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Review of “Organic Love” by M. E. Weyerbacher
Today, I want to share with you about a wonderful new fiction book that just debuted last Thursday and share a fun interview with author M. E. Weyerbacher (Meghan). I am one of Meghan’s launch team members so I got early access to read her manuscript. I was just about finished, the day the book released and I can tell you this: It was hard to put down. I wanted to keep reading and not do my work. I wanted to keep reading and not go to sleep. I wanted to see how it ends, I was almost there, but not quite the day it released, but I was able to finish it the day after. I am so proud of Meghan and all her hard work and effort to get this book finished and out for the public to read. You’ve done a wonderful job Meghan! Welcome to becoming a published author.
Here is my review from Amazon:
Organic love is just that… A clean, wholesome love story that comes about naturally and organically. It grows on you from page one all the way through to the end. I’m a sucker for a good romance, but throw in humor and real life issues that have me connecting with the characters and feeling what their feeling and I’m hooked. M. E. Weyerbacher did just this. I found myself laughing one minute and tearing up the next. I didn’t want to put the book down because I became invested in the characters and what they were going through. I look forward to reading more books by this author.
Meghan’s book “Organic Love is available via kindle format or print edition! You can check them both out but clicking on the link below.
Interview with Author Meghan Weyerbacher
This is the “Let’s get to know Meghan” section: (For this section only, My answers are in smaller teal color under Meghan’s)
Netflix or Hallmark Channel?
Hallmark. My friend and I just talked about getting the $4.99 app for this channel only, and making bi-weekly hangouts to watch over coffee while the kids play.
I’m a Hallmark person too, especially the Hallmark mysteries. I had no idea there was an app, but my girlfriend and I try to get together at least once or twice during the holiday season to have a hallmark movie and pj day.
Winter or Summer?
Winter (I know right? I love snow, reading, board games…it works out perfectly.)
This one is tough for me, I like both for different reasons. Winter if we get snow, (Not a fan of all our rain) But if I had to choose one, then Summer. Summer for swimming in the lake and sitting outside!
Dogs or Cats?
As much as I adore our dog, I prefer cats. Their personalities are hilarious. But I have a “dream dog” if there’s such a thing: A Cocker Spaniel!
For me it’s dogs. My hubby is allergic to cats. 🙂
Coffee or Tea?
You caught me. I’ve been waiting for the day the truth would come out. Coffee! I love tea of all sorts–but coffee still ranks higher for me.
It’s tea for me. I don’t do coffee – unless it’s foofy, like a Pumpkin Spice Latte (Yum)
Over or under (toilet paper)?
Haha! Love this question. My answer is: I can’t remember, let me go check. I never pay attention to what it is, or how I put it on. I am probably thinking about something intense, yes–even on the potty.
Over – totally over! So much so, I change it, if it’s not. LOL
Coke or Pepsi?
Coke. My favorite is chocolate Coke. Ask for it at Sonic, or just put a bit of the syrup in yourself. Tastes like a Tootsie Roll!
Uhm… chocolate Coke? That’s a real thing? Never in my life have I heard of this. I am going to have to ask our Sonic. Now, my husband loves tootsie rolls so I will have to tell him about this. For me… well, I don’t really do soda. I know, strange. If I do it’s usually root-beer or sprite, and if I had to choose one, then I would say Pepsi.
Ocean or mountains?
Mountains. Hands down. One day, I want to live by one–or in view of one.
For me, it’s the Ocean! I love to watch the endless beauty and raw power of the ocean. To me, oceans speak of God’s vastness and endless possibilities. There is so much unknown or unseen about the ocean, which leaves much to discover.
Print or ebook?
Print. I love the smell of a good paperback, the pages against my fingers, the freedom to take it wherever I go, without being “connected.”
Print! Most definitely, hands down – Print. I love to underline, highlight and know exactly where I am at in a book
Soup or Sandwich?
Soup. Any kind, but the hearty kind is best right? 🙂
Sandwich. I’m not really much of a soup person, but I am beginning to like it more. Putting it in a cute fall bowl helps too. 😉
Card game or Board game?
Oops, I already answered that. Board games! Love Apples to Apples, The Game of Things, (Can you tell I like words? Those are wordy games.)
Oooh, this is a tough one. I would say, board games too.
If You had a superpower, what would it be?
