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I watched the screen, excited for the young girl headed out into the open waters of the ocean, on the adventure of her life.  She was full of dreams, and passion.  Nothing could hold her back now, or so she thought.  She had almost made it passed the barrier reef that the waves crashed upon, when she was suddenly blindsided and overtaken by a wave.


The wave pushed her down toward the ocean floor and she was all turned around. Which way was up toward the surface?  With every second, my heart beat faster as she struggled to get to the surface to gasp for air.


Only to then be tossed and turned and pummeled by wave after wave.  Nothing she did seemed to help, until all of sudden she broke free and seemed to be able to gain her bearing and swim to shallower water where she gained her footing and breathed.  Deep, gasping, cleansing breathes, just happy to be able to breathe without being pushed around, forced under, or wondering which direction was up.


I sat there on the edge of the couch, feeling what this character on the TV screen was feeling.  It was as if I was right there in the water with her.  Gasping for air.



Have you ever felt like you were drowning in the activities of life?


As I sat staring ahead in quiet contemplation, at the scene I had just watched. I tried to calm my racing heart, no words to say, just BIG …. Deep …. breaths.


Lately life has been tossing, turning, and pummeling me, just like the ocean waves, in the scene I had just watched. I was looking forward toward the possibilities of things to come on the horizon.  I was excited, even anticipating a possible new adventure, and then just like that … whack!



Out of nowhere, one event, and then another, and another.  Before I knew it I was being tossed into a battle of emotional wave after wave hitting me harder, knocking me down, spinning me around, and discouraging me.


The first event was our beloved retired pastor passing from his battle with cancer.  He was our mentor, a spiritual father, our friend, our wise counsel, and a board member for my ministry.


The second event, another mentor, spiritual father, longtime friend, wise counsel, and another board member for my minister had landed in the hospital, and was not doing well.


Other events that followed, just added to the emotional roller coaster.  I felt like a failure, running away, hiding, or quitting all together.  I began to second guess the calling on my life and my ministry.


Despair and discouragement seemed to be twin bad boys knocking me around for more than a week, until one morning as I was in the shower getting ready for church.  It was then the Lord whispered to my heart and said, “You are in a spiritual battle, are you ready to rally the troops?”


I paused and thought about what He was saying and realized that the enemy was coming at me from all sides, and I wasn’t even aware of it, until I was gasping for air.


Tuesday, on my video blog, I shared a word picture the Lord had given me about a month ago before all this craziness began.  I shared how we often times can feel as if we are in a tug of war with the enemy, and that we are losing ground.  Yet, when God is on our side, our rope is anchored to Him, assuring us of a victory.

(click on the picture below to watch the video and read what I shared).



If you feel despair and discouragement gang up on you, then try these 4 steps to overcome them.


1. People are not to be our anchor. Jesus is.


Parents, friends, close mentors, and spiritual parents are a gift from God to give us wise counsel and lend support. However, they were never meant to take the place of Jesus in our life.  Jesus should be the first place we run to, not people. Cry out to God and He will answer!  Run to Him, Seek Him, and Trust Him.




2. Rally the Troops.


Set aside our pride and ask for prayer. Reach out for prayer and support from those around you.  The enemy wants us isolated and feeling alone, but when we share where we are at with others, we allow them to step into our lives and we are no longer alone.




3. Confess & Repent


Stop believing the lies the enemy has been whispering to you.  No longer give power to the enemy of your soul by believing his lies.  When we bring the fears, lies, and issues into the light, it takes the power away from the enemy and silences his voice.  Confess you wrongly believed the lies. Repent and ask God for the truth about the situation.




4. Proclaim


Grab a hold of the Spiritual truths and promises God has spoken to you.  Now proclaim, these truths out loud over your life and situation.  Allow God to move on your behalf.



As I contemplated God’s gentle whisper to my heart, I didn’t hesitate.  Sure, I might be a little late for church, but I needed to rally the troops!


 I grabbed my phone and texted my friends.  I confessed I had been believing the enemy’s whispers and I asked for prayer.  I later confessed to my husband the wild crazy lies, I was believing.  I confessed my worst fears to God, repented for allowing people and things be the thing I turned to and for not having faith.  I repented for entertaining the enemy’s lies and asked Jesus to speak truth to my heart.


 I then asked Him for Scriptural Truths.  I asked Him to remind me of His promises and plan for my life, and then I began speaking them out loud over my life and situation.


 We have this as a sure and steadfast anchor of the soul, a hope that enters into the inner place behind the curtain (Hebrews 6:19 ESV).


When the waves come and crash around us, Jesus is the anchor that will keep us safe.  He is the anchor that will not be moved.  He is the anchor that gives us hope to face tomorrow.



*(Disclaimer – You may need to repeat the above steps often,  to get out from under discouragement.  However, I do know that these 4 things have helped me in time to overcome situations when I have been discouraged, disillusioned, or even in despair.  I by no means am saying these are easy and your done.  However, if you are consistent and steadfast in these things: running to Jesus, anchoring yourself to Him, renouncing the lies, surrounding yourself with individuals who will encourage and support you, and finally speaking out the truth of God’s Word over your situation,  you will notice a change!  Discouragement will lessen more and more until it eventually is completely lifted.)

Again Welcome and Thank you for joining me for #TuneInThursday it is an honor to have you here!

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Tune In Thursday

Now let’s get this party started, feel free to link 1-3 posts:



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Do you wonder if God still speaks today?  Do you wonder if He would ever speak to you personally?  Do you long to hear the voice of God in your life?

Have your read other books on hearing from God, but long for hands on practical application? or are you looking for ways to  move you forward  hearing from God?

If you answered YES to any of those questions, then I have exactly what you need.  I now have an online e-course designed to equip you in understanding that God still speaks today, and He longs to speak directly to you, through His word, and others.  He longs to encourage you, strengthen you and comfort you.  The training on this site, is fully based on Scripture, and taken from my training manual Releasing God’s heart through Hearing His Voice. 

I have been teaching these classes internationally for the last 10+ years equipping and training believers in discerning the Ways God speaks.  God is speaking, Can you Hear Him?

2. My new membership site, d2htrainging.com has official opened, the 50 % off membership – introductory pricing ends soon on March 31st, 2017.  If you missed last weeks posts, you can click on the pictures below for more details.

Looking for other Great Inspirational Parties. Click Here to see where I Link-Up weekly.

Several Submissions have been featured at Blessed Transgressions, an Online Magazine:

Balancing the Warrior & the Princess We’re Called to Be

Who we Are and Whose We Are

Trusting God When it Seems Illogical

Will You Sit with Me? (Jesus is Calling.)

My Post “Climb Every Mountain” was featured in the August monthly link-up at : Life on Intention Link-up Party

My Post: The Power of your Story was featured here:

My Post “What’s in a Name?” was featured here:

The Luke 2:52 Project

My Post: “Will You Sit with Me?” was featured here:

My Post: “The Journey through Change” was featured here:


Again,  I have been know to link to the following Inspirational Parties:

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