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Well, it’s one week later from my “when life gives you lemons…” post. This week, I was hoping to say, “Hey, we have a solution!”
However, we don’t. There have been no billboards, flashing neon signs, not even a sign post from God pointing us in a direction. It seems we are in the same spot as we were last week, only now the clock is ticking and a decision must be made in 27 days. We are still missing some key figures. Oh, but wait, they should be here next week. Yep, been there, heard that before.
So how does one hear God in all the noise and distractions? Distractions of other people’s thoughts/opinions, your own thoughts, and even the static noise of fear. …Fear of the unknown that is edging ever so close to the circle of peace you are living in.
I teach others how to hear God and drown out all the other voices vying for their attention, and yet it seems, right now, I can’t hear Him. I have peace and trust that God is our provider, and yet, I/we are still unclear as to what path we are to take. It is really hard to make a decision without all the facts.
I have been contemplating why we haven’t yet heard God clearly say, “This is the way, walk in it.”
I begin to wonder why He is remaining silent on the matter?
Is it because He has already spoken and we missed it?
Has He already spoken and we are too afraid to fully trust the road less traveled?
Is it because, He has nothing to say just yet and is asking us to trust Him more?
Honestly, I am not sure.
Yep, there it is – the teacher who teachers others how to hear God in their own life, is at a place where she doesn’t have all the answers. I do know that even though God is silent now, it doesn’t mean He will remain so forever.
I also know He is using this process to kick my rear in gear.
How so, you ask?
I have been in vocational ministry for a long time, along the way, in 2007, I started a non-profit organization called Dare 2 Hear. I travel, teach, and minister internationally. It is my passion to teach, impart truth, and encourage others. I love sharing that God is real, He speaks today, and He wants to speak to you. I enjoy watching people light up when they realize relationship with God is not just a one sided conversation. Yet, I have always been a little reluctant to promote, to write, to share what I do with others. I always figured God would open any door He wanted me to walk through, and yet in this season, my mind has been playing over and over the last several years and wondering if I missed opportunities, because I was afraid, or it was too hard. I know God can open any door, but I also know, I must be willing to walk through it unashamed.
Was I being a good steward of what I had been given? (read Mathew 25:14-30)
Last week, I said when life gives you lemons, you plant a tree! You plant the tree so you can make a never-ending supply of lemonade. So, a tree I shall plant!
I have had this “thing” in my heart since the beginning of the year, but actually, haven’t done anything with it. I blame it on my husband! Yep, it’s all his fault (isn’t it always). Anyways, he sent me an article about a young lady who went from living on welfare to starting a business that provided abundantly for her family. Along with a link to the article, he wrote, “You could do something like this. You are one of the most encouraging, inspirational people I know. You are a good teacher and present information in a way others enjoy.”
What?!?! He’s so sweet, but he knows I hate self-promotion, I hate talking about myself, and I have always had this thing inside of me that says:
“Who do you think you are?”
“What do you think you have to offer?”
Yet it seems at every turn God has been giving me confirmation, that the season we are in is a time to plant trees, and for those trees to bear fruit.
Three bloggers this week alone have been part of the confirmation. I don’t know any of these ladies personally, I just know them through the blogosphere.
The first is Nikki Frank-Hamilton from View From in Here – I have been reading her blog for over a year now and her sense of humor is what drew me in from day one. I am inspired by her ‘take the bull by the horn’ attitude in spite of what life has thrown her – which is lemons. She will soon open a shop on her blog called #MakeLemonade (rumor has it, that it will be up by the weekend!!!) if not go to check out her blog post here, and check out her pictures, then Contact her to place an order. Let’s help support her effort to support her family! Nikki is being a good steward of her talents and resources to care for her family. Nikki is planting trees!
The Second is Sarah Koontz. In fact, and don’t shoot me, but I hadn’t really read much of Sarah’s stuff until this week. I know, it’s hard to believe, but it’s true. Sarah is an authentic voice, with a depth to her writing that draws you in. I stumbled across her blog post last week at a weekly blog link-up, and just had to click on her link.
“When Life Gives You Lemonade: A Biblical Perspective on Success” …
Okay, it’s way too coincidental that we were talking about a similar topic don’t ya think?
Actually, I don’t believe in coincidence – I believe in God ordained appointments and timing.
Yep, God set me up. As I was reading her post, I had to laugh because she was sharing her thoughts and feelings out loud for the whole world to read, about something I had kept to myself for so long. Sarah is planting trees!
These words by Sarah have stuck with me….