Cleaning my house like the lady did in Bewitched. I want to get finished so I can get back to other things!
My super power would be gift-giving! I love hunting for, finding and giving the perfect gift.
Have you read The 5 love languages? If so what’s your love language?
Quality time ranked the highest and Acts of Service ranked 2nd for me! So if you come over I’d rather you sit down and chat than try to fold my laundry. Just sayin’ – haha!
I gave my love language away above (gifts) but quality time is a close 2nd. I could totally come to you house and sit and chat with you for hours. No desire would ever overcome me to fold your laundry though… just sayin’ – you would be safe LOL
Which books are “on your nightstand”?
How Joyful People Think by Jamie Rasmussen
Think, Learn, Succeed by Dr. Caroline Leaf
My Living Bible Translation Bible
Truthfully, I have way too many to list or people will be scrolling for days to linkup. (17 to be exact)
Writing spaces are as diverse as authors and books. Where is your favorite space to write?
My favorite space is next to the three big windows on the corner of our charcoal blue couch. I need lots of light I have found. If I ever am able, I’d love to have a sunroom built onto our house. Then, my answer would be there!
This is the “Let’s get to know more about Megan & her novel Organic Love” section:
Why this book? And why now?
Organic Love came to me after I paused on a project. I felt like I was supposed to pivot for a time. This story came over the span of a couple days once I said yes to the pausing. Of course I had to fill in the holes and work hard for months–but this wasn’t the book I chose to go first. I was actually penning a Christian nonfiction book. God has ideas and ways that are higher than ours. I am learning to let Him lead the way!
Which Character in your book do you relate to the most and why?
Cat’s out of the bag. I relate to Reese, but she mostly shadows where I was a few years ago. God has brought me a long way since even last year, but I do however still experience panic attacks from time to time depending–but because I have learned to nab it right away and not ignore it, and also have learned to reach out for counsel–I believe I am healthier mentally and spiritually today.
Do any of the fictitious characters in your book take after someone in your real life? And if so can you tell us who?
I did not write them after anyone in my life, then after I finalized the book it dawned on me that Reese resembled myself a few years ago.
I was in a bad car accident at the age of seven, and my friend was too. I was in the hospital for weeks, and my best friend who was in the wreck too (her mom was driving us to the store) died while I was not conscious. In the book, I had already written the dedication “to those who never got to say goodbye,” and almost had a cloud-parting moment in the finalization process of this story. I asked myself, “Have you buried things that need to be given to God?” I’ve been well acquainted with various levels of grief, as most of us have–and Reese experiences some struggles which we get to journey through with her.
As I said, I never planned to parallel her to myself and didn’t realize much of it until after. Though her relationships differ from mine, I felt her emotion while writing it. It was a unique experience to slip into her third person view, dealing with the things at hand.
Did you always want to be a Fiction Writer?
Yes. I only more recently grew to realize it was probably going to be more than this. But fiction is my first love. I have about 6 in the works, all in different stages.
How long has it taken you to write and finish this book?
I began in June and finished writing in August. The end of August I self-edited and hired an editor, and then in September I decided to hire a new editor who meshed better with me and writing voice.
Can you describe your writing routine and style for us?
I have to output before input daily. If I listen to anything, watch anything, it throws me off. My best thoughts and ideas whether for the blog, books, church — seem to come right at bedtime or right when I am waking up and can barely get to my pen in time. (The nightstand is on hubs side for him, ha!)
For fiction, I have books in different stages which plays into the routine. Overall story development isn’t as brain-sucking for me, so I am able to come up with a good plot right away. I may think of one and store it away, and get to working on my main thing for the day.
Character development takes more time and thoughtfulness from the get-go. For this book, they came right away–but for some other books where I feel I have mastered the location, scene, and storyline–I am still working on WHO is in it while doing my other daily things such as preparing the weekly link up for Tea and Word Tuesday (or even preparing posts months out in advance so I have less “last-minute” work).
My writing style is both laid back and intense. My actual writing time is carved out from 8am-11am and then I do lunch and school my older son. I guard my writing time unless life gets crazy and I am not able to schedule an obligation on social media. (And I mean that word as nicely as possible).
Otherwise, I put my phone away for hours at a time so I can focus, because I know myself–I will become distracted by every good intention.
