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Sword of the Spirit


Ephesians 6:17 “… and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.”


As we near the end of learning about the pieces of spiritual armor we have been given, we see one of the deadliest weapons listed at the end.  The sword of the spirit. Yes, the sword of the spirit which is the word of God.  When you look at the Roman soldier’s armor and weapons, we come to find out that the sword Paul was talking about coming the Word of God too was one of the deadliest weapons a soldier had at his disposal. When you study the weapons of warfare a Roman Soldier would have used, carried into battle or had at his disposal, you would see that they actually had five different types of swords, used for a variety of purposes.

It wasn’t a one-sided, sharp, heavy sword that would need two hands to wield. It wasn’t the short dagger type sword, or even a long thing sword.  It was a deadly, sharp two-edged sword with a curve at one end so it could do the most horrific, damage to ones enemy. This sword and the way it was used, would actually leave the enemy lying on the ground in a pool of his own blood and inwards. It may seem grotesque to some, but it is an excellent mental picture of how we can render the enemy of our soul, the devil, useless when we wield the Word of God.



5-Types of Swords

The first sword ~ The Gladius Sword was extremely heavy with a long blade. It was what some would call a “broad-shoulder” sword. It was the most aesthetically beautiful of all the swords, however because of its weight it was also the most awkward to use. In fact, because it was so heavy, a solider needed both hands to swing it with all his might. The gladius sword was also dull on one side and sharp on the other, which meant a soldier needed to be mindful which side they were swinging at their enemy with. Eventually, they stopped using this sword on the battle field after a major defeat.


The second sword a soldier had was considerably shorter and narrower. It was approximately 17 inches long and 2.5 inches wide making it considerably lighter than the gladius sword.[1]


The third sword was considerably shorter than the second sword described above. In fact, it looked more like a dagger. It would have been carried in a hidden scabbard beneath a soldier’s outer coat. It was used to strike a mortal wound into the heart of the enemy attacker.


The fourth sword was mostly used by the cavalry instead of the sturdier blades used by the infantry. It was a long and slender sword. It resembled the kind of sword we would use for fencing today. This type of sword was readily used in combat because it would have been ineffective in a battle.


The fifth sword is what Paul had in mind when he was writing this passage of Scripture in Ephesians.  We know this because of the Greek word Paul used, “machaira.” This weapon was brutal. It was 19 inches long and both sides of the blade were razor sharp. The tip of this sword was also turned upward causing the tip/point to be extremely deadly.  This made it a much more dangerous sword than the other four.  Because this sword was sharp on both sides and curved at the tip, it allowed the Roman Soldier to inflict a far worse wound. The idea was to thrust the sword firmly into the enemy and before withdrawing the sword the soldier would twist it before removing it. This wrenching, twisting, and thrusting from the double-edged sword would cause the inflicted persons guts to be ripped to shreds and spill out when the sword was removed.


Two-Edged Sword

The sword of the spirit is the word of God.  Yes indeed the Word of God when spoken and used correctly can be as deadly and powerful at stopping the enemy as a machaira sword is. Scripture says:

For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart (Hebrews 4:12).


In the Greek language this phrase, “two-edged” is taken from, the word distomos. Di meaning two and stomos meaning one’s mouth.

Yes, just like the Roman Soldiers machaira sword, the Bible is two-edged and sharper than any steel edge could ever be. One sharpened edge of the Word of God is because “it initially proceeded from the mouth of God. The second edge of the sword is added when the Word of God proceeds out of your mouth!”[2]

In Matthew 4, Jesus showed us just how to combat the enemy with a two-edged sword. At every turn the devil tempted Jesus and his reply was to quote the written Word of God. “IT IS WRITTEN!”  Yes, God spoke it first and it was written. Then Jesus spoke it out loud to the enemy. Even when the devil quoted Scripture back (vs.6) saying, “it is written,” Jesus knew not to be deceived by the deception the enemy was throwing His way.  How did he know what to respond and why didn’t He fall prey to the enemy’s twisting of Scripture?  Because Jesus KNEW what was written in the entirety of Scripture


After-all, John 1:1 tells us:

 “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”


The belt of truth is what connects and holds all the other armor pieces in place. The shield and the sword are secured to the loinbelt so they are easily accessible and within reach at any moment.  We cannot effectively silence the enemy or take him completely out without having the Truth of God and The Word of God.  The belt of truth and the sword of the spirit are inseparable!

