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As I prepared to write this post, I saw several news stories cross my social media feed (Monday evening). Enough to make me ask my husband what was going on. He always has the news on somewhere in the house. He explained to me that there was yet another act of terrorism in a public setting with a tragic ending for many people.
It’s at times like this that ALL I want to do is ask Why?
Why God? Why did this happen?
It’s human nature to ask “why”, it starts almost as soon as we can talk.
As a child, I wanted an explanation for everything, just ask my mom. She would tell me to do something and I would ask Why? She would explain it and I would ask why about something in her explanation.
I am sure I was exasperating as a child, but I simply wanted to know Why!
I could always tell when I had crossed the line in asking “why” too many times, she would come back with, “Because I said so, or I told you so.”
Uh oh, now I was in for it.
That’s ok, because, my kids, especially my daughter did the exact same thing to me. Sorry mom.
We however, do the same thing to God.
When tragedy strikes, when things don’t go our way, or they don’t work out the way we had hoped, we are left with questions and so we cry out to God. Sometimes with a sincere heart and sometimes with a whiney, I demand my way attitude.
But God, I want to know why?
Why do bad things happen?
Why didn’t God stop this from happening?
Why did they leave me?
Why do they not like me?
Why did I not get the job, the raise, the house, or _____ ? (fill in the blank).
I’ve always heard that we are not to ask God “why”, but rather, we are to ask:
“What can I learn from this?”
“What do I need to do?”
Warren Wiersbe once said “We live by God’s promises, not by God’s explanations”.
As a child of God, trust is an integral part of our walk with God.
If we don’t trust, then it is hard to have faith and belief.
If we don’t trust, then we demand explanations, instead of leaning into His promises.
Scripture tells us that without faith it is impossible to please God.
Yet, how are we to live by God’s promises, when all we want is explanations.
We turn to His Word.
We trust in His promises.
We don’t give up hope.
“Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see.” Hebrews 11:1 (NLT)
As the WHY questions burned in my mind and heart all night long, I kept hearing these lyrics of a hymn I sang growing up in church:
King David knew what it meant to lean into the arms of God and be at peace in the midst of the chaos and storms. I don’t have the answers that will calm my heart or ease my mind, but I can lean into God and trust in the Promises of His Word.
I will bless the LORD at all times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth. Psalms 34:1
Join me and others around the world as we continue to pray for Manchester.
Again Welcome and Thank you for joining me for #TuneInThursday it is an honor to have you here!
I have had a few people ask for a badge/button to display on your blogs. I would absolutely be honored if you would display it, or link back here in some way. Thank you!
Now let’s get this party started, feel free to link 1-3 posts:
Thanks for linking up this week, have a wonderful Memorial Day Weekend and remember to take time to honor those who gave their lives for our freedom.
I will see you next week for #TuneInThursday with a survey. Until then I enjoy time with family and friends this holiday weekend.
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Do you wonder if God still speaks today? Do you wonder if He would ever speak to you personally? Do you long to hear the voice of God in your life?
Have your read other books on hearing from God, but long for hands on practical application? or are you looking for ways to move you forward hearing from God?
If you answered YES to any of those questions, then I have exactly what you need. I now have an online e-course designed to equip you in understanding that God still speaks today, and He longs to speak directly to you, through His word, and others. He longs to encourage you, strengthen you and comfort you. The training on this site, is fully based on Scripture, and taken from my training manual Releasing God’s heart through Hearing His Voice.
I have been teaching these classes internationally for the last 10+ years equipping and training believers in discerning the Ways God speaks. God is speaking, Can you Hear Him?
2. My new membership site, d2htrainging.com has official opened, I invite you to check it out today, and develop a deeper relationship with the Lord, as you learn to hear Him speak to your heart.
Looking for other Great Inspirational Parties. Click Here to see where I Link-Up weekly.
Several Submissions have been featured at Blessed Transgressions, an Online Magazine:
Balancing the Warrior & the Princess We’re Called to Be
Trusting God When it Seems Illogical
Will You Sit with Me? (Jesus is Calling.)
My Post “Climb Every Mountain” was featured in the August monthly link-up at : Life on Intention Link-up Party
My Post: The Power of your Story was featured here:
My Post “What’s in a Name?” was featured here:
My Post: “Will You Sit with Me?” was featured here:
My Post: “The Journey through Change” was featured here:
Again, I have been know to link to the following Inspirational Parties:
Hi Debbie, I like that We live on His promises not explanations. God knows all things even before they happen. The end from beginning.
Thank you for your faithfulness here.
God bless
Hi Ifeoma! You are so right – God knows it all before it even occurs… that has helped me more times than not as I push through and get my eyes on Him. Thanks for stopping by – God’s Blessings to you as well.
Thanks for the encouragement to press into faith.
I heard someone (John Piper maybe??) say that the question our hearts need to ask is this: Why not? Life on a fallen planet is full of disaster and sorrow. I never think to ask why when I receive a blessing. We take so much for granted.
I’m always thankful for your thought-provoking writing, Debbie.
Have a great weekend!
Michele, I have a note in the margin somewhere in the OT book of Job….”why not me?”
Oh God.
Yes, Lord.
Oh man Susan and Michele – I guess, I need to add this phrase to my journal and Bible as well…. it’s funny cause, I have heard it before, but I guess I didn’t want to admit it is a stance I need to accept as well. You both challenge and inspire me.. thanks ladies 🙂
Michele – that is a good point and I think I too have heard that, but had forgotten that thought. You also make a great point – we don’t often ask Why when we receive blessings thanks so much for sharing your thoughts today – I so appreciate you linking up faithfully each week! You have a great weekend as well.