Why is it that we work so hard to accomplish our goals, yet don’t know what to do with ourselves when we achieve a measure of success in our work? – Sarah Koontz
Sarah went on to say this:
We are each given a measure of talent, and it is our responsibility to bravely and boldly embrace every opportunity to share our talent without apology – Sarah Koontz
As Sarah’s words tumbled around in my mind, I couldn’t help but notice her words. Bravely …. Boldly …. Responsibility …Without Apology – All things, I have been writing and speaking about. Such as: Regret Free Living, No More Excuses, and the To Boldly Go series… plus oh, just about all my post from the last six months.
My mind wants to dwell on missed opportunities. In some way, I wonder if I self-sabotaged myself over the years for fear of what others would think or say about me if I was successful. I’m not going to go down that road, not anymore.
This week, I plant a tree – a lemon tree, and every time life throws me lemons, or anything else, I will plant a tree, and another, and another…
God has been encouraging me that the things I write and speak about changes peoples lives. I am an encourager. I inspire others, it’s what God He has called me to do. I plant seeds in peoples lives and He grows them into trees.
The third blogger to give me confirmation as to what I sense God has been asking me to do is Winter Lawson from Me, Coffee, and Jesus. She mentioned me in her top 22 encouraging must visit sites. I was so honored to be mentioned by her. She always inspires and encourages me!
Thank you to these women and many more who over the last few weeks and months who have been an inspiration and encouragement to me.
So what is this “thing” I have had in my heart? A lot of things actually, some I am still processing. However, a big one, is to move all my classes to an online format. Allowing me to not travel as much and everyone access no matter where they live. (I have no idea where to even start). Plus, I’m in the works of starting a vlog and a podcast.
Even though we still don’t have an answer in regards to my husband’s job, I know that God is asking me to trust Him more. He is asking me to do something with what He has given me and He will provide for us financially.
It’s a scary monumental task, which is also exciting, daring, and bold. It’s bigger than me, so I know God is in it!
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My Post: “The Journey through Change” was featured here:
I have been know to link to the following Inspirational Parties:
What Joy is Mine/Monday Musings
Waiting for an answer can be the most difficult part. I am so grateful that our God replies in three ways, “Yes”, “No”, and “Not yet.” I can so often forget that when He answers ‘not yet’, He has answered. May I trust Him in those moments when I must wait, assured that He will unfold the next step in His time. Blessings!
Joanne – you are so right, waiting for the answers does seem to be the most difficult part. May I too continue to trust Him in the moments as I wait. I appreciate your stopping by today and sharing your thoughts. Blessings.
Debbie, thank you for including me in your piece. I love your whole perspective and that you are teachable in your walk with God. He is at work in you, molding you into His image, and I am excited to see all the lemons produced from this “big thing.” I appreciate your kind and encouraging thoughts about my writing and look forward to knowing you better.
Oh Sarah, you are most welcome. THANK YOU, for allowing me to share your words that resonated deep within my soul. Thank you for opening my eyes to examine what was within me and accept the truth. I appreciate you stopping by and encouraging me today. I too look forward to getting to know you better.
The subject of lemons…hmmm…must be in the air. Just last night, I heard an example used, to illustrate the Father God’s extravagant love for us. If your child asked you for lemonade, and you were a millionaire, would you not just buy him a lemon tree?…Immediately this thought came to me…”when God gives you lemons, expect to receive a lemon grove!!!! The picture of a lush expanse of land, filled with the beautiful yellow fruit flashed before me. Abundance!!!
believing for the greater!!!! Yeah for lemons!!!
Ahh Marianne!!!! Thank you so much – I love the picture of a lush lemon grove with an abundance of fruit! So awesome. Thank you for believing with me for greater… I’m planting trees – expecting a grove! so awesome…
Great word! Even in the midst of your questioning you are an encouragement! More confirmation that people need to hear what you have to say. Can’t wait to see/hear the fruit from your trees!
Thank you Jodi! I am so glad that I can continue to be an encouragement to others in this season. Thanks for stopping in and also I can’t wait to see the fruit too.
Waiting, waiting, waiting . . . that is the hardest thing to do! I love that in the wait you are being brave and pushing forward with the things God has been laying on your heart to do for awhile now. Can I come to your house and learn along with you? LOL!
Praying for the answers to be revealed soon and for God’s favor on your ministries.
Love ‘n hugs,
Oh, don’t you know it… why is waiting even a thing? Ugh… it is so hard. YES!!! You can come to my house and we can learn together… waiting is so much better when you have others with you. Thank you so much for speaking life and bravery over me and for praying for the answers to be revealed soon. Much love and hugs to you as well.
