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Thank you everyone who emailed, and messaged to let me know my site was down over the last 4 days. I did know right away when it happened, and it was a long 4 days praying for it to come back online. Just in time for the Linkup.
I am so excited for this Summers Tune In Thursday Guest Blogs! Y’all, are in for a special treat, as we have some very special guests joining us over the summer each week.
Today’s guest is Pam Ecrement. I love how Pam can unpack a topic and bring such wonderful insight. I enjoy visiting her site to see all the beautiful images she has taken in her gallery too. She is not only gifted with words, but she has a creative eye with photography as well. Pam is currently working on the final edits of a book project herself (Boy do I know how that feels), so I am honored that she had the time to write a piece to share with us this week.
Thank you Pam, for sharing your wisdom with us today at Tune In Thursday. I encourage you to leave comments below for Pam, and don’t forget to link up your posts below.
Enjoy and Blessings,
“Pam is a retired Marriage and Family Therapist, wife of more than 50 years, mother of two, and grandmother of six. Her passion (whether through words or photography) is to help others gain a glimpse of something about the Lord, themselves, or the world they may have missed and gain a deeper understanding of the Lord’s goodness and grace.”
Connect with Pam on Social Media at:
Twitter: @pamecrement
Seeing Through a Glass Darkly
Guest Post by: Pam Ecrement
When you read the title of this post most of you will recall it appears in 1 Corinthians 13:12. The verse reads:
“For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.” 1 Cor. 13:12 (KJV)
It comes in the well-known chapter Paul writes about love and whatever translation we choose, it serves as a reminder that we do not see well now.
We know that, but we can also get stuck. We can get stuck because sometimes we just want answers because the lack of answers or those that make no sense to us are intolerable. We can also get stuck because in the absence of light to see everything clearly, we can add things. We add things many times because we see a pattern or at least a part of a pattern. Sometimes we add things on the positive view of God or the situation and sometimes we add negative things on our view of Him.
We’re looking for clues to help us discover missing pieces of information. What we may not know is whether or not we have all the clues needed to solve the mystery we seek to uncover.
As we integrate the clues we get more of the pattern. This skill and habit is one we use in various places in our lives. We want to know, to make sense out of our experience. We integrate clue after clue to see more of a pattern.
I was challenged to consider this paradigm after reading Esther Meek’s book, Learning to Know. She gives a perfect example of how this works so let me quote her since I cannot state it any better.
“We look at a sliver of moon and surmise that we’re seeing part of an orb, not all of a crescent. Part of an orb, not all of a crescent! The crucial difference is that we see the empty space as something hidden. To see that an empty space is really a hidden portion is to give meaning to that space in light of the larger pattern.”
After reading this example, I realized how many simple acts of perception result in me determining something hidden and giving a certain level of significance to it. Patterns help us make sense of things.
If this is true (and I believe Esther Meeks is right), then how can I apply that to 1 Cor. 13:12?
I have no false illusions that I can add up clues and then see clearly versus through a glass darkly. But I think there are some things that can adjust what I see to improve the focus.
It depends on the lens I am using. As a believer, the Bible is the lens I have that is most reliable.
The crucial key to using the lens of the Bible is whether I use my experience to interpret the Bible or use the Bible to interpret my experience.
If I use my experience to interpret the Bible I will use filters based on those experiences. Those will color everything and might skew the truth of the scripture. Only if I use the truth of the Bible to interpret my experiences will I have the best possible lens.
If you and I are honest, we fall prey to using the filters. If we have a harsh, distant, or abusive father, it is hard to read about our loving, merciful, and gracious God. We see through a glass darkly.
If you or I have not known anguish, failure, or deep sin, we may be tempted to see David’s psalms as somewhat melodramatic as he cries out to God.
You and I cannot make up our own truth even if we look at possibilities that are ripe with promise. Possibilities look to the future and somehow the future often surprises us.
For as long as you and I walk this earth, we will see through a glass darkly, but I am persuaded that if I invest time using the Bible as the lens to interpret my lived experiences I will gain a better glimpse, a better clue, of the things that remain hidden.
I love how Esther Meeks stated it:
“To know God is to know the climax of history. To know God is to sense possibilities of future manifestations on the grandest of scales.”
You and I make choices every day that affect whether we improve our sight or have our sight become dim. Perhaps if we grasp the truth that He gave us the Bible to help us know, to enable to see better, we will make wiser choices. Then we will use it to interpret our daily living. If so, even though the glass remains darkened, greater light will reflect on and into it.
Again Welcome and Thank you for joining me for #TuneInThursday it is an honor to have you here!
I have had a few people ask for a badge/button to display on your blogs. I would absolutely be honored if you would display it, or link back here in some way. Thank you!
Now let’s get this party started, feel free to link 1-3 posts:

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Do you wonder if God still speaks today? Do you wonder if He would ever speak to you personally? Do you long to hear the voice of God in your life?
