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I am so sorry for the confusion and delay last week in getting the linkup live. I had it scheduled several days in advance, because I was going to be gone and I didn’t notice that the PM box was checked instead of an AM box. I promise that mistake won’t happen again, others might, but not that one.
Before we jump into today’s post, I also want to invite you the join me and others for the all NEW, FREE Monthly 5-Day … Dare to… Challenges which will be held the 3rd week of the month.
This Month’s Challenge is: Dare to: Read Scripture. You can find all the details in last weeks post by clicking here:
This month’s challenge is almost over, but you can still jump in and participate.
If you would like to signup for the monthly email reminders for this 5-Day Challenge, please fill out the form below and you will be notified when next month’s challenge is live.
Welcome to Week #11 of the Dreamers Series
If you missed a previous week you can find them by clicking on the pictures below:
Palace Promotion
Dreamers Series
“Wow, it must be nice to have a dream come true.” she said.
Truthfully, I wasn’t sure if she was shocked, being nice or sarcastic in her comment. But I decided to answer authentically.
“Actually, It isn’t a dream come true,” I commented, ready to fill in the rest of the story, but the women interrupted me.
“What?! How could living in a beautiful house on a lake not have been a dream come true?!!” she said with irritation in her voice.
“Well, it’s not a dream come true, because truthfully, we never dreamed that big” I replied. I went on to explain that living on a lake overlooking the water was not something we had ever dreamed about; it was just a place we went to visit and hang out. Our dreaming was limited by what we thought was possible.
Don't let your dreams be limited by what you think is possible. Share on X,
I wonder if this might have been the case for Joseph too. Finally after two years, he gets the “get out of jail” summons. As he was being prepared, I wonder if he just had thoughts of freedom and what it would take to stay out of jail. Two weeks ago, in my post, “Free at Last” I mentioned how Joseph approached the king with true humility and servanthood. He wasn’t out to save himself with selfish ambition this time around. He was truly grateful that someone outside the prison walls knew existed and someone had remembered him.
Joseph finally finds himself set free. He’s out of prison and heading to the palace. This much he knows, but I am not so sure he was thinking the palace would be his finally destination. Maybe Joseph was like my husband and me. Maybe he dared not dream that he would be living in a palace. Maybe he was content to just have been set free from prison and being given the opportunity to visit the palace even for a short period of time.
Joseph knew he was being summoned to the palace to meet with Pharaoh. He more than likely knew it was so he could interpret a dream. He probably figured that he wouldn’t have to be going back to prison and that he would be set free and would find a new place to serve. Maybe he even entertained the thought that Pharaoh might let him live in the palace and serve as an advisor. However, I highly doubt he saw what was coming next.
BUT GOD! Yes, God had other plans. God didn’t just want to set Joseph free from prison and brought to the palace for a visit. God wanted to give him a palace promotion and an upgrade in his identity.
#God wants to give our thinking a promotion and an upgrade. Share on X
Joseph not only gives Pharaoh the interpretation for the dream, he goes a step further and also gives him a strategy for success.
My advice is that Pharaoh should select someone who is wise and discerning and put him in charge of the land of Egypt during this time. Pharaoh should appoint officers over the land and direct them to take one-fifth of all that the land of Egypt produces during the seven abundant years, gather it together, store it up, and guard it under Pharaoh’s authority. That way each city will have a supply of food.
Pharaoh (to his advisors): Is there anyone else you know like Joseph who has the Spirit of God within him?
(to Joseph) Since God has shown all of this to you, I can’t imagine anyone wiser and more discerning than you. Therefore you will be in charge of my household. All of my people will report to you and do as you say. Only I, because I sit on the throne, will be greater than you. I hereby appoint you head over all of the land of Egypt. …
As a symbol of his power, Pharaoh removed the signet ring from his hand and put it on Joseph’s. Then he dressed him in fine linens and put a gold chain around his neck. He had Joseph ride in the chariot reserved for his second-in-command, and servants ordered everyone, “Kneel!” as he rode by. So this was how Pharaoh appointed Joseph head over all of the land of Egypt. But Pharaoh had one more declaration.
Pharaoh (to Joseph): I am Pharaoh, and I decree that no one may do anything in the land of Egypt without your consent.
Then Pharaoh gave Joseph an Egyptian name, Zaphenath-paneah, and arranged for him to marry an Egyptian woman, Asenath (daughter of Potiphera, priest of On). So this was how Joseph gained authority over all the land of Egypt. ((Genesis 41: 33-35; 38-45 The Voice)
Joseph went above and beyond what Pharaoh was asking of him. Pharaoh just wanted his dream interpreted so he and his advisors could make a plan. Joseph instead gives him the interpretation from God and a Godly plan for success.