In order for us to utilize the Sword of the Spirit, we must read the Word of God.  However, it’s not just enough to just read it, we must KNOW what it says, and we must believe it. We must mediate on it and get it past our heads and into our hearts.



Have you ever gone through a tough situation and the Holy Spirit drops a Scripture verse in your heart to encourage you?

Have you ever been reading the Bible and need to hear from God and a verse jumps off the page and ministers straight to your heart?

Has a friend ever been praying for you and then texted you a verse that speaks to what you are going through?

This is how we utilize the Sword of the Spirit to combat the tough situation.  We begin to speak it out loud. We stand upon the truth of the Word of God and we silence the enemy.

Feeling discouraged, depressed, or under attack?  Then ask the Holy Spirit to quicken a verse to your mind that you can begin to meditate on and speak out loud over your current situations and circumstances.

Please feel free to share in the comments what Scripture the Holy Spirit has quickened to your heart recently?


[1] Dressed to Kill by Rick Renner page 405 © 2007

[2] Dressed to Kill by Rick Renner page 417-418 © 2007

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Episode #96 Redeeming your Timeline ~ Troy Brewer


Haunted by your past? Anxious about the future? The omnipotent God of the Bible is not confined by the limits of time. He is not ashamed of your past or uncertain about your future. Every moment of your life is always held in the palm of His hand. On today’s podcast, I sit down and talk to Pastor Troy Brewer and unpack key concepts in his newly released book: Redeeming Your Timeline.  Today’s episode is powerful and full of amazing revelation as we discuss how inviting Jesus into your timeline is not just impactful, but it is a “right now” message for the body of Christ.

You can get a copy of Troy’s book on Amazon here: https://amzn.to/2Mj9GaJ

The free prayer phone line number Troy Mentions is: 1.877.413.0888

You can connect with Troy on his Websites and Social Media at: ● Website: TroyBrewer.com ● Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pstroybrewer ● Twitter: https://twitter.com/pstroybrewer ● Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pstroybrewer/ ● YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCseCmvPMpcyL456F6Gm2FWw

Listen at your favorite podcast provider, click here for options. OR watch it On Youtube by clicking here.  


The Sword of the Spirit + Tune In Thursday #196 Share on X

My NEW Symbolism Reference Guide and Dream Journal just released. You can now purchase your copy straight from Amazon

 – Click here to purchase 

Great News for those wanting to watch/listen to the dream workshop training but were unable to attend. It is now available for purchase and instant download from my store. You can access them by clicking on the links below.

Video Download

MP3 Audio Download

All Access Bundle ~ includes …

Cost: The ALL Access package Cost is:$129.99 (a $211.99 value).

You will get: Direct Access to a video teaching of the Dream Workshop ($29), a signed copy of the, Symbolism Reference Guide & Dream Journal ($12.99 + $5 shipping/handling cost**), plus a private 1:1 ~ 20-minute mini Coaching/Mentoring Session ($30) with Debbie to get hands on interpretation of your personal dream. Debbie will spend time prior to your coaching session praying over your dream (approx. 1.5 of pre-work time $135). During the session you will work together to proper label significant items and then discuss interpretation. You will be able to record the session and refer back to it as needed. You will also receive an email with a scanned copy of your dream worksheet/labels.

**shipping to USA only – outside the USA you will be emailed a pdf file of the book.


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New episodes will be released every Wednesday.