It’s one of the hardest things, to turn negativity into something positive, but it’s so rewarding when we manage it! Thanks so much for sharing at #FridayFrivolity
Jess, thanks so much for stopping by.. Yes, it is very rewarding when we can manage things positively.
Debbie, I love it when God repeats Himself like this to make sure that I “get it.” Thanks for sharing this with us. Hugs
Lyli – I am so glad I am not the only one God has to repeat Himself for… thanks for stopping by and encouraging me.
I think a lot of us feel uncomfortable self-promoting or even admitting, I can do this! If it helps, I appreciate the teacher side of you sharing your struggles. You’re standing in the trenches, listening and seeking obedience. Then once you’re given an answer, no matter when God chooses that to be, you’ll have even more to teach because you’ve been there! What a fantastic opportunity! Blessings to you!
Carrie – I always feel uncomfortable and really detest self-promotion … I much prefer having others do it for me…Although, I think we need not be ashamed of who we are and what God has called us to do…. it is a fine line, that I try really hard not to cross. Thank you so much for stopping by today and sharing your thoughts. You are so right, no matter what the answer is, as soon as I hear Him say it, I will go… even if its uncomfortable, I will obey. Have an awesome day. I am looking forward to the opportunity God is putting before. Blessings
i’m applauding from CA! And made lemonade today for a bridal shower but forgot to turn the lever in time and it drained all over the floor… still a little sticky but a great shower blessed by God. (whew)
back to you – i too loved sarah’s post and I too wonder what’s ahead for me and welcomeheart, but today and tonight it’s about you and what and where and how God is leading – blessings blessings and more blessings be on your soul, mind and ministry. I’ve been listening to work by design summit and it’s been inspiring. fyi. so clapping loudly still and knowing God will lead.
Sue – oh no, lemonade all over the floor – definitely makes a sticky mess.. I was at a bridal shower today too.
I have been listening to the work by design summit as well, and am excited for the things it is stirring in me. Thank you for your encouragement all the way from CA!!! I so need it, and appreciate it very much. I pray God speaks to you as to the direction He would have you go as well.
Now this is another fabulous perception. Beautiful sharing, Debbie.
thanks Lux
Walking through some of the same kinds of questions that you posed and pondered so helpfully in this inspiring post. Thanks for leading my heart to gospel truth.
Oh Michele – so sorry to hear you are going through some of the similar question pondering as I am. I am praying for answers and direction for you.
Debbie, it would be nice if God gave us the answers we want as soon (or even before) we ask the questions, but He frequently grows our faith and trust in Him as we learn to wait patiently on Him, doesn’t He?
I try to remind myself of what Isaiah told us in that familiar passage (Is. 40):
30 Though youths grow weary and tired,
And vigorous young men stumble badly,
31 Yet those who wait for the Lord
Will gain new strength;
They will mount up with wings like eagles,
They will run and not get tired,
They will walk and not become weary.
May you gain new strength as you wait on Him! Blessings!
Oh yes Donna, it would be so nice if God did that, but I understand the need to grow us… especially in the areas of our trust and faith. This is one of my favorite passages in Isaiah. I especially love the idea and imagery of rising up on wings and soaring and gliding over the problems. Plus seeing from God’s perspective getting a full picture advantage.
Hey Debbie,
Don’t you love how God uses other bloggers to encourage us! What a gift!
I found your post today on Social Butterfly.
Blessings to you,
Melanie – Yes! I do how God uses other bloggers to encourage us. Thank you for taking the time to visit and leave a comment.
Fabulous post and inspiring as I rise from a fallow period in my life after years of intensity producing a documentary film and making an impact with it in the world..I was go go go for years, and then it all came to a screeching halt where I couldn’t discern what God wanted next..a dry, thirsty period!! It really got me on my knees, where God wanted me, like a little baby! I now feel a new and huge calling, wondering if it’s lemonade from lemons brewing…Great post. So glad to visit from next door at #TestimonyTuesday.. love Sarah’s blog..
Kathy – So glad that we got to be neighbors and that you stopped in for a visit. Thank you for letting me know that the post has inspired you at this time. You produced a documentary!!! How fabulous! It sounds so romantic and fun, but I know it is extremely hard work with long hours…. I have a few friends that are in the filming industry. I am so excited for you and the new – huge thing GOd has for you!! Yay, I just know it’s going to be fabulous.
Thank you for walking out your gift of encouragement–it is much needed. I am in a season of needing to plant trees and let roots grow deep from these lemons. 🙂
Chelsea – you are so welcome and thank you for stopping by and taking the time to read. I am praying for you and your season of planting trees and roots growing deep!