Joseph is an example of what can happen when we trust God in faithful obedience. When we do, God reward us. Not because we are expecting it, but because He wants to bless us. He wants to upgrade our thinking about how we view ourselves and show us our true identity as His sons and daughters.
#God rewards faithful obedience with unexpected favor and promotion. Share on X
Last Week’s Top Clicked Post was “Enemies Scoff & Hurl Insults” by Pam Ecrement.
Pam blogs at: A New Lense
Last week, her post received the most views from you all.
i have always loved Pam’s writing, but her post last week really resonated with me. Maybe it’s because I find myself in a difficult season of leadership, with criticism, judgements and complaints coming at me. Even if I was’t, in this difficult season, Pam’s post is packed full of truth with a humbling challenge to believers everywhere.
“It can be so much easier to complain, condemn, and criticize a leader, whether he or she is a pastor or ministry leader, than it is to pray for him or her. And the passages on this topic don’t stop there. It includes those who govern us—mayors, governors, and the president. I don’t see that happening very often either. Often it is only in the worst of times when tragedy has struck that we set aside our differences and come together to pray as we realize we are incapable of resolving the tragic. Should we not do so before a tragedy strikes? “
Thank you Pam for this challenge. It is hard truth, that we must assess in our own life and commit to change before tragedy strikes.
Again Welcome and Thank you for joining me for #TuneInThursday it is an honor to have you here!
I have had a few people ask for a badge/button to display on your blogs. I would absolutely be honored if you would display it, or link back here in some way. Thank you!
Now let’s get this party started, feel free to link 1-3 posts:

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Check out the NEW Podcast from @Dare2Hear Episode11: When things don’t make senseCLICK TO TWEET
Episode #011: When Things don’t make sense “Dare 2 Hear The Podcast” is now live!
Thank you to those who listened last week and have already left reviews! You have blessed us so much!
Would you please consider subscribing to my podcast on the platform of your choice, sharing it on your social media with friends and if you like what you hear, would you leave a review so others can know what you think.
For those who like to watch and not just listen, I will also be posting new episodes on my YouTube Channel. You can find it by clicking here.
New episodes will be released every Wednesday. Next week Episode #012: Special Guest: Robynne Miller
Can I ask a HUGE Favor?
Would you Please Listen & LEAVE A REVIEW ON iTunes…
It know it may seem like a lot to ask, because it takes time. However, if you can leave an honest review after listening, it would really be a HUGE blessing. Each review helps the podcast rank higher and get more eyes. If you’re interested, here’s how you do it:
- Go to the iTunes podcast page for my show – CLICK HERE
- Click on the blue button that says “View in iTunes.” (If you are prompted to launch iTunes, you’ll need to do so)
- Listen to Episode 1 How to Hear the Voice of God
- Click on the “Subscribe” button
- Click on “Ratings & Reviews” tab (if on your computer) or “Reviews” (on your phone)
- Under the title “Customer Reviews” click “Write a Review”
- Leave a simple and honest review then click “Submit” and you’re done!
Thanks again for helping spread the news about the podcast!
With Much love and Appreciation,
Debbie Kitterman is a natural born encourager who is on fire for God. She is passionate about equipping individuals, so they can go deeper in the relationship with God, reach their God-potential and claim their Kingdom inheritance. Debbie is a wife, mother, author, pastor, speaker and the founder of “Dare 2 Hear,” a ministry that trains individuals to hear the voice of God. She travels to churches internationally and is the founder and teacher of d2htraining.com, an online course designed to equip the believer in releasing God’s heart. Her writing and teachings inspire faith and build bridges for people to believe and expect the impossible. She is also an ordained Foursquare pastor, currently serving with her husband, John, as senior pastor of Restoration Church in Lacey, Washington. Learn more at: www.debbiekitterman.com
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YouVersion 7-Day Devotional

I am blessed and honored to have a 7-day devotional on the YouVersion Bible App. YAY!!! It is a great way to kick start the 7- days before my on-line Bible Study starts next week. I would be so blessed if you would check it out and share it with your friends. You can find it here: Be The Gift Someone Needs Today!
Have you had the opportunity to read my new book “The Gift of Prophetic Encouragement: Hearing the Words of God for others.” ? This book is about learning to hear the voice of God in our own life so we can respond to those God bumps and little nudges He gives us on a daily basis. God is calling us to be agents of encouragement and to be the gift the worlds needs today.
We live in a time, where those around us are in desperate need of a real encounter with Jesus and in need of encouragement. We are called to encourage one another daily (Hebrews 3:13), and to build each other up (1 Thessalonians 5:11). My book will teach you how to step out and do just that.
To order your copy today: You can find it at Barnes & Noble, Amazon, OR your favorite online retailer, Plus, newly added, you can now get a signed copy from me. Click Here to order yours today!
We all have the opportunity to #BeTheGift of encouragement others need today.