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With Much love and Appreciation,


Debbie Kitterman is a natural born encourager who is on fire for God. She is passionate about equipping individuals, so they can go deeper in the relationship with God, reach their God-potential and claim their Kingdom inheritance. Debbie is a wife, mother, author, pastor, speaker and the founder of “Dare 2 Hear,” a ministry that trains individuals to hear the voice of God. She travels to churches internationally and is the founder and teacher of d2htraining.com, an online course designed to equip the believer in releasing God’s heart. Her writing and teachings inspire faith and build bridges for people to believe and expect the impossible. She is also an ordained Foursquare pastor, currently serving with her husband, John, as senior pastor of Restoration Church in Lacey, Washington. Learn more at: www.debbiekitterman.com

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YouVersion 7-Day Devotional

This is a 7-day Devotional you can get on the YouVersion Bible App

I am blessed and honored to have a 7-day devotional on the YouVersion Bible App. YAY!!! It is a great way to kick start the 7- days before my on-line Bible Study starts next week. I would be so blessed if you would check it out and share it with your friends. You can find it here: Be The Gift Someone Needs Today!

Have you had the opportunity to read my new book  “The Gift of Prophetic Encouragement: Hearing the Words of God for others.” ?  This book is about learning to hear the voice of God in our own life so we can respond to those God bumps and little nudges He gives us on a daily basis.    God is calling us to be agents of encouragement and to be the gift the worlds needs today.

We live in a time, where those around us are in desperate need of a real encounter with Jesus and in need of encouragement. We are called to encourage one another daily (Hebrews 3:13), and to build each other up (1 Thessalonians 5:11).  My book will teach you how to step out and do just that.

To order your copy today: You can find it at Barnes & Noble, Amazon, OR your favorite online retailer, Plus, newly added, you can now get a signed copy from me.  Click Here to order yours today! 

We all have the opportunity to #BeTheGift of encouragement others need today.


A practical guide to what it looks like and how to live a lifestyle of prophetic encouragement.

Are you Ready to #BeTheGift Someone Needs today?

Words have power.

To encourage. To comfort. To strengthen. To heal.

Especially when they come from God.

The Gift of Prophetic Encouragement Bible Study: Living a Lifestyle of Encouragement shows us how to follow Jesus by loving on and building up His church … one person, and one God-centered word, at a time. Diving deeply into Scripture, Pastor Debbie Kitterman beautifully unpacks the Biblical precedent of prophetic encouragement and teaches you how to hear from God. By doing so, you’ll bravely step into your calling to #BeTheGift others need.

In this stunning six-week study, you will:

  • Examine the model of encouragement Jesus established for us.
    Define the simple (and Biblical) concept of prophetic encouragement.
    Learn to identify and test the voice of God in your life.
    Explore activation exercises which strengthen your hearing muscles.
    And gain confidence in your calling to build others up

Are you ready for six weeks that will change your life, deepen your relationship with God, and create ripples of encouragement that spread through those around you?

You can visit my store here on the website to order a signed copy.

To Purchase Amazon, click here.

Do you wonder if God still speaks today?  Do you wonder if He would ever speak to you personally?  Do you long to hear the voice of God in your life?

Have your read other books on hearing from God, but long for hands on practical application? or are you looking for ways to  move you forward  hearing from God?

If you answered YES to any of those questions, then I have exactly what you need.  I now have an online e-course designed to equip you in understanding that God still speaks today, and He longs to speak directly to you, through His word, and others.  He longs to encourage you, strengthen you and comfort you.  The training on this site, is fully based on Scripture, and taken from my training manual Releasing God’s heart through Hearing His Voice. 

God is speaking, Can you Hear Him?

d2htrainging.com membership site is open, I invite you to check it out today, and develop a deeper relationship with the Lord, as you learn to hear Him speak to your heart.

Looking for other Great Inspirational Parties. Click Here to see where I Link-Up weekly.


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