Ugh! I have so many WHYS! You are so right though and I’m choosing, yet again today, to trust God with the outcome. Thanks Deb.
Oh Patti – you are not alone – I have so many WHYS too 🙂 I choose daily to trust 🙂
Ya know Deb, I hate all this horror, death, violence HATE IT. Yet, we live in a fallen, sinful world and the only peace this world is going to see? REAL PEACE? Is when Jesus sets His righteous, holy foot down on the mount of Olives … THEN we will live in peace with Him on the throne. #secondcoming Yes, Lord.
Susan – I so completely agree with you on all of it! No Jesus – No Peace – KNOW Jesus KNOW Peace! Thanks for sharing and reminding us all to look beyond today into whats to come.
When tragedy strikes it is almost impossible not to ask why. Prayers for Manchester. Thank you for hosting. Have a lovely holiday weekend.
Thank you Jas. Yes, it is hard sometimes not to ask the why, even when we know we shouldn’t. I am so looking forward to what delicious recipe you linked up today. Thanks for stopping by and enjoy your weekend as well.
I remember singing that hymn a lot as I was growing up. It’s true, we do need to learn to trust and lean on Him no matter what the circumstances.
Blessings to you!
Gayl – Yes, we do need to learn and trust in Him no matter the circumstances and I am so glad I am not the only one who remembers singing that hymn 🙂 Blessings to you as well
I am praying for Manchester too. Such sadness. 🙁 It’s human nature to ask why; I’m glad God understands our desire to know. But I’m also glad that he gives us grace to trust him even when we don’t understand. Thanks for sharing this, Debbie.
Oh Lisa – yes, it is our human nature isn’t it. and it’s sad – so very sad. I am so grateful to God’s amazing grace that He extends to us even when we don’t understand and are searching for the answers. Thanks for linking up and leaving a comment too. 🙂
Choosing to obey (his precepts, his word) is the beginning of trust.
I’m currently in the middle of a bible study where this point really is the crux of the matter – for if we’re not obeying which leads to trusting and increasing our faith we are being disobedient which leads to rebellion.
Anyhow – Thanks for this encouraging word.
Nylse – You are so right – One of my favorite Scriptures is in 1 Samuel when Samuel says to Saul – “…Obedience is better than sacrifice.” I teach in my classes that obedience and trust go hand in hand – you can’t really do one without the other very successfully. Glad to see you back linking up, and thanks for sharing what you have been studying lately.
Dear Debbie,
Thanks for your encouragement here today. I am so thankful that even when I do ask those “why” questions, Jesus just pulls me close and lets me know that HE is with us through it all. We learn HIS compassion, & can share it with others, when we rest the why’s at His feet. Thanks for the great link-up every week here!
Bettie – you are most welcome, I am so glad you were encouraged today! I like that phrase – “rest the why’s at His feet.” thanks for sharing your thoughts with me today 🙂
This is a good message today. I love that song too. My heart is heavy when I think of the unknown whys but when I get my eyes on His love somehow it changes. So daily I have to turn my eyes to Him, as well have to choose to or not each day. Thanks for this friend.
You are so very welcome Meg — and I too have the need to turn my eyes toward Him daily, sometimes its more hourly or minute by minute. I so appreciate you taking the time to leave a comment today and linking up as well. Blessings
I hope you have a fabulous week — can you believe next week is June, already?
Hi Lisa – thanks you have an awesome week and weekend too – and no, it’s hard to believe June is just a few short days away but it is almost here and our weather is finally warm… yay
Debbie- I love the perspective change from “why” to “what can I learn?” There’s a lesson in each hard thing that happens to us!
Thank you for this reminder!
Julie- yes, I agree there is a lesson to be learned in anything that happens, but you make a good point – there is a lesson especially in the hard things as well. You are most welcome for the reminder.
Thank you for hosting and inviting me to your blog. Enjoy your holiday!
So glad you could join me and linkup tonight. Thanks for doing so and you have a great holiday as well.
Yes, praying for Manchester. I know for me when I find myself crying out to God, – why God – I find him.
I may not get the answer why but in the process I find him and the answer doesn’t really matter.
Maree – that is so good and such a great point – God always responds to our cries to Him, even if it isn’t the answer we are looking for… He is still faithful to respond. Blessings to you
Thanks for hosting and very interesting words as usual. Your blog always makes me stop and think.
Thanks Patrick – I always enjoy when you stop by and link up. Looking forward to your adventure this week. And I am glad I get you to thinking and seeking 🙂
Wonderful post, Debbie! Thank you! We still sing that song. I especially love the phrase, “I have blessed peace with my Lord so near.”
Thank you Julie! I am so glad you still sing that sone and yes, that is such a good line and brings me peace know He is always near! Thanks for sharing and commenting
Hello Debbie. I am a Brit living in the USA. We arrived in London on the night of the attack in Manchester. It’s horrendous but I’ve been amazed at the strength of the people affected. Thank you for praying. We certainly need to hold onto God’s promises.
Rachel – I can not even begin to comprehend what it must have been like arriving or witnessing the events in the days to follow, but I am so very glad that the people are being strong. You’re welcome for the prayers – thanks for sharing your thoughts 🙂