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This post is part of a community post. Every Friday, a one-word prompt is announced. This is meant to be a free write, which means: no editing, no over-thinking, and no worrying about perfect grammar or punctuation. Just writing the thoughts as they come. If you’d like to participate, or read other posts, you can find all the info you need here.)

Just write.


5 minute Friday — Decide!

I took the last 2 weeks off due to Easter Celebrations and then recovery time.  You know, there are a lot of plans and details involved with our church service for Easter weekend and it took all my weekly energy and brain power.  Then after Easter,  I purposed schedule down time to recover and refuel. (Figured, I should at least practice what I preach/wrote a few weeks ago – 🙂 check out those posts here: Fill up to Live Full  & 3 things to help you Avoid Hitting the Wall )

fill up to live full        hitting the wall

As the week progressed, I couldn’t decide what to write a new blog post on, so I put it off. And then I put it off some more and I worked on 3 painting projects I have been trying to find the time to get to for over a year.  I am happy to report, 2 of the 3 are almost complete and waiting for a final coat of wax to be finished and place in their new locations– the 3rd one has been sent to my husband’s workshop to be repaired and then stained, so technically, my part is finished.

When I still couldn’t decide what to write on I decided to hop on over to 5 minute Friday and see what the prompt word was for the day and I thought, WOW – I can work with that. Hahaha, this is actually only the 2nd time I have participated in 5-minute Friday, which is sad, because I enjoy it so much.


Besides my lack of deciding what to write a blog post on for this week, as I was looking for the stop watch to set the timer for 5 minutes, I immediately thought about how I used to have such a people pleasing issue that I couldn’t even decide where I wanted to go for lunch with my friends.  Yes, sadly it’s true, when asked “Debbie, where would you like to go for lunch?” I would freeze, not knowing what to say, my mind would race. I mean, what if I chose the wrong place? or they hated the place I chose? Then what if they said something about disliking the place I chose, then I would get hurt feeling and feel rejected, so I just wouldn’t, couldn’t decide.  Now, it seems really silly, but the struggle is real when you have an issue with people pleasing and wanting to make everyone else happy just so they will like you.

Thank you Jesus, that I have been set free of my people pleasing issues and I can actually tell you what I want to eat now…


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My Post: “Will You Sit with Me?” was featured here:

My Post: “The Journey through Change” was featured here:

featured-image2 I have been know to link to the following Inspirational Parties:


Social Butterfly Sunday

Give Me Grace


Sharing His Beauty

What Joy is Mine/Monday Musings

Me, Coffee, & Jesus

Reflect His Love & Glory

Soul Surival

Life Giving Linkup

Literacy Monday Musing


Titus 2 Tuesday

RaRa Link-UP

Testimony Tuesday

Tell it to me Tuesday


Way Wow


Coffee for your Heart

Whole Hearted Wednesday

Women of Intention

A Little R&R


Imparting Grace

Thought Provoking Thursday

I Choose Joy


Blessing Counters Link Party

Dance with Jesus

5 Minute Friday’s

Faith Filled Friday

Grace & Truth

Spiritual Sunday’s

Fun & Free Friday

Coffee Shop Conversations


Weekend Whispers

TGI Saturday’s Blog Hop

Word of God Speak




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