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Episode #80

David Sliker ~ The Nations Rage 


David Sliker’s book is a powerful and timely message for what we are living today. This message was written and has been carried in David’s heart long before we entered 2020. This book attests to the  powerful truth that God gives His people answers and helps them discern the times and season so they can face anything free from fear. 

While the spiritual atmosphere grows more toxic and society becomes more anti-God, Christians are engaging less and less with their faith in Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit. David and I cover a lot of topics including: The issue of the church being guided more by ideologies and emotions vs. theology and devotion; The cost of revival; and how it is irresponsible to prophecy revival without preparing the next generation for it.

You can connect with him here: https://www.davidsliker.com/

Get a copy of his book on Amazon here: https://amzn.to/36s0ecW

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Check out the newest #Podcast from @Dare2Hear Episode 80: The Nations Rage with guest David Sliker Share on X

Meet This weeks Guest:

David Sliker has been a senior leader at the International House of Prayer Missions Base in Kansas City, Missouri, for the past 18 years. Ministering and serving with his wife, Tracey, and their four children, Riley, Lauren, Daniel, and Finney, David’s primary ministry calling is as an intercessor. Additionally, he ministers internationally equipping saints in prayer, the power of the Holy Spirit, passion for the Word of God, and the proclamation of Jesus’ return. He is the Vice-President of the International House of Prayer University, where he teaches about prayer and intimacy with Jesus, missions, biblical studies, and the return of Jesus. He is the author of End-Times Simplified: Preparing Your Heart for the Coming Storm (revised edition, Forerunner Publishing, 2013) and The Nations Rage: Prayer, Promise, and Power in an Anti-Christian Age (Chosen Books, September 2020).



Did You hear the exciting news  that has been a few months in the works?  I have been personally invited to have my “Dare2Hear The Podcast” be a part of the Destiny Image Podcast Network. YAY!  This is such an incredible honor and I am extremely blessed. Thank you to everyone of you who subscribes, listens or watches on YouTube.  If you subscribe to our podcast or follow me on social media, you will notice that I have a new Podcast Badge. In order to be on the Destiny Image Podcast Network Platform, they wanted to brand my show to match their look.

If you see this new graphic, it’s me!  YAY!!!! Same great teaching, content, and interviews, just an expanded platform and larger audience. If you aren’t yet a subscriber, click on the image above to be taken to the DIPN Home page or scroll down to the podcast section under the linkup and click on any one of the links there or the YouTube Channel one as well.

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