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Thank you for joining me each week as we continue our journey through Psalms 23. It is one of the most well-known Scriptures. Many quote it or recite it by wrote, but have we taken the time to dive into the depth and richness found in these six short verses? Do we know what it means to live and be a Psalm 23 people?
If you have missed previous posts on Psalm 23, you can find them here:
Overflowing Blessings
Christmas is one of my favorite holidays. It delights the gift giver in me. I love to bless my family and friends with an overflowing abundance of gifts, just ask my husband. LOL
It’s quality and quantity! I want to make sure the gifts are abundant and blessings overflow.
Gift giving is at the top of the list for me whenever I take the 5-love languages test. For a long time though, it was way out of balance with the other “4 love languages.” I mean ridiculously out of balance. Gifts was how I showed love and how I felt love. When taking the test, “gifts” would ranks 10-12 points higher than the other four gifts, which were all very low. That is until a few years ago when my dad got sick, and some priorities and other things changed for me. I realized that spending time and making memories with my dad and family was more important than buying him gifts that he couldn’t enjoy anymore because of his illness. I mean don’t get me wrong, “Gifts” are still up there on my list, but so are the others. There is more of a balance.
As I contemplate this portion of Scripture in Psalm 23:5b pertaining to cups overflowing, my mind, tends to go towards monetary things, and maybe yours does too? However, there is so much more to this Scripture than just the monetary blessings of life which God has in store for us as His people.
You anoint my head with oil;
my cup overflows (Psalm 23:5b NIV).
As I mentioned last week, there are two schools of thought in commentaries about verses 5-6 of Psalm 23. Some say it is a continuation of the Shepherd/Sheep metaphor from verses 1-4, while others say a switch takes place. The switch in verses 5-6 is that is now a metaphor (allegory) of God hosting a lavish banquet for His people. It is a picture of God’s lavish love, abundant provision, and protection directed towards those who are in relationship with Him. No matter which school of thought you find yourself in, there is much to glean and apply from both.
If viewing it through the shepherd/sheep lens we must understand the importance of anointing the sheep. As sheep graze, sometimes their head would get cut by sharp edges of stone buried in the grass. So, oil would be applied to the sheep’s wounds to prevent infection and aid in them healing properly.
Another reason for oil covering a sheep’s head, especially during the warmer months was because insects would often get into the sheep’s nose and ears and lay its eggs. < Uhhh, GROSS!> This can be a cause of weakness and even death in the affected sheep. The larvae would penetrate the skin and multiply soon leaving the sheep poisoned, so the oil was used as an insect repellent to keep the bugs away.
You care for all my needs, anointing my head with soothing, fragrant oil,
filling my cup again and again with Your grace. (Psalm 23:5b The Voice)
Finally, sheep often had to walk steep paths under the hot sun making them tired at the end of the day. After the shepherd gave them some water, he would apply oil to soothe the tired sheep.
We too can get physically, emotionally, and spiritually tired. We can have “bugs” that make their way into our hearts and mind. We can get discouraged and frustrated. Our hearts can get wounded. However, the good news is, we have a Shepherd that knows and understands the hurts of His children and He is always there to administer His healing anointing oil.
You honor me by anointing my head with oil.
My cup overflows with blessings. Psalm 23:5b NLT).
Now let’s look at this verse through the other lens:
Scented (Perfumed) oil was poured on the heads of distinguished guests when they attended a feast of a personal of great importance. As the priest prepared for their duties they would also be anointed with oil. As Christ followers, we too are among the priesthood, we are a chosen people, His chosen people. (1 Peter 2:9)
Not only that, 2 Corinthians 1:21-22 tells us that God not only anoints us, but He sets His seal of ownership on us. He puts His Spirit in our hearts as a “deposit guaranteeing” what He has for us. We need the “anointing” of the Lord to prepare us for the work ahead and to fulfil our mandate here on the earth.
Now it is God who makes both us and you stand firm in Christ. He anointed us,
set his seal of ownership on us, and put his Spirit in our hearts as a deposit,
guaranteeing what is to come (2 Corinthians 1:21-22 NIV).
As David declares in this portion of Psalms 23:5b – God is anointing his head with oil and also making sure that his cup runs over.
You anoint me with the fragrance of your Holy Spirit;
you give me all I can drink of you until my cup overflows (Psalm 23:5b TPT).
The culture at the time of David was such that not only would visitors be anointed with fragrant perfume, but they would be given a cup of the best, choice wine. This cup would be filled to the top until it would run over. This was meant to convey a message and imply that while this individual (visitor) remained, they would have abundance in everything they needed.
God is a God of overflowing blessings and abundance. He honors those who honor Him, and he longs to pour out blessings upon us. The cup of blessings is not just full, it is overflowing. David isn’t talking about a one-time deal of his cup overflowing, but it is a continual overflowing. As we live, the presence of the Holy Spirit and allow Him to flow through us, we will have abundant blessings. Scripture tells us that those who follow the Lord will have rivers of Living Water flowing through them (John 7:38). It’s a continual, never-ending flow.
You have anointed my head with oil;
My cup overflows (Psalm 23:5b NASB).
As we think about God’s abundant blessings, we must realize David isn’t talking about material possessions or that nothing bad will ever happen. As you read David’s story, you can see he had plenty and he lost plenty. You can see David had good times and he experienced painful times of loss, but through it all God provided for David and He will do the same for us. God gives us more than what we need. God is generous and He wants us to be generous people. Because our cup overflows, we can be generous to others. Just like our Father, we can use what He has given us to be His blessing to others.
Welcome and Thank you for joining me for #TuneInThursday it is an honor to have you here!