Do you wonder if God still speaks today? Do you wonder if He would ever speak to you personally? Do you long to hear the voice of God in your life?
Have your read other books on hearing from God, but long for hands on practical application? or are you looking for ways to move you forward hearing from God?
If you answered YES to any of those questions, then I have exactly what you need. I now have an online e-course designed to equip you in understanding that God still speaks today, and He longs to speak directly to you, through His word, and others. He longs to encourage you, strengthen you and comfort you. The training on this site, is fully based on Scripture, and taken from my training manual Releasing God’s heart through Hearing His Voice.
God is speaking, Can you Hear Him?
d2htrainging.com membership site is open, I invite you to check it out today, and develop a deeper relationship with the Lord, as you learn to hear Him speak to your heart.
Looking for other Great Inspirational Parties. Click Here to see where I Link-Up weekly.
Several Submissions have been featured at Blessed Transgressions, an Online Magazine:
Balancing the Warrior & the Princess We’re Called to Be
Trusting God When it Seems Illogical
Will You Sit with Me? (Jesus is Calling.)
My Post: Adjust the Flow was featured here:
My Post: The Reluctant Encourager was featured here:
My Posts: The Most Wonderful Time of the Year & And So Do We! & Know Your Why & Jesus in Us! were featured here:
My Post #BeTheGift was featured here:
My Post “Climb Every Mountain” was featured in the August monthly link-up at : Life on Intention Link-up Party
My Posts: “Will You Sit with Me?” & New Mercies Everyday & Wait for it were featured here:
My Post: The Power of your Story, The Reluctant Encourager and #TeamJesus were featured here:
My Post “What’s in a Name?” was featured here:
My Post: “The Journey through Change” was featured here:
Again, I have been know to link to the following Inspirational Parties:
This is such a thought provoking challenge, making me wonder about the areas in which I dream small. God loves our big dreams, the same way we love to hear our children dream big.
Rebecca – yes, I truly believe God loves our big dreams and He loves us partnering with Him in faith to see them come to pass. I too have been challenged about dreaming too small sometimes. Blessings and may God open your heart up to dream even bigger than before as you seek Him regarding those dreams.
Dear Debbie, thank you for this encouraging word! I recently retired and some days feel like I’m stumbling in the dark. Perhaps it’s because I’ve not been walking in the light of His glory and daring to look beyond my small world to the big things the Lord would like to accomplish through me for His kingdom. Blessings!
Alice, you are most welcome for the encouragement this morning. Change and transition from working to retirement is an exciting time, but also, I can also understand how it can be a little like stumbling in the dark until you find your new path for this season. I pray that you God gives you a bigger vision for yourself for whats to come and what He would like to accomplish in and through you in the new season! Blessings to you as well
You know I love you and John to the moon and if I had iTunes I’d leave you a fabulous review! But alas I do not so I’ll tweet and promote your podcast. Deal?
Susan, I do know and it’s an absolute deal! I know not everyone has itunes, so no worries. 🙂 Thanks for the sharing love in tweeting and promoting about the podcast. Love you as well.
God wants to upgrade your thinking – I love it! It makes me wonder … how much more He would have done, had I just thought to ask?
I doubt Joseph had any idea what was in store for him the day he was released from prison. What a beautiful surprise God had worked out for him!
Thanks for sharing, Debbie. I enjoyed it!
Jerralea – I am so glad you enjoyed today’s post. I often wonder the same thing in my own life, but then figured, it’s never too late to start asking God what He would like to do and what I should ask Him for. Lately, I have been asking him what I should be dreaming with Him about and it has been surprising and amazing! Blessings
He’s definitely a God of more than we ask or imagine isn’t He? laurensparks.net
Yes Lauren, He is! Most definitely He is the God of more than… blessings
You have no idea how I needed to hear these words today. “God rewards faithful obedience with unexpected favor and promotion.” I just need to keep being obedient and let God do the rest. Thank you.
I am so glad my words have been an encouragement to you Maree! It’s so true – God does reward faithful obedience, so keep being obedient, one step, one day at a time. Blessings
God, I pray for Debbie and her husband at this time in their ministry. I pray that You would strengthen them and fill them with Your peace and comfort them with Your nearness. I pray that You would bring their church into true unity and spiritual maturity. I pray that You would silence any who are being used to create dissension and strife. Fulfill all of Your plans and purposes for Debbie and her husband and their church. In Jesus’ name.
Thank you Elizabeth! You have no idea just how much I needed to read your prayer today and it is truly a blessing! This has been a rough season and your words hit the mark and bring encouragement. Thank you for your prayer and for being a blessing!
Such very good words. Something that I really needed to hear right now. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.
Patrick, I am so glad you were blessed by the blog this week and that the words were what you needed to hear. Blessings