Unless it’s a week like this one where things are flip flopped due to taking a bit of a breather (or I really have the urge to share a photo) — I don’t make it a habit of checking email or doing social media in the morning.
See what I mean? I need routine, but I enjoy healthy freedom to move if need be.
Did you ask me what my writing style was days ago because as you can tell–I am long winded. My writing style has taken time to grow. I am glad I am more comfortable with my true writing voice. It is honest and kind, blunt but gentle–I hope. I am praying about the POV for my next book. I have always wanted to tackle first person. Think I can pull it off?
What has been your favorite and least favorite part of this journey to getting you book from idea to print reality?
My favorite part of this journey has been creating the story. I have people and possible scenarios running around in my head all day long, so finally feeling led to focus on and finish one has been so fulfilling. To be able to paint a picture of hope, with words without feeling obligated to straight up preach or teach is where I am supposed to be.
My least favorite part was the rigorous editing process. I am pretty sure I was brain dead during the last ¾ of it, and it’s no wonder I started to slump and experience doubt, fatigue, and wanted to even hide from my church obligations. I was completely drained mentally. I found out this a normal experience and there’s things we can do to help.
What’s your next project? You do have one? Right? Or do you need some time to rest before coming up with more ideas?
I have so many ideas already, I have to make myself take a break. Before I finished Organic Love, I came up with a few more novels (mentally) so I jotted them down so I could get back to this one, without worry I’d forget.
This week, I thought I would break, but a few days ago a synopsis that had been brewing came to completion and I wrote as fast I could to get it all down. It seems another I didn’t plan on going next, will go next! Now I need to finish the character profiles and personality tests.
I don’t want to start writing about a guy named Dan (for example) before I know whether he will hand the cookie to the lady, a grin sweeping across his face–or whether he would grind the cookie between his teeth, hoping she doesn’t notice his irritation.
But as much as this is true, I am going to give myself grace these next few weeks and only hardcore work on the next one as the realizations (of the characters) come. I’ve heard some authors taking years, but I’m sorry–I’d go bananas if I waited that long.
Clearly, this is what has happened after years of me not finishing…now they are all wanting to come out at once.
Now it’s my turn to turn the table on you – LOL Ok but seriously, you gave me an opportunity to share what was on my heart when my book released, so I want to do the same for you. This is your space to share what God has put on your heart, for us, your readers.
More than anything I feel led to write novels that speak into people’s messy lives and give them a renewed sense of hope, or make them laugh and go “Uh-huh.” I was never an escapist reader so it seems fitting this is where I am.
My main prayer was that I’d be able to pull this off without necessarily fitting into a Christian category, in hopes I could reach people who maybe didn’t know what hope was, or should I say Who…
I do want to write some in the Christian genre, and when I do, I also feel led to write in almost this same way–real and messy people with real hope available. From experience, I was a lost girl in the church pew–so we can’t ever assume even someone who has been raised there for 20 years knows the real, never-ending love of Jesus. My goal is to speak life and hope into the believers who struggle with their salvation, who feel “not good enough” – too far-gone – or like people can’t understand where they are coming from.
I feel like God wants my books to be a seed, not a strict teacher–and this is how I know I am walking in my calling: I feel the most fulfilled when I am, I am able to be fully me without compromise, and after years of striving to be someone else (because I thought I was not capable of doing the thing in my heart), I have finally finished something, and even made a sale.
The last part may sound petty, but for my personal testimony, it is not. If you knew how many times I have tried to “create” or “launch” things — you would be in awe with me that when I lined up with who God made me to be and heeded him in all this, I truly believe he honored that.
I invite you to please Follow Meghan on her social media:
Blog:: Facebook:: Twitter:: Instagram:: Pinterest:: Medium
M. E. Weyerbacher is a published poet, winning historical essayist, and full-time writer fueled by imagination and strong coffee. She has a thing for thunderstorms, a good paperback, and traipses through the woods.