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Now let’s get this party started, feel free to link 1-3 posts:

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Episode #108 ~ Common Ground ~ Marilyn Siden & Robynne Miller
Do you ever wonder what it would take to heal our nation? Or how you can help our nation heal? “ Common Ground” tells the stories of what an 80-year old woman found as she zig-zagged across our nation and asked one seemingly simple question. Marilyn’s epic journey and conversations from all across America were enlightening and inspiring. Marilyn shares her discoveries and practical advice on how to help our nation heal.
You can get a copy of Common Ground here: https://amzn.to/3fSL3OW
You can connect with Marilyn and Robynne Here:
Instagram: robynnemiller
Twitter: mlprairiehome
Facebook robynneelizabethmiller
Facebook: marilyn.siden
Book: www.findingcommongroundbook.com
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My NEW Symbolism Reference Guide and Dream Journal just released. You can now purchase your copy straight from Amazon
– Click here to purchase
Great News for those wanting to watch/listen to the dream workshop training but were unable to attend. It is now available for purchase and instant download from my store. You can access them by clicking on the links below.
Video Download
MP3 Audio Download
All Access Bundle ~ includes …
Cost: The ALL Access package Cost is:$129.99 (a $211.99 value).
You will get: Direct Access to a video teaching of the Dream Workshop ($29), a signed copy of the, Symbolism Reference Guide & Dream Journal ($12.99 + $5 shipping/handling cost**), plus a private 1:1 ~ 20-minute mini Coaching/Mentoring Session ($30) with Debbie to get hands on interpretation of your personal dream. Debbie will spend time prior to your coaching session praying over your dream (approx. 1.5 of pre-work time $135). During the session you will work together to proper label significant items and then discuss interpretation. You will be able to record the session and refer back to it as needed. You will also receive an email with a scanned copy of your dream worksheet/labels.
**shipping to USA only – outside the USA you will be emailed a pdf file of the book.
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New episodes will be released every Wednesday.
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With Much love and Appreciation,
Debbie Kitterman is a natural born encourager who is on fire for God. She is passionate about equipping individuals, so they can go deeper in the relationship with God, reach their God-potential and claim their Kingdom inheritance. Debbie is a wife, mother, author, pastor, speaker and the founder of “Dare 2 Hear,” a ministry that trains individuals to hear the voice of God. She travels to churches internationally and is the founder and teacher of d2htraining.com, an online course designed to equip the believer in releasing God’s heart. Her writing and teachings inspire faith and build bridges for people to believe and expect the impossible. She is also an ordained Foursquare pastor, currently serving with her husband, John, as senior pastor of Restoration Church in Lacey, Washington. Learn more at: www.debbiekitterman.com
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YouVersion 7-Day Devotional

I am blessed and honored to have a 7-day devotional on the YouVersion Bible App. YAY!!! It is a great way to kick start the 7- days before my on-line Bible Study starts next week. I would be so blessed if you would check it out and share it with your friends. You can find it here: Be The Gift Someone Needs Today!
Have you had the opportunity to read my new book “The Gift of Prophetic Encouragement: Hearing the Words of God for others.” ? This book is about learning to hear the voice of God in our own life so we can respond to those God bumps and little nudges He gives us on a daily basis. God is calling us to be agents of encouragement and to be the gift the worlds needs today.
We live in a time, where those around us are in desperate need of a real encounter with Jesus and in need of encouragement. We are called to encourage one another daily (Hebrews 3:13), and to build each other up (1 Thessalonians 5:11). My book will teach you how to step out and do just that.
To order your copy today: You can find it at Barnes & Noble, Amazon, OR your favorite online retailer, Plus, newly added, you can now get a signed copy from me. Click Here to order yours today!
We all have the opportunity to #BeTheGift of encouragement others need today.
A practical guide to what it looks like and how to live a lifestyle of prophetic encouragement.
Are you Ready to #BeTheGift Someone Needs today?
Words have power.
To encourage. To comfort. To strengthen. To heal.
Especially when they come from God.
The Gift of Prophetic Encouragement Bible Study: Living a Lifestyle of Encouragement shows us how to follow Jesus by loving on and building up His church … one person, and one God-centered word, at a time. Diving deeply into Scripture, Pastor Debbie Kitterman beautifully unpacks the Biblical precedent of prophetic encouragement and teaches you how to hear from God. By doing so, you’ll bravely step into your calling to #BeTheGift others need.
In this stunning six-week study, you will:
- Examine the model of encouragement Jesus established for us.
Define the simple (and Biblical) concept of prophetic encouragement.
Learn to identify and test the voice of God in your life.
Explore activation exercises which strengthen your hearing muscles.
And gain confidence in your calling to build others up
Are you ready for six weeks that will change your life, deepen your relationship with God, and create ripples of encouragement that spread through those around you?
You can visit my store here on the website to order a signed copy.
To Purchase Amazon, click here.
Do you wonder if God still speaks today? Do you wonder if He would ever speak to you personally? Do you long to hear the voice of God in your life?
Have your read other books on hearing from God, but long for hands on practical application? or are you looking for ways to move you forward hearing from God?
If you answered YES to any of those questions, then I have exactly what you need. I now have an online e-course designed to equip you in understanding that God still speaks today, and He longs to speak directly to you, through His word, and others. He longs to encourage you, strengthen you and comfort you. The training on this site, is fully based on Scripture, and taken from my training manual Releasing God’s heart through Hearing His Voice.
God is speaking, Can you Hear Him?
d2htrainging.com membership site is open, I invite you to check it out today, and develop a deeper relationship with the Lord, as you learn to hear Him speak to your heart.
Looking for other Great Inspirational Parties. Click Here to see where I Link-Up weekly.
Generous! What a sweet adjective for the ways of God!
We are such blessed recipients of His generosity.
So very interesting. Thanks for sharing. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.