Have your read other books on hearing from God, but long for hands on practical application? or are you looking for ways to move you forward hearing from God?
If you answered YES to any of those questions, then I have exactly what you need. I now have an online e-course designed to equip you in understanding that God still speaks today, and He longs to speak directly to you, through His word, and others. He longs to encourage you, strengthen you and comfort you. The training on this site, is fully based on Scripture, and taken from my training manual Releasing God’s heart through Hearing His Voice.
I have been teaching these classes internationally for the last 10+ years equipping and training believers in discerning the Ways God speaks. God is speaking, Can you Hear Him?
2. My new membership site, d2htrainging.com has official opened, I invite you to check it out today, and develop a deeper relationship with the Lord, as you learn to hear Him speak to your heart.
Looking for other Great Inspirational Parties. Click Here to see where I Link-Up weekly.
Several Submissions have been featured at Blessed Transgressions, an Online Magazine:
Balancing the Warrior & the Princess We’re Called to Be
Trusting God When it Seems Illogical
Will You Sit with Me? (Jesus is Calling.)
My Post “Climb Every Mountain” was featured in the August monthly link-up at : Life on Intention Link-up Party
My Post: The Power of your Story was featured here:
My Post “What’s in a Name?” was featured here:
My Post: “Will You Sit with Me?” was featured here:
My Post: “The Journey through Change” was featured here:
Again, I have been know to link to the following Inspirational Parties:
I sat at my dining room table yesterday with a woman whose faith was nearly destroyed by a legalistic mother who handed her a lens of fear and dread of God. I see the truth of your words in my own life, and so appreciate this added depth to that familiar (and much loved) verse.
So great to see your words here today, Pam — and thanks Debbie for your hard work this summer in recruiting, scheduling, and hosting this linkup and these wonderful guest posts.
Those lenses handed down early in our lives are especially difficult to eliminate. I had a few of those and I was blessed to have someone walk with me till I could see the truth more clearly. How blessed this woman was to find a listening ear in you, Michele! Have a God-kissed day!
Oh Michele, you are so very welcome. It has been fun having all you wonderful ladies beings guests here over the summer, it’s been so fun, and definitely something I am considering doing next year, but with way more planning and organization to it .. aka in advance. I am so glad you enjoyed Pam’s post this week.
I enjoy Pam’s photography too and her blog header makes me want to go sit at her table for a meal. Wonderful post today.
Thanks for the link up Debbie.
Thanks, Pat, I would love to have you sit at that table and get to know one another better. I wish that table was actually at my home!! I took the photo while we were on a vacation a few summers ago. The resort had set the table outside for an event and it was so beautiful that I could not resist trying to capture it with my camera. Thanks for visiting me at Debbie’s and your kind comments. Have a blessed day!
Patti, I feel the same way every time I see her table picture. No wonder we get along so well.
The crescent/orb example is so appropriate for this eclipse-filled week!
Thanks, Lisa! God has a way of bringing coincidences about. When I wrote this, the eclipse was not on my mind, but it does work well on this particular week. Have a great day!
Lisa, it certainly was appropriate wasn’t it…. so funny, because God totally orchestrated that one, not me. Blessings
Pam, I am most grateful to have read your words. We so want to make sense of life’s circumstances when they are difficult and yet, truly they will only make sense to us through the lens of eternity. Thank you for reminding me today that while I may yet see dimly,He sees all things clearly. Blessings!
Thanks, Joanne, for your kind reflection here. I think we humans will always seek to make sense out of things. I am sure the Lord knows that, but also wants us to be reassured we can rest in Him. I love a new phrase our pastor has used in a recent sermon series to describe the place…”rest/trust”. I think that is it. The challenge is to get there and then not be distracted by those pesky circumstances.
Joanne – Pam’s post is an excellent reminder that God vision is clear all the time, even when ours is not. Thank you for being here this week.
Amen, Pam! Thanks for the reminder to view life through the lens of the Bible rather than our experiences. I don’t want a wrong interpretation.
Nice to meet you, Kelly! It can be easy to forget that we don’t have all the information and then sometimes fill in the gaps as if we do. How blessed we are that God gave us His Word so we would have a map to follow and focus on. Blessings on your day!
The lens of the Bible is the most important lens isn’t it? I am so grateful to the reminder… that my perceived truth is not necessarily the truth as God sees it. 🙂
Pam, I hadn’t considered the difference it makes knowing we aren’t seeing a sliver of the moon but know part of it is hidden. A great picture of the spiritual world. Love you, my friend.
Hi, sweet friend! I loved that illustration from Esther Meek’s book as well. It’s one of those word pictures that tucked itself in my mind as a footnote to look back on many times. Have a beautiful day!! Hope the book is going well!!