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Debbie Kitterman is a natural born encourager who is on fire for God. She is passionate about equipping individuals, so they can go deeper in the relationship with God, reach their God-potential and claim their Kingdom inheritance. Debbie is a wife, mother, author, pastor, speaker and the founder of “Dare 2 Hear,” a ministry that trains individuals to hear the voice of God. She travels to churches internationally and is the founder and teacher of d2htraining.com, an online course designed to equip the believer in releasing God’s heart. Her writing and teachings inspire faith and build bridges for people to believe and expect the impossible. She is also an ordained Foursquare pastor, currently serving with her husband, John, as senior pastor of Restoration Church in Lacey, Washington. Learn more at: www.debbiekitterman.com
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If you answered YES to any of those questions, then I have exactly what you need. I now have an online e-course designed to equip you in understanding that God still speaks today, and He longs to speak directly to you, through His word, and others. He longs to encourage you, strengthen you and comfort you. The training on this site, is fully based on Scripture, and taken from my training manual Releasing God’s heart through Hearing His Voice.
God is speaking, Can you Hear Him?
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Looking for other Great Inspirational Parties. Click Here to see where I Link-Up weekly.
Several Submissions have been featured at Blessed Transgressions, an Online Magazine:
Balancing the Warrior & the Princess We’re Called to Be
Trusting God When it Seems Illogical
Will You Sit with Me? (Jesus is Calling.)
My Post: The Reluctant Encourager was featured here:
My Posts: The Most Wonderful Time of the Year & And So Do We! & Know Your Why & Jesus in Us! were featured here:
My Post #BeTheGift was featured here:
My Post “Climb Every Mountain” was featured in the August monthly link-up at : Life on Intention Link-up Party
My Posts: “Will You Sit with Me?” & New Mercies Everyday & Wait for it were featured here:
My Post: The Power of your Story, The Reluctant Encourager and #TeamJesus were featured here:
My Post “What’s in a Name?” was featured here:
My Post: “The Journey through Change” was featured here:
Again, I have been know to link to the following Inspirational Parties:
Wonderful interview! I follow Megan, so I know she is an excellent writer. I will have to check out her new book!
Thanks Laurie. I had fun interviewing Meghan and learning more about her and her book. I am so glad you are acquainted with her already. Yes, please do check out her book, I’m sure you will enjoy it.
Thank you for reading, Laurie–and I appreciate the kind words!
Let me know what you think if you do check it out!
This interview was such a fun read!
so glad you enjoyed it Michele! I had fun interviewing her too. 🙂
Thank you, Michele!
What great fun getting to know Meghan a bit better! I can’t read to read her latest work of fiction!
Thanks Stacey, I got to know Meghan better too through the interview! Her book was great, I think you would really enjoy it.
Thank you, Stacey!
I hope you give a read and let me know what you think!
Thanks for the interview, Debbie–it was much fun and you always seem to make me laugh even across a screen. That is a gift!
(Should I gift you an autumn bowl?) LOL
You are most welcome Meghan! I am so glad I could make you laugh across the screen. 🙂 Yay! I had so much fun replaying too all the “This or That” questions. Autumn bowl? You mean like a bowl with fall leaves and colors, so I can like eating soup better? or is this another thing I know nothing about and you need to clue me in? LOL 😉 but I guess I would answer … well, I am a gifts person so yes – gift away! LOL
Great interview. And Meg, I’m a Hallmark girl all the way!
And this really jumped out at me, because we have talked about it before.
“I feel like God wants my books to be a seed, not a strict teacher–and this is how I know I am walking in my calling: I feel the most fulfilled when I am, I am able to be fully me without compromise, and after years of striving to be someone else (because I thought I was not capable of doing the thing in my heart), I have finally finished something, and even made a sale.”
Looking forward to reading your book. Blessings, Karen
Thanks, Karen! I enjoyed Meghan’s interview as well. You can learn so much about a person with the right questions. Meg, is funny and personal and makes me laugh. She is open, honest and transparent, all things I love about her! I loved the lines you pulled out to highlight. It shows her heart exactly. I know you will love her book, especially if you are a Hallmark girl! Thanks for being here today.
Yay for Hallmark!
It has always been a dream of mine to get these stories out into the world, and I am so glad God is helping me to do this.
The doubt can be strong at times, be he is bigger.
Debbie thank you too for your kind words.
I am becoming more comfortable in my own imperfect skin as I get older.
Is this why people who are older than I, seem to be wiser and less worried?
LOL – this is Good News!!!
I love reading author interviews! It’s nice to get a window into what goes on behind the book, and the heart of the writer.
I agree Katrina. I always learn so much about the author, but also it makes me realize that we are each unique and yet have similarities too. Thanks for being here today to read about Meghan’s new book.
