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‘Tis the Season …..

Christmas has always been my most favorite holiday season.

First of all, I love gifts! I love everything about them: the hunt of finding the perfect gift for the special someone, I love the excitement I feel when I finally find it, and I especially love the look on the face of the ones I love as they open and discover the gift.

Kitterman Front Porch 2014


I love to decorate and bring those special touches into my home and onto my porch. The twinkling little lights are so fun to sit and enjoy on an evening home when all the other lights are out. There is something so hopeful and romantic about it.

I love how a sense of hope and anticipation fills the air. Both kids and adults seem to rekindle the awe of this magical season.

And yet … I find that I have turned into a scrooge.


Yes, I know, you are in shock and quite frankly, so am I. How is it that my most favorite season is now filled with dread, heaviness, and routine? Where is my awe and wonder over this time of year? Where is my excitement and joy in buying gifts? Even the traditions we have made as a family have fallen by the wayside as the busy demands of an overfull ministry and personal schedule fill my day … my week… my month.

Songs lyrics like: ‘Tis the Season to be Jolly…and

It’s the most wonderful time of the year swirl in my head …

When all of the sudden, if this were the movies, you would hear the screech of the needle on the record as the musical score was playing in the background … eeek, it’s then that I realize …

Kitterman porch 2014 - left

Traditions and busy schedules always seem to come with the season, and yet this year is different. I am different. I am dissatisfied with the demands of life and ministry. I am overwhelmed. I have lost my awe and wonder of the season. What used to be ‘Tis the season to celebrate and remember the reason for the season, has somehow become – ‘Tis the season to be busy!

The busyness isn’t just meetings and mindless activities. In fact, it includes things that are exciting. Such as, my book, Milk, Eggs, Prophecy that has been 5 years in the making is finally done and being sold. I have been diligently working to get the e-book ready as well. My training manual Releasing God’s Heart through Hearing His Voice, that has been in print for 7 years is finally listed on Amazon! Now, I am working to get the Spanish edition listed on Amazon. Then there are the Christmas parties and decorations.  The sermons to prepare…. the list goes on. All of these things are good … exciting…. And yet… I feel as if the spark is missing this year. I don’t have the sense of adventure, awe, and wonder that usually comes with the season.

I don’t want to be so busy that I miss the fun and excitement. I don’t want to be so busy that I don’t have time to think about the real reason for the season. I don’t want to be so busy that I don’t have time to hunt for the perfect gift, instead feel rushed and so far behind that I adopt the attitude “any gift will do.”

Kitterman Porch 2014 - right

As I was out shopping Tuesday, in my free hour of the day, I bumped into a friend. We chatted on our hurried way out of the store about how busy we were and how far behind we were in everything: buying Christmas gifts, decorating, baking, and even in celebrating the season. The joy, the anticipation, even the excitement I always get from this time of year seems to be missing. I don’t want it to be, it just is.

I know the real reason for the season is Jesus! As I ponder and think of the first Christmas season so long ago, I wonder, how would Mary finish the statement: ‘Tis the Season…_______________?

Did Mary feel overwhelmed? Would she have said, “‘Tis the season to be overwhelmed?”

Did she feel so busy by the demands of life and from worrying about what others were saying or might think of her as she carried the Christ child? Or did she have a joy? A sense of awe and wonder? Did she have an expectancy? Would she have said, “ “‘Tis the season to be expectant!”

We read in Luke 1:46-55 Mary’s response to the season she is in. She sings a song of Praise.

Mary’s Song[1]

46 And Mary said:

“My soul glorifies the Lord
47     and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior,
48 for he has been mindful
of the humble state of his servant.
From now on all generations will call me blessed,
49     for the Mighty One has done great things for me—
holy is his name.
50 His mercy extends to those who fear him,
from generation to generation.
51 He has performed mighty deeds with his arm;
he has scattered those who are proud in their inmost thoughts.
52 He has brought down rulers from their thrones
but has lifted up the humble.
53 He has filled the hungry with good things
but has sent the rich away empty.
54 He has helped his servant Israel,
remembering to be merciful
55 to Abraham and his descendants forever,
just as he promised our ancestors.”

As I read the account of Mary and contemplate the season she was in, I can’t help but consider her response. Would mine have been the same? Would yours?

Mary’s response was one of expectancy for the promises the Lord had spoken to her.

Mary’s response was Joy.

Mary’s response was one of singing, rejoicing and trusting. She was embracing the season she was in, looking forward with anticipation, hope, obedience and wonder at the miracle she was participating in.

Tis the Season

What about you? How would you finish the sentence: “‘Tis the season to … _______________?

My prayer for us all this season, is to be expectant for the things the Lord wants to do in our lives this Christmas Season and look forward with anticipation for the miracles things He will do with and in us because of His son.

Merry Christmas everyone! ‘Tis the season to Celebrate our Savior’s Birth.

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[1] Biblegateway.com version: NIV

My Post: “Will You Sit with Me?” was featured here:

My Post: “The Journey through Change” was featured here:

I have been know to link to the following Inspirational Parties:


Social Butterfly Sunday


Sharing His Beauty

What Joy is Mine/Monday Musings

Me, Coffee, & Jesus

Reflect His Love & Glory

Soul Surival

Life Giving Linkup

Literacy Monday Musing


Titus 2 Tuesday

RaRa Link-UP

Testimony Tuesday

Tell it to me Tuesday



Coffee for your Heart

Whole Hearted Wednesday

Women of Intention

A Little R&R


Imparting Grace

Thought Provoking Thursday

I Choose Joy


Blessing Counters Link Party

Dance with Jesus

5 Minute Friday’s

Faith Filled Friday

Grace & Truth

Spiritual Sunday’s

Fun & Free Friday


Sit Still Saturday

TGI Saturday’s Blog Hop

The Weekend Whispers

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