The hardest thing for me to do is sit and wait. Or perhaps it’s to not know if I should be still or if I should be doing. Sometimes I think that God is waiting to see what I’ll do, if I’ll trust and wait or if I’ll plow forward, like a bull in a china shop. This is the hardest thing for me. I’m a doer. I think you are too. But sometimes the things that He has in store for us aren’t ready yet. And sometimes we aren’t ready. Perhaps this is one of those times for you. I hope that you get an answer soon, I pray that you do.
Thank you so much for the mention. The shop is open. A very quiet opening as such. I know that it needed to go live, but I am still finishing the 80 pillowcases that were ordered in the last few weeks. I will get there and then I’ll announce it far and wide. I really appreciate you helping me to do that.
May you be blessed indeed! Plant trees!!!
Oh Nikki – we are so much alike. I am way better at doing that I am at be-ing – or sitting or waiting! Yep, I am a do-er – a get ‘er doner – not a wait and see. I like that you mention that maybe the things He has aren’t quite ready yet, or maybe I am not quite ready – definitely some food for thought to keep me occupied for a little while.
You are so WELCOME for mentioning your shop – I so think we should be helping each other out – champion one another whenever we can…. I love your heart and attitude to get ‘er done! Plus your pillows are beautiful too! I will be placing an order soon myself, I just have to decide which one… I think the lemon one seems appropriate – don’t you? LOL As soon as you are ready to launch big – far and wide, let me know so I can help spread the word again as well.
If God tells us we’ve got to do it, we’ve got to do it! If you go on a job interview, you have to self promote all the while trusting God to give you favor in the employer’s eyes. That’s just the way it is. I like that He gave you confirmation in three’s! That tends to be my experience as well!
I also like what Nikki said in the comment above, that sometimes what God has in store for us isn’t ready yet or that He knows we aren’t ready yet. I’ve been living that “waiting life” for quite some time, and I think that it’s because of both things that Nikki mentioned. You might be interested in one of my old blog posts:
Hang in there sister! God is working behind the scenes, and it is a masterpiece you cannot imagine, to be revealed in His perfect timing!
Ruth – such a great point.. I hadn’t quite thought about selling ourselves/self promoting in job interviews, but we do exactly that and we don’t feel bad about it at all, nor should we! Hahaha thanks for that 🙂 Yes, I am so glad I got my confirmation in three’s, there was definitely no denying it, when that happens. Thanks for the link to your old post I will go check it out. I too appreciated very much what Nikki said as well, and have been thinking on it. Thanks for the encouragement, it helps while I am hanging on. I know God is working on our behalf – it’s going to be exciting to see just what He does. Blessings
Waiting is so so hard. Lemons into lemonade….that’s what helps me be hopeful etc. Blessed to be your neighbor at Coffee for your Heart today.
Yes, the waiting is the worst part… but I am at peace in the midst of it.
Debbie! As I read your words I feel as if I’ve known you for years. I can feel your heart through your writing which is awesome. My husband and I also have been praying for direction and it seems the weeks pass by without knowing. Sometimes I do wish God would just tell us what to do, do much more simple. Hmmm. Maybe He does want us to be creative, like Him. Like Father, like daughter – cool! I’m praying for you as you walk out in faith, to go boldly where Debbie may not have gone before. ~ lol ~ Here’s to trusting in God no matter what, my friend. You are not alone. Be blessed and thanks for linking up yesterday at #TeaAndWord!
Thank you Meghan! Oh yes, I fully believe God wants us to be creative – He is creative and we are made in His image! We each are creative in our own way because we are all unique. I’m sorry that you and your husband are in a season like ours and praying for direction and guidance and God is silent… but it times like this that we grow….right? even though it doesn’t always feel the best to “not know” we are still pressing and leaning in to God and each other, which strengthens our marriage too. I will be praying for you as you too wait on God to speak. I am so glad I am not alone and thank you for your encouragement and reassurance. It helps a lot. Oh, and I too feel like I’ve known you forever. I am so glad I found your blog and enjoy reading your words too… it’s such a God thing that even though we have never met God is doing something to connect us past just reading each others blogs! I hope one day we get the chance to meet face to face, but until then, know I am in your corner cheering you on and enjoying your words as well! Blessings.
Debbie, it sounds like God has some great things in store for you to do. 🙂 Waiting is hard, but God is still there in the waiting teaching us to trust and be ready. Blessings to you and may God give you wisdom! Thanks for sharing at #LMMLinkup!
Gayl -yes, the waiting is defeintely hard, but absolutely God is still there! Thank you Jesus that He is, or I might be a basket-case LOL. Thank you so much for your blessings and I am believing God’s wisdom will arrive right when we need it 🙂