I LOVE Meghan even more after reading this great interview. And I’ll be diving into the book this weekend! laurensparks.net
Ahh this fills my heart, Lauren.
Thank you for your support and I am glad you get to read it soon!
I am excited to know your thoughts.
Have a blast on your trip!
Lauren, I felt the same way. I have always loved Meghan and her writing and skype conversations – but this interview gave me a new perspective and glimpse behind the amazing person I already knew she was. Enjoy reading her book this weekend. 🙂
Debbie thank you for this great interview with Meghan! I really loved this statement Meg, “I feel like God wants my books to be a seed, not a strict teacher.” I felt this so much when I was reading your book!! That is exactly how the Lord let your words come forth. Bless you as you go forward obeying HIM! xoxo
You are most welcome BettieG 🙂 It was an honor to interview Meghan. I love Meg and her writing so much and it was fun to get to know her even more. Plus, I loved her new book too.
I am so glad it came across this way, Bettie!
Wow, praise God!
Love the way you encourage everyone in so many ways and live out the message of your new book, Debbie! Loved the interview and looking forward to reading the book. Hugs to you, my friend❤️
Thank you, Pam. It’s just a part of who I am and my heart that others I know be encouraged in all their step out to do. I am so glad you enjoyed the interview and hope the book review helped you as well. Hugs back to you as well. <3
Thanks, Pam.
Debbie is the real deal!
yay for meghan and for you, too, debbie for working hard, listening well and producing that which God called you to! xxx
Thanks Sue 🙂 Hugs
I read this interview and thoroughly enjoyed it as I am about half way through Meghan’s book. I wondered if she had experienced the anxiety that Reese does in the book. Now I know the answer to that and also know why it’s so believable. What a great read.
Thank you for the party Debbie and bless you m’dear.
Thank you so much Patti! I am so glad you are back linking up. I have missed you. 🙂 I was wondering about the very same thing regarding Reese and so that is why I asked the question. hahaha But I agree, it is a fantastic read.
Yep, but even if not I would have needed to do the research.
I am glad you are halfway through and sure hope you like it!
What a beautiful and lovely interview. Thanks for sharing interview with this great author. I loved that she is planting the seed and I hope it grows.
Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful weekend.
Thank you Patrick. I am so glad you enjoyed the interview. I had a blast with it as well. I like that Meghan knows that she is supposed to be doing. She is focused. You have a great weekend too – and thanks for being here each week to linkup. 🙂
Thanks for taking time to read, Patrick–have a great week!
Loved the interview with Meg! I don’t have her book yet, but I have read the first chapter. Can’t wait to get a copy and read the rest! Blessing to you, Debbie and to Meg! xo
Gayl, I glad you enjoyed the interview with Meg. It was so fun getting to know her more. I am so glad you have had the opportunity to read the first chapter. It was sooooo good wasn’t it? You will love the rest of the book
You are so cool Gayl–thank you for all your support!
Have a blessed week!
Thank you Deb for this review & interview for Meghan’s new novel. It sounds like a great read.
You are most welcome Jennifer. Thank you so much for taking the time to read about Meghan’s book 🙂
I love this interview, Debbie! Author interviews are so interesting but I especially love the “let’s get to know her” section! Her book sure sounds like a great read. Blessings to you!
Thanks Ronja! I like author interviews too, it gives you a glimpse into the real person behind the book. Thanks for taking the time to read through about Meghan and her book. It is definitely a good read.
Thanks, Ronja–so glad you came by.
Have a great week!
What a fun interview! Love you both, and it would be fun to all hang out together. 🙂
Thanks Kelly 🙂 We had fun doing the interview too, and YES!!!! Having an opportunity for us all to hang out would be more than fun! Maybe one day we will find ourselves all in the same place at the same time. Love you 🙂
Thanks, Kelly–oh yes it would!
Thank you for hosting. I love sharing with your readers and always find inspiration here. Have a blessed week! #OverTheMoon #WWBlogHop #ThursdayFavoriteThings
you are most welcome Marilyn 🙂
Hey Marilyn–thanks for stopping by to read!
I’m reading Meg’s book now and am truly enjoying it. I bought the Kindle version. She’s a peach, isn’t she?
I love you Susan. ^_^
Thanks for reading–you are such an encouragement to me!