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Last night, I had the chorus to a song singing in my head as I slept. It was on my lips each time I woke up, and it is buried deep in my heart still. This song, Set A Fire, has really stuck a chord in my heart. Listen and watch on the video blog to find out more of what God was doing to set a fire in my heart.
During the 21-day fast at our church, I have been intentional about giving God the first fruit of my day. I am not a morning person, but as I have set aside time to be with Him each morning seeking Him in the secret place, He has been setting my heart on fire for Him. I want more of His presence in my life.
During my time, I have been reading the book Secrets of the Secret Place by Bob Sorge, and I even gave a copy away last week, to one very blessed winner. If you don’t already have this book, I suggest it is a MUST read. You will be challenged, inspired and empowered by the words you read.
Feel free to use my affiliate link to order yours today…. and thank you!
If you don’t already have this book, I suggest it is a MUST read. You will be challenged, inspired and empowered by the words you read.
Set A Fire Lyrics
Set a fire down in my soul
That I can’t contain and I can’t control
I want more of You God, I want more of You God!
There’s no place I’d rather be
There’s no place I’d rather be
There’s no place I’d rather be
Than here in your love, here in your love
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My Post “Climb Every Mountain” was featured in the August monthly link-up at : Life on Intention Link-up Party
My Post: “The Journey through Change” was featured here:
I have been know to link to the following Inspirational Parties:
What Joy is Mine/Monday Musings
You got the fire girlfriend!!! And was that Edith’s wind chimes I heard ringing in the background? A familiar sound????
Thank You Patti! I sure hope I have the fire, and it makes me glad that others see it too. And the chimes, will, they are a combination of mine and Edith’s… although, we had to take our large ones down becasue they were making way too much noise, but the little ones were upstairs on the upper side deck area .. lol
Woot! Loved this! Boy I can’t wait to meet you in person so we can pray together. PS: we sing this at church too and it is a fav of mine. I am going to sing Christy Nockels song Waiting Here For You soon but I may practice this one since you reminded me of it. It has been a while. I love your enthusiasm and know it is a gift. One to inspire and to spur. Keep up the faith, friend!
You are so right. The world is so full of chaos right now. Even Christians are part of the frenzy, we need to take this time to be calm, learn, listen to God and pray for our leaders. God qualifies the called, let’s bond together to support each other and spread the word through the entire world. Amen!
Nikki – yes, it saddens me that even Christians are in on the chaos and that they are giving into the frenzy that seems to be consuming people. I so agree, we must pray for those who lead us, and come together in unity now being divided. 🙂
Thanks for sharing at Literacy Musing Mondays. We could all use more fire for Christ in our lives! Thanks for the encouragement. 🙂
Brandi, thanks for stopping by, and I completely agree – a little more fire in all of us would go a long way. Have an awesome day.