Prophetic/Spiritual 1:1 Coaching/Consulting/Mentoring Services
This product will be 20% off the entire month of July to celebrate my birthday month!
Debbie’s individual coaching sessions are done via Zoom Conferencing or phone and include the follow topics:
- Prophetic/Spiritual 1:1 Coaching
- Product/Book Marketing/Launching
- Individualized coaching as determined in your consultation with Debbie
Are you in need of personal coaching consulting or mentoring?
Do you need clarity in your life?
Do you find yourself at a crossroads or unsure how to move forward?
Are you feeling overwhelmed, restless, or stuck?
Do you need fresh perspective and motivation?
Would like some prophetic encouragement?
We were never meant to do life alone. God created us each uniquely with different gifts and abilities. Whether it is coaching, consulting or mentoring, we will work together as a team which will allow you to cover more ground than you could alone. Debbie has a talent for asking the important questions and she is a great listener. But even more than that she is a gifted prophetic encourager who brings a fresh insightful prospective. These types of conversations can lead to clarity, growth, and deep transformation.
To read more information about these services, read testimonials from others who have worked with Debbie or to book your free 15-Minute Consolation, click here.