging word. Obedience to do so encouraged me!
Fantastic to hear Elizabeth – isn’t is amazing when we step out in obedience to encourage others how we often get energized and encouraged ourselves? Thanks for sharing
Thanks, Deb for helping keep all of our fires alight! We are definitely better together. I hope it’s less of a roller coaster and more of a freefall in God’s peace and joy this week as you continue your terrific launch! (Go, Deb!)
Thank you Sue! We are so better together than going solo. 🙂 I appreciate your prayers for this week ahead and what remains until book release 🙂
Stacey-I love your words. Debbie’s book has impacted me in so many ways. I am learning that even though I am finished with the book, this is just the beginning.
These words here —> it is simply speaking God’s words of encouragement, truth, and edification into others’ lives. It is building them up, based on God’s perspective —-> describing Debbie’s truth about prophetic encouragement changed my own thinking. I feel like i’m getting the fire back.
Mary – I agree! Stacey has a wonderful way with words. I felt their impact when I was reading them too. I am so glad you feel the fire coming back… Love having you here, Mary.
Such powerful words! I am so thankful for the body of Christ, who can encourage and inspire us to get that “fire” back in our bones! Such a great post–and I LOVE the song by that Caleb was singing in the car!
Christin – I so agree, Stacey’s words are powerful and my prayer is each of us will get the fire back in our bones. Thanks for being here. 🙂