Debbie, that is a great revelation isn’t it. It’s such a great visual of the spiritual world for certain.
Pam, I’ve had to remove lots of dark filters as a child of divorce. With God’s help, I’m seeing the world through the lens of grace. Thank you for this encouragement!
Isn’t the Lord incredibly gracious to gently move in our lives to changes the lenses and help us see the truth more clearly? Blessings on your day!
Oh Sarah, I like that, seeing through the lens of grace. I am so glad that God’s grace has helped you bring clarity to the dark filters of divorce. Blessings
I pray clear lens and bright light!!!
Amen! Amen, my friend!! Hugs to you!!
Me too, bright and crystal clear!
This post is even more pertinent this week in light (or dark!) of the eclipse we just had. Just because we don’t see the whole picture doesn’t mean it’s not there. God is complete in his work in our lives, whether or not we understand. Thanks for your insights, Pam! They’re always good.
Thanks, Lisa! I also love that I wrote this post before all the excitement about the eclipse this week and the timing seems so poignant now. Always a joy to read your comments, my friend!
Lisa, isn’t it great how the Lord orchestrates these things. At the time I assigned Pam her date, I had no idea what she was going to write about. I thought it was fitting for the week of the eclipse!
Thank you for hosting. I look forward to visiting each week. Have a blessed day!
Great to see you, Marilyn! Good to hear that you visit regularly????
marilyn, you are so welcome. I look forward to your visiting and linking up your recipes too 🙂
I fall prey too often to letting my experiences interpret the Bible! Thanks for a great reminder!
Thanks, Roseann, for being so open. It can happen easily and especially when something is in crisis or wounding us, or prayers seem not to be heard. Thanks for stopping by and for your encouragement. Blessings on your weekend!
Roseann, Pam is so right, it can happen to easily, and if we are all truthful, we have probably done it in some area of our life before. The Big thing, is we need to recognize it, and repent asking God for his lens. thanks for being here this week.
I often let my experiences interpret the Bible too. I need to choose the Bible more. Thanks for pointing this out!
Hi Julie! I think we have all done that. When it becomes a habit, I think we start missing some of the truth the Lord wants to speak into our lives and situation. Have a blessed weekend!
Julie, I think we are all guilty of allowing our experiences to interpret things for us, rather than the Bible. so you are not alone. It is a good reminder isn’t it. 🙂
Very nice post. I am the “Doubting Thomas” in the Bible. I see things that have happened in my life since birth that really makes me wonder if there is a God or not. But then I figure I am still upright, so it makes me believe.
Thanks for hosting and have wonderful weekend.
Thanks, Patrick! Just don’t forget how much Jesus loved Thomas! He made sure his faith was strengthened after the resurrection and I don’t see any condemnation in His response to Thomas. Have a blessed weekend!
Patrick – I am sorry for the things in your life that caused you to wonder or to doubt God. I think it is important that we all need to remember that we have an enemy that is out to “kill, steal, and destroy us” However, God will take the things the enemy intended for harm, and He will redeem them! I am so glad you have overcome and still believe, I pray you had a great weekend.
Thank you for your wise words and the reminder we don’t see things clearly when we apply the wrong filter. I think we naturally apply the filter of our life experiences and we do need to be careful with doing that. You have given me much to ponder. I do want to apply the filter of God’s word.
Hi Maree Dee! You’re right! We do naturally use filters from our life experiences and all of us do it to some degree. I am not sure we can totally separate our lived experiences from it, but I know that when I do I miss the very truth He often wants to speak into my life. Sometimes I miss His encouragement or comfort and sometimes I miss His conviction that He offers so I will stay on the path He has laid before me. Have a God-kissed weekend!
Maree – Pam’s words gave me a lot to mull over and ponder as well. You are so right, we must be careful to not just allow our life situation or circumstances to apply filters to our lenses. So very glad you were able to stop in this week. Blessings to you.
It’s easy to see when someone else has an unbiblical lens, but numerous things can make it difficult for us to see our own bad filters. Thanks for reminding us that we need to make Scripture the lens through which we view life and the world.
Thanks for hosting, Debbie.
Hi Donna! You’re so right! Our own filters are often ones we have had for such a long time that we do not even recognize that we have filters at all. I think that is why Scripture needs to be a steady consistent diet. I think it is also why we need community so that others can be used by the Lord and HIs Word to help us see what we have missed. Have a blessed weekend!
Donna – that is so true! How often is it that something in someone else, bugs me, only to have my family or friends point out to me that I do the same thing .. yikes. Thanks for being faithful and being here every week.
Pam, great truth here. Thank you for the encouragement! Blessings to you!
Stacey – I so agree with you – there was much truth and encouragement in Pam’s post. Blessings to you as well.
It’s always good to look at life with Jesus as the lens. 🙂
Yes Lux it indeed is.